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Re: Call of Cthulhu starts soon

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:43 am
by ashmie
but he's just bought the dice!

Re: Call of Cthulhu starts soon

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:50 am
by henrytrux
Maybe I can find another use for them...

That character generation thing is pretty nice though, thanks for the link!

The dice in tokyu hands seemed pretty straightforward really, nothing too fancy.

Re: Call of Cthulhu starts soon

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:45 pm
by Moyashimaru
henrytrux wrote:Maybe I can find another use for them...

That character generation thing is pretty nice though, thanks for the link!

The dice in tokyu hands seemed pretty straightforward really, nothing too fancy.
Well, a pocketfulla dice is always nice to have, I find. Over time, you can imbue them with your mojo and get some sweet rolls out of them. Aw, yeeah...

Re: Call of Cthulhu starts soon

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:26 pm
by Spevna

This company has the start of a new Lovercraftian themed range of minis. May be interesting for you lot.

Re: Call of Cthulhu starts soon

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:39 pm
by Lovejoy
I wasn't aware of Harwood Hobbies, they look like they deserve to be kept an eye on. I felt inspired to share what I'd learned about Cthulhu minis, if interested, check it out...

Pulp/Cthulhu Minis

I've actually just splashed out on about 60+ Cthulhu related minis, from investigators, to cultists, gangsters, policemen, monsters... Perhaps foolish given the frequency with which I get games, but it felt good. I dunno if anyone is interested in this kind of pulp mini, if so read on. If nothing else I'm sure you'll get a kick out of the stuff on some of these sites.

I bought them because I'm planning to run something called Strange Aeons at some point, which is a Cthulhu based miniature skirmish game I just received from a little Canadian company called Uncle Mikes Worldwide, Also I'm a long term Cthuhu gamer, so I can definitely use these for rpg.
This Mike character has his own figure line to suport the ruleset, but frankly they aren't the best sculpts, so I've assembled the necessaries from other companies, which has been a fun exercise in itself. Here are the fruits of my squalid endeavours.
Seem to be the only way forward for mythos monsters, and they aren't too bad, though some are a mixed bag. The Bob Murch sculpts are the best. Terrible ghouls though, see Heresy below for alternatives. Also there are much better investigator models out there frankly (see Artizan), so not the best for character models. Delivery is a little slow, but this seems par for the course from Canada. 5 weeks after ordering, I am still waiting for my Dunwich Horror boxed set, the maple-syrup eating swines.
As the URL suggests, very pulpy, which is not necessarily a bad thing. This is Bob Murch's company, who sculpted so many minis for RAFMs Cthulhu range. Scale wise similar to Artizan, can sometimes look cartoony (kind of the point) but a really good range. Good, prompt and personal service (he is in Canada, but seems much swifter than RAFM) with discounts for bigger orders.
They are smaller than some more modern 28mm however. I mounted some on citadel round bases, seemed to help them scale up to copplestone.
These are incredible, bit limited to explorers, yank police and tommy gun toting gangster types though thus far. The mob figures, and the hillbillies I bought from them, tower over my cultists from pulpfigures, but they are best sculpts I have seen for human characters. Check out the gangster range.

The Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Bond inspired stuff is also incredible and crying out for a ruleset. Robot Hitler, is all I need to say.
Their cultists mix perfectly with those from pulp figures, and where else can you find minis of Richard Burton from Where Eagles Dare, Withnail, Columbo, Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple and even some thinly disguised Carry On characters? Absolutely the best place to go to for Investigator types I reckon.
It's hard to find decent 28mm scale 20s vehicles, and this company is the only one I have found who make them specifically for that scale. I have 3, and they aren't bad, but a little tricky to assemble. Another method for pulp games is apparently to buy Matchbox Yesteryear cars and work them over with a fresh lick of paint.
I searched all over for decent ghoul minis for Cthulhu, this is the only company who has managed to produce something good. Very, very good actually.
Rattrap are notable because they are the only company I have found who carry Deep One hybrids/Innsmouth types. A tad cartoony, but not half bad!
I've looked over the fully transformed Deep ones available from the likes of RAFM and Grenadier, but they really aren't up to much.
Rattrap also do a ruleset called .45 which support pulp era skirmish games, WW2 and solo play.

I've received stuff from all of the above thus far with no real issues.

Indy related side note -
Artizan, pulpfigures and Copplestone all have their own version of an Indiana Jones style pulp mini, the best hands down is from copplestone under American Adventurers IMO. I have Artizan's Kentucky Davies, but he looks about 5'6" next to the copplestone.

Re: Call of Cthulhu starts soon

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 4:01 am
by ashmie
Cheers Lovejoy that's some great help for links. I like the idea of finding a miniature of Withnail.
If you come to the Mordheim event in November please bring some of your characters for Mordheim townspeople just for flavour. Any scenery welcome too. There will also be some rpg that day too courtesy of Leslie.
60 plus models, yikes you must be busy.
I'm still painting my orcs for the 31st in Nagoya. Nearly there now, just a couple of chariots to paint and Grom the Paunch of course.
How is your Empire army going? Or your Chaos warriors? Have you got enough for a battle with me yet? Small points is ok if you haven't got 1750.

Re: Call of Cthulhu starts soon

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:04 am
by henrytrux
Just wanted to double check that everything is still going ahead Friday?

Re: Call of Cthulhu starts soon

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:24 am
by me_in_japan
aye, me too. Where's the venue, and how do we get there?

Re: Call of Cthulhu starts soon

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:25 pm
by Moyashimaru
Hi, All,
Ashmie is running it, but we'll be meeting at my place on Friday at 7:00pm. I'll PM you both with my address and directions.

See you then,


Re: Call of Cthulhu starts soon

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 5:29 am
by ashmie
Leslie, Gordon, Dave and Henry,

Hopefully you will read this before Henry gets on the train.
If he does get on the train to Tsu any chance of you running something Leslie?

I have a stinking cold that is threatening to turn into a fever too. I have finished my lessons and come home early from work. Rather than infect all of you for the coming Halloween next week when we are all busy would you be happier to postpone this evening. Possibly tomorrow evening or in two weeks November 5th.
I'm all set to go but I don't want to make people ill. It's a stinker!

Sorry for this suddenly, thoughts?
