Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

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Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Post by Danguinius » Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:23 am

Greetings, my name is Danguinius and I`m thinking about organizing a small WarmaHordes tournament on the second day of Nagoyahammer. Before I commit to this, I want to get some feedback about a few things.

First let me say that I love PP games and now I play them far more than I play games from that other company. My knowledge of the game has expanded exponentially in the last year, but I`m not 100% confident to be To or judge. But I guess if I go ahead with this plan, I have a few months to study up.

I also want to say that I would like to play in this tournament if possible. I like to play WarmaHordes. If we have a prize, I`ll play but will be incapable of winning the championship. If there is no prize, I`ll play Page 5 style and stomp a mudhole...hee, hee, just kidding. Also, I want to do this so (another) tall organizer can actually play some games at Nagoyahammer (for a change).

Here it is in English and Japanese:

Name: The Big Throw Down.
Event: Warmachine & Hordes (mini) Tournament
Players: 8 people (possibly open to more players if there is a lot of interest).
Rules: 35-point list (so, one warcaster/warlock, no character restrictions, and no reinforcements). 3 rounds, Swiss draw. Deathclock (70 minutes!). All missions will be variants of missions from the 2012 Steamroller missions (and all three missions will have three win/lose conditions: scenario, assassination, time out).
Conditions: Miniatures mostly painted or most miniatures fully painted.
Other Info: Players must bring their own cards, templates, minis, timer (for Deathclock), rulebooks, dice, and 4 printed out copies of thier list.
Contact People: Daniel (“Danguinius”), Stu (“Primarch”)

イベント名:ビッグ スローダウン




Last edited by Danguinius on Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Post by Colonel Voss » Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:51 am

I can probably do it. I need to flesh out my Khador some more before hand though. It's a bit gear heavy. One question, is it going to just be one list the entire time or is it going to be a multi-caster tournament?
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Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Post by me_in_japan » Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:21 pm

I'd be quite keen. I'm a pretty inexperienced warmahordes player, with maybe a half dozen games played, so I'd be entering with a view to getting some experience rather than any real hope of being competitive, but anyway, I'd be up for it :)

One proviso is that my wife and I are expecting a baby mid feb. I've been given the go ahead to attend Naghammer, but opinions may change between now and then. As it stands at the moment, tho, I'm good to go.
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Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Post by The Underdweller » Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:30 pm

I'd like to play! I can definitely do 35 points of Menoth, although I've never played more than 26.

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Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Post by Danguinius » Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:12 am

Underdweller, Col Voss, MIJ,

Thank you for your responses - all very quick, too. It looks like so far we have 3 players (+ me and most likely Prim). Everyone can do 35 points, but maybe the multiple list (and therefore character restrictions) are out. How do people feel about "deathclock"? I prefer it to timed turns and it`s way better than unlimited time.

What is "deathclock". In a nutshell, each player has a timer. In 35 point games, players usually start their battles with 40 minutes on their timers...though if everyone is a little light on experience, we could just as easily use 50 minutes (or even 60). When you start your turn, you start the timer. When you finish activating your last model and any end-of-turn effects, you stop the timer. If you take a three-minute turn, fine. If you take twenty minutes to do everything in one turn, that`s fine too. But, if you have no time left on your clock, you lose the game automatically (ahead of assassination or scenario). Deathclock is a great way to speed up the game (my group usually does 35 point battles in 1 hour to 90 we can get more games in!), prevent stalling or running your caster away from the fight, and generally add a little pressure to each turn.

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Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Post by Primarch » Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:27 am

Sounds like fun!
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Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Post by me_in_japan » Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:01 am

Sounds like a sure fire way to doom me to an ignominious end by time-out.

Ah heck, count me in :D
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Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Post by Danguinius » Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:33 am

Sounds like we have some good responses/reactions for deathclock. If players are worried about running out of time, we will use a little more time than usual (my gaming group used 60 minutes for 35 point games at first, until we got used to it). If you are still worried about running out of time, I`d suggest using warjacks and full units of infantry; you can activate a ten-point unit a lot faster than five 2 point solos!

Thanks again to everyone for the immediate and positive feedback. Anyone else who wants to respond or ask questions or make some comments about my four points (in thefirst post), please feel free! It looks like we have 5 players already, and I`d love to add a few more!

Just out of curiosity, what does everyone play? (Don`t tell me what caster - keep that a secret until Nagoyahammer)

Danguinius - Cygnar...I have even more Trollbloods, but they are about half-painted currently.

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Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Post by Colonel Voss » Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:29 am

deathclock sounds interesting. I'm game. But it will have to be one list then, no way I could digest two or more on a deathclock
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Re: Day #2 WarmaHordes Mini Tournament

Post by me_in_japan » Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:30 pm

MiJ - evil cryx 'o death :D
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