Vassal Campaign

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Vassal Campaign

Post by ennui » Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:30 am

Greetings fellow warriors of Immoren!

Jus and I have been waging war on Vassal lately using the Warmachine/Hordes module. The module itself has been approved by the legal team of Privateer Press (according to all appropriate threads on the official forum) and is very well done and easy to use. It is up to date with all models that have been released/previewed up to a couple of weeks ago, and will probably get another update when the Hordes cards and Primal are released.

I know many of us are busy and have plenty of games running through our heads at any given time, but for those of you who want to get some games of WarmaHordes in between weekends (or month-ends), this might be a good place to get some play in! To this end, I suggest we have a campaign run through Vassal! No physical tables, terrain or models needed, just your fighting spirit.

Though the game runs very well on Vassal (much smoother than I expected), Stu has a point in wanting to get the hang of the game with a physical game first, but Vassal can be played at any time from anywhere, thanks to the series of tubes that has infested the world. Meaning that I can play you guys even when I'm shipped off back to America! Any takers?


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Re: Vassal Campaign

Post by jus » Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:58 am

Vassal! not only are the little pictures cute, you can trial a game fielding whatever models you don't own, thereby testing to see whether you like how they play or not. The interface is a bit awkward at first but its still good. For those wanting to get the hang off the rules I highly recommend you checkout those links. There is also an observers option where you can join a game and just watch. Awesome huh? Give it a try you won't regret it!

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Re: Vassal Campaign

Post by me_in_japan » Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:13 am

sounds good to me. How long does a game take to play?
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Re: Vassal Campaign

Post by jus » Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:18 am

hmm good question, that kind of depends on how many points you play, and how long we take to look up rules and what not. I've play 15 point games ranging from 20 minutes to 2 hours haha. A short game should be somewhere between that. I quite like the shorter skirmishes though

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