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Gaming in Japanese/Japanese cons

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 1:49 pm
by ennui
Who here is interested in attending Japanese cons? I've been attending Brunhild in Kasadera (a stop or two east of Kanayama on the JR Tokai line) which is usually held on the first Sunday of the month. The next one, I believe, is the 7th of May. There's a monthly con in Gifu, called Unlimited, which is a good con, too, and I've attended NiGHTS before, too. If your Japanese is up to it (at least JLPT 2, it's a really cool way of getting to know Japanese nerd culture.

Magicalogia just came out and I had a chance to play it at a con in Tokyo last week, so I'm hoping that there'll be lots of MagiLogi games at the cons in the near future... :twisted:

Re: Gaming in Japanese/Japanese cons

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 2:12 pm
by The Other Dave
I'd definitely be up for some Japanese con attendance.

May 7th I'll still be in Golden Week Mode, but June or July I'll be able to find time easily enough (knock on wood).

Re: Gaming in Japanese/Japanese cons

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 10:45 am
by Moyashimaru
I've thought about attending Japanese cons, but decided my language skills weren't up to par as far as RPing is concerned.

Re: Gaming in Japanese/Japanese cons

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 2:24 pm
by Admiral-Badruck
I would think there would be no better way to build up your japanese speaking skills than to play an RPG in Japanese... but it would be very hard..

Re: Gaming in Japanese/Japanese cons

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 1:53 pm
by Moyashimaru
I'm not against the idea, but the stars have to be right, those stars being:
A lean scenario, without a lot of sandboxing (that is TOO a word, Mr. Spellcheck!) and with good pacing.
A clear, patient GM.
Patient players.
Something like CoC or Dogs or that Story Game hippie crap would be tough, but a nicely-woven 4e scenario with all its maps and Pogs would work. Maybe.
I wonder where Shinobigami falls between those poles...

Re: Gaming in Japanese/Japanese cons

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 2:33 pm
by ennui
Shinobigami has a clear cut and simple scenario formula that allows for some really cool stories to develop. I've noticed that most Japanese TRPGs don't do sandbox well or at all. You won't find much (if any) sandbox gaming at a con because of time constraints. I've found that many Japanese players are eager to play with foreigners and are willing to be very patient.

I've played a game of Dogs in the Vineyard in Japanese, but I changed everything to Blade Runner. (Runners in the Bladeyard?) It went over really well. My Japanese group is interested in games like My LIfe With Master and other indy games, too.

If your Japanese is up to it, I highly recommend it! Whether it is or not, I highly recommend Shinobigami, even in English! :D

Re: Gaming in Japanese/Japanese cons

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 12:15 am
by Moyashimaru
"Blades in the Runyard", maybe?
So, the next J-RPG-con in Nagoya will be... June 5th? Might check it out (I need plenty of advance notice, you see...). They got a website?

Re: Gaming in Japanese/Japanese cons

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 7:24 am
by ashmie
I'd be interested in joining Japanese cons. I'm interviewing Japanese players this month for the Yog Radio podcast.

Keep me posted as to when they are happening if you can.

Re: Gaming in Japanese/Japanese cons

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 7:32 am
by ennui
I'll be going to a con in kasadera on the first Saturday of June. It's called Brunhild. If you're going to play or Gm, you should be there by 9:30, no later than 9:50. Who's in? I'm thinking of running something.

Re: Gaming in Japanese/Japanese cons

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 8:11 am
by The Other Dave
That's the 4th? I'll be out of town on bidness, unfortunately. (The first Saturday in July too, for that matter. Bleah.)