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Hordes Starter Box

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:27 pm
by Primarch
For those of you who like big gribbly beasts and werewolves over great big stomping robots (strange folk that you are), PP has finally announced a 2 player starter set for Hordes.
Details can be found here, but essentially you get the Circle and Legion starter sets, 5 Skinwalkers for Circle and 5 Blighted Ogrun for Legion, along with a mini sized rulebook. :D

Re: Hordes Starter Box

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:35 pm
by Danguinius
People have been waiting for this. The price is fantastically good; two armies for the cost of a Land Raider. It`s an amazing deal - just like the WarMachine box. I don`t play Circle or Legion, but I`m still getting this. The mini-rulebook (which is also full color) is invaluable. I`m sure the local Circle player will take the Circle models off my hands - especially the Skin Wolves (which are infinitely cheaper here than in metal form). As for the Legion stuff, I may paint it up as a second army to teach noobs with.


Re: Hordes Starter Box

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:17 am
by jus
Wait wait wait, did they say plastic?


Re: Hordes Starter Box

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:56 am
by Danguinius
If it`s like the WarMachine box set, then all of the contents are plastic (including heavy infantry). I must also fight the would be cool to make an all blighted ogrun army: blighted ogrun, war spears, chieftan, Thagrosh1 or 2 and some big beasts like Carnivean and Scythean....rounded off by Shredders.


Re: Hordes Starter Box

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:50 pm
by Dungeon Lord
Great stuff. Portable rulebooks are always a plus. I used to get the big 40K but starting 5th edition, compact is way better for transport.

Re: Hordes Starter Box

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:53 pm
by Primarch
Dungeon Lord wrote:Great stuff. Portable rulebooks are always a plus. I used to get the big 40K but starting 5th edition, compact is way better for transport.
I haven't touched my Warmachine Rulebook since I got the pocket sized version from the starter box. My 5th ed. 40K rulebook is currently supporting a pile of boxes I belive. :D

Re: Hordes Starter Box

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:08 am
by Danguinius
I practically stole my WarMachine mini-rulebook; right when the WM box set came out, the Warstore was selling them for like $10 and I snatched that up fast as lightning. :D

Even though I don`t play Legion or Circle, I`ll but the Hordes box set just for the mini-rulebook (and sell/trade the minis) because I know I won`t find a good deal this time (like I did with the WM mini-rulebook).
