NagoyaHammer 2013 - Terrain Contest

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NagoyaHammer 2013 - Terrain Contest

Post by Primarch » Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:55 pm

This year will be the start of a new competition for NagoyaHammer. As the thread title indicates (and as I have mentioned in a previous post), this competition is for folks to design and make their own terrain.

Ideally I would like to have one table covered with terrain made by attendees this year. The reason for this is twofold. Firstly, I find that at the regular Joshin events, terrain is either provided by a handful of people, or (sorry to say this) a little rushed and half hearted. By encouraging people to make terrain that they hope can win a contest, I want to inspire everyone to get on with making some nice terrain sets. Secondly, I would like to have some new tables at NagoyaHammer events as we've been using the same ones for the past 3 years and getting some variety would be good. As it stands I am pushed for storage space and time.

So, with all that said, lets get down to the details:
The terrain should measure no more than 12" by 12".
The terrain should be mounted on a base of some sort which should be painted/flocked etc to match the terrain. Free standing trees should have a base to mark out their area on the tabletop.
Terrain can be home made, bought, or a mix of the two. However, purchased, pre-painted terrain will not be judged for the contest unless there is very clear evidence of work being put into it.
The terrain can be in up to 3 separate sections up to the guidelines given above. (e.g. three small buildings rather than 1 big one), though the 3 sections should look like they go together.
The winning terrain piece will be decided by public vote.
All the terrain must follow the competition theme below.
Terrain doesn't have to have a 40K appearance, but it shouldn't look out of place in 40K. E.g. covering the terrain with Warhammer Fantasy Bits or historical minis. It should also be reasonably generic in terms of race.

The Theme
So, for this year I'd like to see a Jungle theme. I'm not talking about the Jungle Book here, I mean the kind of place where predatory alien hunters travel in pairs and even then avoid it at night. Dark, dank, overgrown and dangerous are the order of the day here. Overgrown temples, swamps, carnivorous plants, lairs of fiendish creatures, pit traps to catch the unwary and enough snakes and spiders to give even Indiana Jones and Tarzan second thoughts.

The prizes.
Yes, that is a plural. The winning entry will get two prizes from this contest. One prize will be a terrain kit that they can build and use themselves. The other will be something a bit more unique. I will also be building some terrain for this contest. As I want to encourage people to have their own terrain sets, the winning entry will also get my terrain piece to help them expand their collection.

So, time to get building guys!
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Re: NagoyaHammer 2013 - Terrain Contest

Post by me_in_japan » Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:05 pm

*MiJ's li'l eyebrows perk up*

What's that you say? A jungle terrain piece? And there's li'l ol' me thinking about making a swamp board for my cryx. Jungles and swamps are not so far removed from each other...

*looks at half made swamp terrain and narrows eyes thoughtfully...*
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Re: NagoyaHammer 2013 - Terrain Contest

Post by The Other Dave » Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:09 pm

Primarch wrote:The Theme
So, for this year I'd like to see a Jungle theme.
Nice! I've got a great...
Primarch wrote:I'm not talking about the Jungle Book here,

(I dare someone to make a piece of jungle terrain with a tree full of singing monkeys or something.)
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Re: NagoyaHammer 2013 - Terrain Contest

Post by kojibear » Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:25 pm

me_in_japan wrote:*MiJ's li'l eyebrows perk up*

What's that you say? A jungle terrain piece? And there's li'l ol' me thinking about making a swamp board for my cryx. Jungles and swamps are not so far removed from each other...

*looks at half made swamp terrain and narrows eyes thoughtfully...*
Good timing for that trade we talked about, eh! :D

I now have two terrain projects it would seem, my Hoth inspired terrain and now a small jungle piece! Off to Tokyu Hands again!

BTW anyone know a place that sells Woodland Scenic stuff? Tokyu Hands has a little bit, but not much. I was hoping to get their snow products.

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Re: NagoyaHammer 2013 - Terrain Contest

Post by Tenorikuma » Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:01 pm

@Koji: You probably want to look at train shops for Woodland Scenics and other scenery materials. Joshin (4th floor) and Tam-tam are the big ones and will carry the most imported stuff.

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Re: NagoyaHammer 2013 - Terrain Contest

Post by ashmie » Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:06 am

... No time sadly. This year I was up for building a board for NH but didn't feel it was required or needed at the time of suggestion. Good idea for refreshing your terrain pool though.
If anyone has the time I'd love to see a Predator style jungle base camp for IG. Or a full on idol and death trap Raiders set complete with boulder. That may be more Strange Aeons though, complete with nazi treasure hunters. Now there's a novel idea for a skirmish game.
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Re: NagoyaHammer 2013 - Terrain Contest

Post by Dungeon Lord » Tue Dec 18, 2012 4:33 am

@ Prime - just a thought, but don't you think the winner probably either has enough terrain or can make their own? So maybe your terrain should probably go to someone as an encouragement prize, instead? No need to change it if you don't want. Seems like a non-winner would benefit more though.

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Re: NagoyaHammer 2013 - Terrain Contest

Post by Primarch_Vanguard » Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:30 pm

Hmmm, can hardly wait. What to build, what to build?
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Re: NagoyaHammer 2013 - Terrain Contest

Post by me_in_japan » Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:11 pm

It should also be reasonably generic in terms of race.
I just noticed this line. Does this mean "no themed scenery"? Because that's kinda how it reads. No eldar webways, no imperial bunkers, no tau outposts. Not even a tyranid spore thingy.

I'm pretty sure that's not what you meant, but it'd be worth clarifying, I think.
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Re: NagoyaHammer 2013 - Terrain Contest

Post by Primarch » Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:04 pm

me_in_japan wrote:
It should also be reasonably generic in terms of race.
I just noticed this line. Does this mean "no themed scenery"? Because that's kinda how it reads. No eldar webways, no imperial bunkers, no tau outposts. Not even a tyranid spore thingy.

I'm pretty sure that's not what you meant, but it'd be worth clarifying, I think.
Having a bunker, outpost, alien architecture or wierd pod like thingies is fine. Having a specifically tau outpost or Blood Angel bunker is not. If everyone brings terrain themed to a specific force or race it will all look very odd on the table together. The theme is Jungle, you can always add insignia etc after the event.
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