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Flames of War at Winter Blitz

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:46 pm
by Mike the Pike
Well, the mighty Primarch has announced his latest dastardly plan, code-named "Winter Blitz" (check out details on the appropriate forum). Basically, this a free play event for any system/game/TTG/ except WFB and 40K. It sounds like it should be a blast.

However, space is limited so Primarch has decreed "Depending on how many people want to play, you may be able to have 2 tables. See how much interest there is in the game first".

I'll be there with my 4 armies and will be more than happy to lend them to anyone who wants to try out the game (Madmiral that means you). I will also have the terrain, templates, rules etc too so if you wanna play, all you need to do is turn up. That said, to the guys with armies, this is a great opportunity to get out of the house on a winter's day and come roll some dice.

You don't have to commit to the whole day, that's the beauty of this event, there are tons of other cool games to play too. So who's in?

Re: Flames of War at Winter Blitz

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:34 am
by Primarch
FoW is a fun game with a ruleset that will appear familiar to 40k players. (especially 4th ed). If you havent tried it yet, but like the look of it, this is a perfect opportunity.

Re: Flames of War at Winter Blitz

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:47 am
by Mike the Pike
Games will be slightly smaller than the usual 1750pts (probably 750-ish) as space is at a premium. We can also get in a lot more games with the smaller format.

By the way, I am toying with the idea of running a larger scale event in February, here in Toyohashi (about 45/50mins from downtown Nagoya). This would be an all day, 1750pts a side game day. Who would be interested in tha? Tentative title would be "A Bountiful Bridge Too Far"

Re: Flames of War at Winter Blitz

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:42 am
by Primarch
Well I'm in. Toyohashi isnt that far I guess.

Re: Flames of War at Winter Blitz

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:16 am
by ashmie
Totally interested as my current force of Red caps are around 750 at the moment.
I'll paint what I have and be there.

Re: Flames of War at Winter Blitz

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 12:07 pm
by The Other Dave
I'm always up for FoW, both at the Winter Blitz and if you put something together in Toyohashi.

Re: Flames of War at Winter Blitz

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:30 pm
by job
I'm in for both events if possible. I don't see a date for either event though so if that can be planned I could schedule it into my planner. Also because the dates are further down the road, I'll set about again trying to get my Americans over so we have extra armies on the side.
750-1000 point games are a blast and can be easily played on a 4x4 table. Actually we had one tournament in the States with just 4x4 tables, 1000pt armies. A bit "arcade style" fighting. Quick, fast and fun. There is also a mission from 1st ed. called "Deep Reconnaissance" specifically designed for 750-point games.

I'd love to come out and see Toyohashi if I can ever set down the dice once I've started. Again, I'm not sure how the work schedule will be down the road, so I'll report in again.

Oh, and as a FOW addict, any chance I can get a 'fix' before January? I'm already developing weird nervous ticks, erratic behaviors, and drool insatiably every time I get near any of my models or see any number of dice. (Is this something I should see the doc about?)

Re: Flames of War at Winter Blitz

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:40 am
by ashmie
I got an awesome gift from a friend back home this Christmas. British anti tank paras. I'll be painting them for Winter Blitz.

Re: Flames of War at Winter Blitz

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:11 am
by job
Nice Ashmie. I hope to be battling them soon.

By the way, is this thing a go? I'd like to know because I have more flexibility with my work and girlfriend schedule if I can plan ahead of time.

And Mike, if you are going to bring us Bountiful Bridge Too Far, do you have a date in mind? I have to submit a schedule for Feb. soon, so if I know when your event will be I might be able arrange time.

Re: Flames of War at Winter Blitz

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:12 am
by Primarch
job wrote:By the way, is this thing a go? I'd like to know because I have more flexibility with my work and girlfriend schedule if I can plan ahead of time.
Jan 30th there will definitely be a table put aside for FOW if you, Ash and Pikey want one. I will bring along my ruined buildings and what not as well, though I wont be playing. Doors open at 9:30, same place as Pikey held his FOW event.