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The 2nd Annual "Big Throw Down" - Warmachine & Hordes!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:08 am
by Danguinius
I`ll most likely be running a WarmaHordes tourney on the second day (where I`ll try to rebound from my horrific 0 - 3 record at Nagoyahammer 2012). I guess this will be the climax to the current map campaign(?) It`s up to Dungeon Lord, but I`m sure one of us will be organizing a WarmaHordes thing on Day #2.

EDITED: I`m still getting my "schtuff" together, but soon I`ll announce the official format of the tournament. I still want to discuss with Dungeon Lord and Gannon a bit who will run this. I would also like feedback from players and potential players. Last year we did 35 points "mostly painted". Can we expand things to 42 points mostly painted or 35 points fully-painted? or even to two lists, to help avoid those painful match-ups? What does everyone want to do? What does everyone think they`ll be ready to do by Golden Week?

In the meantime, I decided to start a sign-up sheet here. Let me know if you want to add/subtract your name and what faction you`ll be using. But I think things are shaping up like this:

1. Danguinius - Trollbloods
2. Dungeon Lord - Cygnar
3. Gannon - Cygnar
4. MIJ - Cryx (defending champion)
5. Prim - Khador

anyone else? :)

Update: I won`t be attending NH13 this year and there just doesn`t seem to be much interest in a WarmaHordes tourney, so this event is officially cancelled. Prim, if you read this, fel free to delete this thread. Sorry to those few who were interested in participating. I hope everyone has a good time at this year`s event. Hopefully see you guys in 2014.


Re: Announcing NagoyaHammer 2013 May 3rd/4th

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 3:38 am
by Dungeon Lord
Danguinius wrote: I`ll most likely be running a WarmaHordes tourney on the second day (where I`ll try to rebound from my horrific 0 - 3 record at Nagoyahammer 2012). I guess this will be the climax to the current map campaign(?) It`s up to Dungeon Lord, but I`m sure one of us will be organizing a WarmaHordes thing on Day #2.

Seeing that you and I are the main participants in the campaign, I would like to discuss what we should do for the NagoyaHammer event regarding Warmahordes. I will PM you.

I am planning to come on the second day for the Warmahordes tourney/end of campaign event.

Re: Announcing NagoyaHammer 2013 May 3rd/4th

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:59 am
by Gannon
Dungeon Lord wrote:
Danguinius wrote: I`ll most likely be running a WarmaHordes tourney on the second day (where I`ll try to rebound from my horrific 0 - 3 record at Nagoyahammer 2012). I guess this will be the climax to the current map campaign(?) It`s up to Dungeon Lord, but I`m sure one of us will be organizing a WarmaHordes thing on Day #2.

Seeing that you and I are the main participants in the campaign, I would like to discuss what we should do for the NagoyaHammer event regarding Warmahordes. I will PM you.

I am planning to come on the second day for the Warmahordes tourney/end of campaign event.

Barring the fact that every other year I've had to work during Golden Week, I should find out shortly whether I'll have to work this year as well or not. If I don't, you guys can count me in to be there and fully supporting nearly any Privateer Press game that there is. By that time I'll more than likely have all the starter box factions ready and painted up. More than half way there all ready! PM me or whatever with some more details gents.

Re: Announcing NagoyaHammer 2013 May 3rd/4th

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 10:44 am
by Dungeon Lord
I hope you don't have to work then. I will do my best to let u know web at is happening when I do :D

Re: Announcing NagoyaHammer 2013 May 3rd/4th

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:04 pm
by Danguinius
Okay then, I will be organizing/running a WarmaHordes tourney on Day #2 of NH13. I think we will aim for 8 participants. I will start a separate thread regarding this tournament when I get my "shtuff" together. But, I know these things: we will use deathclock, lists will be one 42-point version or two 35 point versions (still contemplating this), and we will use scenarios from Steamroller 2013 (which also explains the I haven`t really read Steamroller 2013 yet). If anyone has any ideas/suggestions, let me know (ideally) before I start a thread on it. Come one and all and get ready for the Second Annual "Big Throw Down!"

Oh yeah, I want to participate in this event too, so slot number one is officially taken:
1. Danguinius (Trollbloods)


Re: Announcing NagoyaHammer 2013 May 3rd/4th

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:34 am
by Dungeon Lord
Count me and my Cygnar in!

Re: Announcing NagoyaHammer 2013 May 3rd/4th

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:19 am
by Gannon
As a note scenario play for SR13 should be a bit easier. PP has dropped the number from 18 to 12, killing some of the wonky scenarios that they felt were a bit one sided for some factions. I'll keep you all informed as I hear more, but we shouldn't be waiting too much longer for PP to finalize our beloved tourney document. Will Hungerford has stated (on the 3rd) that we would see the document within a few weeks, so by early Feburary we should all have our greedy little hands on the paper gold. Danguinius got to see a little bit of what is in store for us, but things may change, as they usually do.

Re: Announcing NagoyaHammer 2013 May 3rd/4th

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:23 am
by me_in_japan
Can't say as I'm that fussed, truth be told. I usually look at tourney rules the day before I play, if that. It's a time availability thing...

Re: Announcing NagoyaHammer 2013 May 3rd/4th

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:53 am
by Dungeon Lord
Gannon wrote:As a note scenario play for SR13 should be a bit easier. PP has dropped the number from 18 to 12, killing some of the wonky scenarios that they felt were a bit one sided for some factions. I'll keep you all informed as I hear more, but we shouldn't be waiting too much longer for PP to finalize our beloved tourney document. Will Hungerford has stated (on the 3rd) that we would see the document within a few weeks, so by early Feburary we should all have our greedy little hands on the paper gold. Danguinius got to see a little bit of what is in store for us, but things may change, as they usually do.
If I have a chance I may chuck them on my iPad for train reading material, so please do keep us updated. (I far too lazy to check PP's website very often :mrgreen: )

Warmahordes Tournament - Day 2

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:29 pm
by Primarch
As it seems like this will be going ahead I have created a thread for people to discuss it.