D&D 3.5

Discussion of any Role Playing Games, e.g. Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowrun, Dark Heresy, etc.
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Evil Overlord
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D&D 3.5

Post by Primarch » Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:54 pm

I know there is currently a thread open for the D&D 5th edition trying to get a group together, but as someone who owns a massive number of books for 3.5 edition D&D I was wondering if there was any interest in this slightly older version of the game. I used to play regularly with the Nagoya group, but due to Sundays being taken up by warhammer et al and the group moving away from D&D to play other games with numerous DM's competing for time to play I haven't had a chance to play some proper fantasy adventure RPG in a while.

3.5 Pros
It is very tactical, miniatures were pretty much a standard part of the game when I played.
The system is very tight (one or two exceptions such as Psionics), with ability progression fitting alongside level progression quite smoothly.
The books are all available on the internet.
Lots of options that can be added to the game.
Did I mention I had a LOT of books? :D
It is very easy to pick up.
Huge amount of material for the system including numerous campaign settings.

3.5 Cons
The game doesn't work well at higher levels, (though in a standard campaign this isn't an issue).
Some people don't like the tactical side of things as it does require some thinking and planning.
The large amount of material can seem daunting at first.
The mechanics of the game are fairly obvious, which can lead to Roll playing rather than Role playing.

Personally I love the system and would like to get back into it, probably on saturdays twice a month, but a lot depends on the level of interest amongst this forum.
Painted Minis in 2014: 510, in 2015: 300, in 2016 :369, in 2019: 417, in 2020: 450

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