Warmahordes Campaign Progress Reports

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Re: Warmahordes Campaign Progress Reports

Post by Danguinius » Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:24 am

Date: Dec 16th
Points played: 25
Factions played: Cygnar (eCaine) vs Circle Orbouros (pKaya)
Territory fought over: CY7 vs CI6
Winning faction: Cygnar
Special comments: My opponent was debut-ing his new Circle force (basically stuff from the 2-player battle box). I was planning on taking it easy on him, but when I came back from the bathroom, I noticed two extra forests set up on the battlefield, on his side of the board, completely obscuring fire lanes to the "mosh pit" in the center of the board. I was like, "Come on! You can`t be serious!" but he insisted that another player set up the terrain. I had already chosen my caster randomly and decided it was time to demonstrate the eCaine gatecrash assassination from 18" out. Kaya had no fury for transfers when Caine teleported right up into her grill...then it just ended messily. Other pKaya`s bullet-riddlef corpse, there was only one other casualty in the whole battle: a single Cygnar Ranger who was shot in the back by his own commander, Caine (this is necessary to get more distance in the eCaine gatecrash assassination) :lol:

Last edited by Danguinius on Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Warmahordes Campaign Progress Reports

Post by Danguinius » Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:33 am

Date: Dec 16th
Points played: 35
Factions played: Cygnar vs Khador
Territory fought over: EV7 vs KH6
Winning faction: Cygnar
Special comments: pStryker vs Karchev
It was "mosh pit" and both players brought jack-heavy lists, so it trurned into a real crash-up derby in the middle of the field. Stryker sat in the back and arched earthquaked into the fray like 5 times, knocking down the Khador jacks and Karchev repeatedly. Then two Ironclads and Rowdy pounded on thos jacks like a 4-year old playing the xylophone. But the tradeing of blows was waering down the Cygnar jacks too...until eventually Old Rowdy cut through the Khadoran "jack wall" and started beating on Karchev himself. Faced with certain annihilation (1 damage box remaining), Karchev surrendered. He is currently being towed back to Caspia to face trials for war crimes.
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Re: Warmahordes Campaign Progress Reports

Post by Gannon » Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:42 am

Date: 30 December 2012
Points played: Battlebox
Factions played: Khador vs. Retribution
Territory fought over: KH4 to RE1
Winning faction: Khador
Special comments: Slinking in the shadows, Kaelyssa aimed a shot at the back of the juggernaut succeeding in disrupting its cortex and having it jerk in a frenzy of mechanical motions. Kaelyssa was unaware though, that Sorscha could move so fast. Kaelyssa was suddenly assaulted by a gust of wind and just as quick Sorscha was in front of her. Struck by Frostfang Kaelyssa was caught, frozen in time, the last words she heard before being locked away for transport was Kommander Sorscha's whisper, "I will break you."
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Re: Warmahordes Campaign Progress Reports

Post by Gannon » Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:59 am

Date: 30 December 2012
Points played: Battle Box
Factions played: Trollbloods vs. Protectorate of Menoth
Territory fought over: PR4 to TB5
Winning faction: Trollbloods
Special comments: As the Trollblood Impaler finished off the Menoth Revenger, Madrak saw his opening. Rushing to face off against High Exemplar Kreoss, he made his offensive count, beating back Kreoss and nearly gutting him. Wounded, the High Exemplars eyes blazed with an unearthly fire, and suddenly Madrak was on his back, dazed and confused, along with the rest of his battle group. The warriors of Menoth retreated, for now, beaten. But they were sure to return.
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Re: Warmahordes Campaign Progress Reports

Post by Gannon » Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:29 am

Date: 30 December 2012
Points played: Battle Box
Factions played: Skorne vs. Cryx
Territory fought over: CR1 vs. SK3
Winning faction: Skorne
Special comments: As the Bonejack finished it's sprint across the field of battle Denegra realized her mistake, but it was a moment too late. Morghul's power had all ready taken affect slinging him forward, and he took the opportunity to fling himself at her, parrying each blow from the legendary Rippers, Denegra could feel his claws rip into her, slowly draining her strength away. The final flash landed, not an epic blow, but a slight flick of the Morgul's wrist, causing Denegra to fall bleeding from a multitude of tiny wounds. Before his eyes, the body of Denegra disintigrated leaving only a mass of melted flesh and bone. Morgul screamed with rage. "I hate bloody clones!"
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Re: Warmahordes Campaign Progress Reports

Post by Gannon » Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:13 am

Date: 30 December 2012
Points played: Battle Box
Factions played: Searforge (Khador) vs. Circle
Territory fought over: KH5 to CI2
Winning faction: Searforge
Special comments: As the sudden landslide occured, Kaya knew that it was over, she had seen it coming, the giant monstrosity with the drill and clamp for arms, but she hadn't expected to be moved not of her own free will. She picked her self up to be assailed time and time again by the mechanical drill. Two glancing strikes were enough and she fell, blood coming from her mouth.

"Leave now and ye'll no be harmed" the short but broad half-man said to her.

"Never" Kaya gritted and tried to stand, faltering. With a fierce roar the Feral Warpwolf that had been moved with the slide stood and picked her up, whisking her away into the dark forest.

"Well then lads, that will work." Gorten Grundback said to his jacks as they gathered around him.
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Re: Warmahordes Campaign Progress Reports

Post by The Underdweller » Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:57 am

Date: January 5th
Points played: 25
Factions played: Cygnar (Haley) vs Menoth (eKreoss)
Territory fought over: CY4 vs PR6
Winning faction: Menoth
Special comments: Despite losing almost half their troops to enemy fire on the second turn, the remaining Protectorate forces (in other words, the Avatar) managed to lay waste to the Cygnar forces and save the day.

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Re: Warmahordes Campaign Progress Reports

Post by Gannon » Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:11 am

Date: January 5th
Points played: 15
Factions played: Cryx to Khador
Territory fought over: CR2 to KH7
Winning faction: Cryx
Special comments: Nothing real special except taking Kharchev out in one turn with a Slayer. Of course Crippling Grasp and Whithering helped out quite a bit! All praise the Dragonfather!
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Re: Warmahordes Campaign Progress Reports

Post by Gannon » Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:21 am

Date: January 5th
Points played: 15
Factions played: Cryx vs. Retribution
Territory fought over: KH7 (new Cryx Territory) to RE3
Winning faction: Cryx
Special comments: Now I'm not sure if this one is legal or not, but the way I read it, it's icon to icon with no other icon in between? If it's territory, please correct me, and disregard this report.

As a note, I pulled off an epic caster kill this game machine wraithing a Griffon, freeing up a bone chicken to run and face Kaelyssa. I then charged with the slayer slamming a Manticore back into Kaelyssa, knocking both down, moved up and feated with Denny1 then cast Venom twice for the kill. Kaelyssa had been hurt from a sludge gun shot earlier in the game. My opponent was not expecting this outcome. Very fun game.

If this does count, let's see another Cryx player get into the heartland of Ret. Using Goreshade to do so would just be ironic.
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Re: Warmahordes Campaign Progress Reports

Post by Danguinius » Mon Jan 21, 2013 11:50 pm

Date: January 22
Points played: 35
Factions played: Legion vs. Trollblood
Territory fought over: TB2 to EV2
Winning faction: Legion (Saeryn)
Special Comments: My first ever game of Hordes. Borka stumbled around drunk (due to the "stumbling drunk" rule) after getting hit by Saeryn`s throwing knife, a spell, two Typhon firey sprays, an arrow from a Strider, and a Naga`s acidic spit. Due to Saeryn`s "grevious wounds" rule, Borka couldn`t transfer or tough it out. If the last attack from the Naga had failed, Saeryn would have been paste on the next turn (she was about four inches away from Borka and an undamaged Earthborn Dire Troll). So, overall, not too bad. Saeryn`s feat is one of the best in the game...especially against Trollbloods.
We are the Blood Angels, and we fear not. We are proud sons of the Imperium and the protectors of mankind. We are the Angels of Death and the Emperor`s Wrath – D(S)anguinius

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