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One or two players need for Pathfinder

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 3:10 pm
by fox_in_japan
I'm looking for one or two players to join an upcoming Pathfinder campaign. I am going to run the Carrion Crown campaign. Our group has two players, so adding at least one would be nice. Adding two would be great!

I would like the group to meet twice a month, if possible. Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons tend to work best for our group. It would be really great if we could choose one day and time to meet consistently.

I will be hosting the game at my home. I live very close to Nagoya, just a few minutes walk from Zengo station on the Meitetsu Honsen. From Nagoya station to Zengo is about 20 minutes. From Shin Anjo station it's about 25 minutes.

Please message me or send an email to .
