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Re: DnD Next (5e) Playtest - anyone interested?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:25 am
by Jorunkun
Okay, so how about everybody just post on which Sundays they are free, and we'll settle on the earliest possible date. As for me, I can accommodate any given Sunday provided I know a week in advance. Others?

Also, please post your preferred location.

Re: DnD Next (5e) Playtest - anyone interested?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:40 am
by jus
What time on Sundays are We talking? Ideally Sundays are not very good for me. I can do any Saturday though. my shoebox of an apartment in Is very small, so might not be the best place to host. ( I don't have enough chairs for everyone) as kojibear said Skype would be the answer, but of course face to face would be better, but hey, needs must.

Re: DnD Next (5e) Playtest - anyone interested?

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:48 am
by Jorunkun
Well, for the record: It seems that there is a degree of latent interest in a game of DnD, but we can't agree on a day. One guy can only play Saturdays, the other only Sundays and that means that for the time being we can't get together. Bummer.

That said, my offer still stands. I'll happily GM any Saturday or Sunday, any place between Nishio and Nagoya, provided we can get at least three players together. Post in this thread if you are interested, I'll check in periodically to see if we can't get something off the ground ... maybe once the school summer holidays start.

Re: DnD Next (5e) Playtest - anyone interested?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:35 am
by Tarkin
Hey, I am new to this board but I would be interested playing in a 5E game. I live in Nagoya and I would be open to anytime Saturday or Sunday evening. I will ask some friends and see if they are interested as well but if nothing else I am in.

Re: DnD Next (5e) Playtest - anyone interested?

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 3:22 pm
by jus
Since having settled in nagoya now myself, i think it would be a good time to get started with this. If its myself, kojibear and Tarkin (welcome to the forum, by the way :lol: ) then that would three players.

Re: DnD Next (5e) Playtest - anyone interested?

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:25 pm
by Tarkin
Thanks, a friend of mine who plays Warhammer told me about it. I don't play WH myself (yet) but I have been playing tabletop games for a long time. Where in Nagoya do you usually meet?

Re: DnD Next (5e) Playtest - anyone interested?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 5:34 am
by YellowStreak
I'm still interested too, available most weekends.

Re: DnD Next (5e) Playtest - anyone interested?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:37 am
by Tarkin
You know, if Jorunkun isn't interested anymore I can offer to DM too. I have DMed plenty of D&D so this wouldn't be much of an issue, I just would need a couple days to look over the material.

Re: DnD Next (5e) Playtest - anyone interested?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:32 am
by Primarch
Tarkin wrote:You know, if Jorunkun isn't interested anymore I can offer to DM too. I have DMed plenty of D&D so this wouldn't be much of an issue, I just would need a couple days to look over the material.
Has anybody tried contacting him by PM? He hasn't been on the forums for a couple of weeks, so he wont have seen the posts you've been making.

Re: DnD Next (5e) Playtest - anyone interested?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:01 pm
by Jorunkun
Hey guys,

sorry, was OOF for a while. I'm still game, provided we get at least three people for something like weekly or bi-weekly sessions. And I'm happy for someone else to GM ... currently busy prepping a PF outlaw campaign set to start in a week and a half.

Are you all based in Nagoya, and if so, do you have a venue?