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Re: The Mountain King!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:43 am
by Danguinius
Well put, Col Voss. Well, in a year, the Circle Gargantuan will also be out. I don`t know what style Circle army you are constructing, but if your main warcasters are Baldur, Mohsar, or may thinking about including the upcoming monstrous 120 mm base Wold. We could have a war of the rocks: Woldwraith vs. Mountain King!

BTW, I told a friend of mine - and fellow Khador player - that someone might use Zerkova in the tournie...and he was dumbstruck! Finally, he responded, "Wow!" So, I`m guess he is not a member of the "Won with Zerkova" club.


Re: The Mountain King!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:09 am
by Colonel Voss
Danguinius wrote:Well put, Col Voss. Well, in a year, the Circle Gargantuan will also be out. I don`t know what style Circle army you are constructing, but if your main warcasters are Baldur, Mohsar, or may thinking about including the upcoming monstrous 120 mm base Wold. We could have a war of the rocks: Woldwraith vs. Mountain King!

BTW, I told a friend of mine - and fellow Khador player - that someone might use Zerkova in the tournie...and he was dumbstruck! Finally, he responded, "Wow!" So, I`m guess he is not a member of the "Won with Zerkova" club.

:lol: :roll: :oops:

Well I was thinking about it. But after playing Prim on Sunday I realized that my list isn't really built to support her well enough to try a tourney. I do admit though, I like some of the options she presents so once I get a more sizeable army I am willing to try.

So circle is getting a wold huh. I had been wondering. We'll see how it strikes my fancy but I do plan on having all three of them as warlocks, so it is an option. It definitely won't be a game of rock, paper, scissors :lol:

Re: The Mountain King!

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:50 pm
by AndrewGPaul
Ugh. I wasn't thinking of the Cryx Colossal - I was thinking of the Battle Engine. The Colossal is a bit of a let-down.

I don't know what it is about Warmachine, but over the years they've lost me as a fan. I think it was when the miniature game became the driver of the setting rather than the RPG, and things seemed to get simplified down into excuses to get all four factions into another big free-for-all at the end of the book. I think it's the fact that it's a definitely competetive game, and the tournament circuit clearly drives the evolution of the game and new units. That's fair enough, but it's not for me.