Campaign war stories (renamed)

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Re: Campaign war stories (renamed)

Post by Danguinius » Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:02 pm

Ahhh....nothing like great Skarre`s. She can knock a man down with hers (I kid you not).

Here`s a pic of (my) Kraye and Stormwall ("Stormy"). During Kraye`s feat, Stormy beat down a Hunter and Stormclad that had been getting too close. The battle went on so long that, despite losing about half of its damage grid early in the battle, a unit of field mechanics were able to repair it little by little until it was damage-free. As you can see, my opponent was also Cygnar, so these "battles" were just training exercises. No live ammunition was used and no one was hurt. :D

Jeremiah Kraye and his Stromwall, "Stormy" approach the battlefield
Kraye.and.Stormy.jpg (15.17 KiB) Viewed 6239 times
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Re: Campaign war stories (renamed)

Post by The Underdweller » Tue Nov 27, 2012 12:02 am

Dungeon Lord wrote:
The Underdweller wrote:Dungeonlord, thanks for posting the results of our Cygnar/Menoth game today. For the record, my warcaster was Epic Kreoss. And yes, that cavalry did a lot of trampling on my forces!

But, EKreoss still had lots of fun running around and killing stuff with his armour boosted up to 24- despite being the only Menoth model being left on the board, he still managed to take a bunch of free strikes from the Lancers and make a decent assassination attempt!
No problem. Would you like to post it? I can erase mine, so that it is in your name and you can put it in your own words. I just thought you were a bit sick to do it and I didn't want it to go to waste.

Armour 24?? Holy rusted metal Batman! :o :o
That's OK, your post looks good.

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Re: Campaign war stories (renamed)

Post by Danguinius » Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:01 am

I haven`t posted in a while, so I thought I`d try and keep this thread alive and kickin`. This coming Sunday (16th), we`ll have a major WarmHordes throwdown in my living room. Seven people are scheduled to show up (and my living room comfortably holds four), so we are going to try to get three games going simultaneously, covering every inch of my floor space! I know myself (Cygnar`s farewell tour for me), another Cygnar Vet (Gannon) and yet another Cygnar noob will be there. Khador, Legion, and Cryx will also represent as well as one more mystery player. If we get three battles going simultaneously (and using deathclock so they finish around the same time) and pull the Yoshinoya special for lunch, NINE BATTLES shouldn`t be too hard to pull off. Combined with your event on the 9th should see lots of territory changes on the old map!

On a side note, I painted my first heavy warbeast for my Trollbloods (Earthborn Dire Troll, or EBDT for short). I have five more heavy warbeasts and one more unit (Pygmy Burrowers) to paint to achieve "fully-painted" status (warlocks, units, warbeasts and solos)....then I`ll paint the War Wagon and Mountain King!!!!!!! Trollbloods should be rockin` in 2012.

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Re: Campaign war stories (renamed)

Post by Dungeon Lord » Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:40 am

Thanks for the post Danguinius :!: A couple of Japanese gamers and I had 4 games yesterday and I have posted the results. I will update the map tonight. Circle of Oboros, Legion, Cygnar and Retribution Mercs had a bash with Cygnar taking the lion's share of the campaign map :twisted:

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Re: Campaign war stories (renamed)

Post by Dungeon Lord » Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:44 am

Here is a story from the battles yesterday...

After his success in the southern islands, Jeremiah Kraye set off on hunt. Tracking the pirate queen Skarre as far as he could before she could escape. However, her seafaring skills far out stripped the brave men of the Swan and she was able evade the might of Cygnar.
After a long voyage, Kraye was pleased to feel solid ground beneath his feet. Landing just north of Ancient Incthier that had become a Skorne stronghold in recent times. While scouting along the main tributary that provided fresh water to the area, the horses became panicky, snorting and scraping at the ground. But the warning came too late. Huge beasts burst forth from behind the trees and dips in the land.

Their initial charge was so fast, Jeremiah feared they would be swept away before his men could form up. But at the last moment they seemed to falter, settling on three points just north of his position. It looked as though they were protecting something. Had he inadvertantly stumbled upon their lair? Seizing the moment of respite, Kraye urged his forces forward and crushing the wild things arrayed before him.

To the west, Jeremiah spied the human leader, but sensed that despite the heavy losses he had inflicted he may not be able to stop the Warlock from completing her secret task. At the last moment, 3 phantom like figures strode through his lines and dispatched the warlock with a coolness that suggested that these were more than your run of the mill gun mages. These were the Black 13th.

"Captain Jeremiah Kraye. King Leto has need of you in the North. The Legion probe our boarders from Thornwood Forrest. They need to be delt with."

And without another word, Jeremiah left his hunting force at the temporary command of Journeyman Laura.

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Re: Campaign war stories (renamed)

Post by Dungeon Lord » Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:36 am

After nearly two weeks of traveling and avoid unruly Trollbloods and Protectorate patrols, Captain Jeremiah Kraye had arrived at Cygnar's stronghold in the Wormwall Mountains. There he received the provisions and men he would need to address the Legion of Everblight problem.

The enemy had been sighted just across the Great Lake on the edge of Thornwood Forrest. And so Kraye and his strike force headed out to meet this threat to his homeland. It didn't take long to locate the abonimations once they had reached the South West region of Thornwood. Here, they came across a burnt out village famous for volcanic hot springs. The creatures still inhabited the town feasting on the poor unfortunate ex-residents.

With a passion for vengeance that he rarely felt, he urged his long gunners and storm lances to the flanks while he advanced up the centre. His anger must have triggered something in his newly acquired Cyclone Heavy Warjack because it suddenly took off down the centre with dual Gatling guns spewing forth high velocity bullets to mow down two sword wielding enemies, only to have demon-like creatures burst from he corpses.

In response, their leader, Lylyth, tried to intercept and damaged the war construct. Through the Cyclone's advanced vision, Kraye lined up his crosshairs and let loose a volley that ripped the horrid creature to pieces. With no one to lead them the beasts were mopped up one by one.

His task was complete. Now, he must report back to the King. But not before the remains of his country men were given a proper burial.

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Re: Campaign war stories (renamed)

Post by Danguinius » Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:07 am

Despite a record 8 wargamers fitting into my apartment (imagine 24 people cramming into a phone booth), we weren`t able to make much progress in the campaign. Why? Well, Khador showed up en force (3 players) as did Cygnar (3 players), and the lone Cryx player wanted to play more Monsterpocalypse...not to mention I only had enough mat-space and terrain for three simultaneous battles with six players and two people duking it out in Monpoc in my kitchen. The end result was just a few campaign results, lots of Cygnar on Cygnar violence, lots of Khador on Khador violence and some games that had to end prematurely so people could drive home (literally) across Japan (3.5 hours to Shimane from Fukuyama).

After leading the daring assault on the Cryx capital of Skell, Allistair Caine was temporarily removed from the front lines and sent back to Caspia to receive details about a new covert mission. To make haste, Captain Caine and his warband decided to travel the Cygnarian country side by night...and on one particular night, they travelled by the light of the full moon. While cutting through a forested region northeast of Highgate, the less-than-noble captain`s entourage was ambushed by a young woman escorted by snarling, viscious werewolves of various sizes. Some even looked like men and carried weapons. The woman seemed to command nature itself. But wily Caine had prepared for this and sent out Rangers to scout out her location. Before the young lady could unleash the call of the wild, Caine teleported to her location and filled her with arcane tempest bullets. With their beautiful young master slain, the beasts of the night, sprinted back into the woods. (eCaine gatecrashed into pKaya, feated and assassinated her at the top of turn #2).

After hearing about a surprise attack by the filthy Khadoran-scum leader Harkevich against Kara Sloan in a nearby region, Commander Stryker figured the short-lived Cygnar-Khador alliance was over. Harkevich and Sloan`s battle had pitted the Khador`s new colossal, the Conquest, against the pride of the Cygnar military, the Stormwall. The battle ended in an inconclusive draw with both sides suffering significant casualties and Harkevich hurrying back to an ubscure part of the Khador empire called, "Shimane". Stryker decided he could beat the red menace at their own game and launched a pre-emptive strike against a small warband lead by General Karchev, the legendary "half-man, half-machine" warcaster. The main engagement tore up a small hamlet where the Khadoran forces were waiting for supplies. The Khador warjacks weathered many blows from several Ironclads while Longgunners traded shots with Widowmakers on the town`s edge. Eventually, Stryker`s personal warjack, Old Rowdy bashed the legendary Khador general to the point where he decided it would be better to give up (pStryker defeats Karchev due to surrendering...Karchev had literally one damage box left and was surrounded by several warjacks....Kara Sloan and Harkevich fight to a draw due to time constraints; Khador was winning the war of attrition, but didn`t have much time left on their deathclock...AND Harkevich had just got knocked down by some sneaky Arcane Tempest Gunmages).

I took no pics this time, but some of the Shimane crew did. I might get those pics later and post them here. Obviously, I won`t report the two Cygnar-Cygnar battles or the two Khador-Khador battles.

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Re: Campaign war stories (renamed)

Post by Danguinius » Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:42 am

Well, my Trollbloods are nearing completion (painting-wise) and I waited a long time to try Hordes, so I`m retiring my Cygnar from now. In the map campaign, Cygnar had carved a new face into Immoren, but I`ll have to leave that butt-kicking to Dungeon Lord and Gannon. I will now represents Trollbloods and start reclaiming their tribal lands from the tyranical factions that stole them years ago. I think I`ll use Gunnbjorn in my first battle, thus proving I still have some loyalties to Cygnar. :D

We are the Blood Angels, and we fear not. We are proud sons of the Imperium and the protectors of mankind. We are the Angels of Death and the Emperor`s Wrath – D(S)anguinius

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Re: Campaign war stories (renamed)

Post by Dungeon Lord » Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:36 am

@ Dangiunius - It is sad to lose a find general like yourself to the stinky trolls. But hey, at least they are blue :lol:

Looks like the trolls are gearing up for war :evil: boom boom boom!! Let 'em come!

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Re: Campaign war stories (renamed)

Post by Dungeon Lord » Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:42 am

Here is a pic from last week of the Mercs vs Cygnar and then Mercs vs Legion (Where are the Mercs you ask? Backing away into corner out of camera shot :lol: .

errrr... How do I post pics again??

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