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Privateer Press News

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 11:36 pm
by The Other Dave

Long story short, Privateer is launching a kickstarter for a new game, a sci-fi version of Warmahordes, set in the same universe but 5000 years in the future.


The aesthetic looks more Infinity than 40K (in fact, pretty much just "like Infinity" to me from that single image - I'd actually seen it on Twitter and passed it by assuming it actually was just Inifinity), which is cool I guess. Sounds like it'll be warcasters and mages and warjacks just like Warmahordes. Minis in metal and resin. Actual customizability of your characters. Launching with 3 factions, all (as far as I can tell) basically human.

I'm sure they have enough fans to fund a kickstarter, but I'm not especially optimistic. From what I know, they've been struggling since flubbing the launch of the new edition of Warmachine (and admit in the KS announcement that they've been having trouble with getting product into customers' hands), and the relaunch of Monsterpocalypse also seems to have more or less sunk without a ripple. Sci-fi skirmish games are a very crowded market ATM, and in fact I'd go so far as to say the steampunk aesthetic of Warmahordes is one of its major selling points that differentiate it from different products. (On the other hand, chatter online about the developers' discussion of the game in the video you can find at the announcement suggests it's actually drawing quite a bit from MonPoc in terms of game design, so it's not just a straight rules port to a new setting, so who knows?)

Re: Privateer Press News

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 1:40 am
by Primarch
I'm not going to be backing any kickstarter, but if more hi-tech robots (as opposed to steam-punk mechs) are available commercially, I think I can find a use for them.

Re: Privateer Press News

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:35 am
by Karantu
I'm going to try and resist backing it but apparently it's alternating activations... And it's hard to resist shoulder mounted cannons.
However I'm not a fan of resin/metal so that's probably going to be a deal breaker for me.

Re: Privateer Press News

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:43 am
by me_in_japan
This...worries me. I'm in some of the PP groups on facebook (despite not having played Warmahordes in years) and the general response to this seems to be a big fat "meh". I think the major criticisms are:

WMH 3rd ed is much disliked due to power creep/poor distribution, and folks fear more of the same.
Why is PP using KS to launch this? Are they having financial issues? Using KS alienates LGS owners something awful.
The factions, at least at launch, are kinda samey.
Resin/Metal only? in 2020? Huh?
Infinity already exists.

And my own personal criticism: Why launch a sci fi game with no aliens? What the what?

On the plus side, alternating activation is good?

My hopes, not high, they are.

Re: Privateer Press News

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 2:55 am
by The Other Dave
Hmm, looks like this is still happening - we have some renders of the models.

And man, I'm not really trying to hate-discuss a game nobody here is going to play, but: let's talk miniature design a bit.




Quiz: Are these three models from the same or different factions? What can you guess about the nature of each faction from the design of the models? (Caster models from three different factions, and no I have no idea what's supposed to differentiate them. Discs vs Hexagons vs Spheres I guess.)

Re: Privateer Press News

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 3:10 am
by Primarch
Discs Vs. Hexagons Vs. Spheres is a critical discussion we as a society should be having right now. In a post-pandemic world, which geometric design should reign supreme is going to be the decision which affects every generation to come. Making light of it in such a fashion makes me wonder if you truly have any grasp of the importance and magnitude of the crisis we face going forward.

But yeah, I'm not that impressed by those minis. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Privateer Press News

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 3:23 am
by The Other Dave
I hang my head in shame for not checking my geometrical motif privilege. :cry: :lol: