Difficult Terrain

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Dungeon Lord
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Difficult Terrain

Post by Dungeon Lord » Sat Oct 04, 2014 12:13 pm

I have been wondering about the implementation of 'difficult terrain'. Let's say I have a heavy 'jack with the front of the base at the edge of a 3" wide forest/ difficult area terrain and I run. How far would I go in a straight line through the difficult area terrain?

Technically the 'jack's base is 2" wide and would still be in the terrain when the front part is out. So to actually get to the other side and have the entire base completely out of the terrain would cost 10", right?

I ask because of the tourney coming up and because I suspect many people (including myself) just measure 3" x 2 and move the rest normally. Which would make a total of 7" instead of 5" as in the above example.

What do people think should be done vs what do you see or do yourself?

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The Underdweller
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Re: Difficult Terrain

Post by The Underdweller » Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:45 pm

Rules questions are so rare on this forum, I figured you were starting a discussion about the difficulties of making terrain!

You are right, movement costs double as long as any part of the 'jack's base is in the terrain. I am sure I am guilty of forgetting this sometimes, but hopefully not too often..

Here is the quote from the rulebook:

Rough terrain can be traversed but at a significantly slower
pace than open terrain. As long as any part of its base is
in rough terrain, a model suffers a movement penalty that
causes it to move only 0.5 ˝ for every 1˝ of its movement.

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Re: Difficult Terrain

Post by me_in_japan » Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:52 pm

I concur with UD. Your Jack would move 5" but pay 10" of move to do so. Thereafter he can use up the rest of his movement allowance as normal.

Or you could just cast Ghostly on it and wander through the terrain like it wasnt there :mrgreen: (<-- this is my Cryxy face :mrgreen: )
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Re: Difficult Terrain

Post by Dungeon Lord » Sat Oct 04, 2014 3:10 pm

It was less of a rules query (as I knew that technically the answer would be 5") and more of a how you/others you play with actually do it.

As for Crxy and their ghostly stuff... humph... I wouldn't be caught 'dead' doing that kind of thing :lol:

Thanks for your thoughts guys. Anyone else had to pick someone out for doing it the other way??

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Re: Difficult Terrain

Post by The Underdweller » Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:59 pm

Lol - yeah those Cryxians think their cool, breaking all the rules...

I have called people out on a lot of rules, but I don't think that is one of them. Honestly, I probably wouldn't even notice if my opponent was doing that unless it was a really important move (like charging my Warcaster or something)

I hope I do follow it most of the time, but I'm sure I forget sometimes, especially if it is a very small piece of terrain like a flat "Dead Warjack" marker. Or if it is my 3rd game of the day and my brain isn't working!

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Re: Difficult Terrain

Post by Gannon » Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:28 am

Don't even get me started on Legion with all their pathfinder. Cryx pales in comparison...

I play the same way, any part of the base in? It's double movement. I do have this come up sometimes with new players though, and it's a simple statement of my second sentence that fills them in on the details. If it's a friendly game, I'm not too impartial, but anything for a league, or tournament, it goes strictly by the books.

As for difficulty and making terrain. If you guys couldn't tell, I don't really have that problem, most of my terrain is bought pre-made, and painted! With what little time I do have, it goes to painting the models, which is hard enough...
Play like you got a Pair!!

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