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Napoleonic Poll (28mm primarily)

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:39 am
by Primarch
I think that all of us who have played Black Powder agree that the big games we have played so far have been fun. However, even our biggest game so far would probably only rate as a minor battle in terms of historical conflicts. As I am sure you are all aware, I have a habit of getting a little carried away when it comes to buying minis and building armies. So, as much as I would like to build the entirety of the British armed forces in 28mm, I figured that it would be a good idea to ask everyone else what they imagine they will do before I sink millions of yen and thousands of hours into a one-man project.
So, what do you think will be your upper limit in collecting for this, or indeed any other period?

Thanks for your time.

Re: Napoleonic Poll (28mm primarily)

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:34 am
by Lovejoy
I voted for the second option, because I already have 6 or so units (3 infantry and 3 Cav, and a couple of cannon, some of which aren't painted), and that's probably going to be it, because I'm very aware that it's not nearly enough and even if I keep adding it never will be. As I said at another stage, even getting those ready was a bit of an uphill struggle. Last game of BP I played, even this amount was pretty tiny in comparison to everyone elses collection - that was a bit disheartening! So reluctantly, my Nap intentions are frozen for the moment, not unlike a retreating army.

Re: Napoleonic Poll (28mm primarily)

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:56 am
by job
Good question.

I'm working now so my simple input.

Best games are brigade level. Very quick and clean.

I think a division is a lot of models.

After a division I think it would be nice to only do fun projects one at a time. (Unless your mate dumps a heap of models for a great price. :D )

Edit: Currently I stand at 11 regiments of infantry (2 Guard) and 4 regiments of calvary (1 cuirassier) and 6 batteries. I expect 5 of the regiments need paint and work. It will be a lot work and keep me busy for some time. If I can get past those, I might pick up some interesting regiments like doing some perry Old Guard, Young Guard, Nassau, Portuguese Legion, Confederation of the Rhine, Poles or other minor factions. I might also be tempted by Guard calvary or simple Chasseur calvary.

Re: Napoleonic Poll (28mm primarily)

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:47 am
by Primarch
Some logical responses there. Ah well. It looks like my dream of refighting the entirety of the Napoleonic Wars is doomed. Damn reality, it's so boring. :D
Ah well, I can still go overboard on my AZW project.

Re: Napoleonic Poll (28mm primarily)

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:11 am
by komura
@Prim Thank you for raising this pull.

For me, brigade level is easy to building my Austrian.
Now, as you see at last game, I have 10 battalion,
24 infantry miniatures each, for my Austrian.
I'm going to adding 6 artilleries & 4 cavalries as reinforcement.