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Task Force Mini Campaign - Rules.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:53 am
by Primarch
The Task Force Mini Campaign will focus players on trying to control tables for their teams rather than winning all the games for themselves. The campaign will be split into three parts, with each team given control of a number of tables. At the beginning of each round, the Task Force Leader will assign players to attack other tables or to defend their own, with tag teams formed on an ad hoc basis at varying points levels.
Game 1 will be based on 1000 points (or two players at 500) and is scheduled for 2 hours.
Game 2 will be based on 1500 points (or two players at 750) and is scheduled for 3 hours.
Game 3 will be based on 2000 points (or two players at 1000) and is scheduled for 3 hours, 45 minutes.
Each table will have it's own special rules and Task Forces will have special assets that they can play during the event. However, missions themselves will be the same throughout the day.

Players will be assigned to Task Forces based on which armies they bring along to play. Players should bring along lists for the following levels: 500pts, 750pts, 1000pts. If possible, 1500pts and 2000pts will help if you need to play solo, though it isn't compulsory.
At all points levels the following rules apply:
No Fortifications. If players have fortifications, they should bring them along as they may be able to use them with Task Force assets, but please don't expect to have them in your games. Points for assets will be limited to 100pts MAX.
No Allies. Your Task Force teammates will be counted as Battle Brothers regardless of the allies matrix, but no allies in your own army lists. This includes things like Codex Supplement forces and the Space Marines chapter rules.
Only 1 Force Organisation Chart. At 2000 points the core rules usually give you a second FOC to play with. For the purposes of this event, you only have the 1 FOC.

All armies should be painted appropriately (after all, this is the big event of the year). If you are using 'Counts As' models of any kind, it is 100% your responsibility to keep the opponent informed at every step of the game. If you see someone about to charge some guard at the grots you are using as 'Counts As' Meganobs, be sure to remind your opponent what they are.

Armies can be chosen from any codex, codex supplement or Imperial Armour book released up until the end of April, with the exception of the Horus Heresy books from Forge World. You must pick units from the SAME book throughout your army in preference to other sources.
E.g.1: The Imperial Armour Vol.1 Ver2. book has rules for the Manticore.
If you pick a Codex IG force, you must pick the Manticore from the Codex IG book.
E.g.2: The Imperial Armour Vol.1 Ver2. book has rules for the Leman Russ Annihilator.
If you pick a Codex IG force, you may use the IA rules for the Annihilator as it doesn't feature in Codex IG.
In short, no min/maxing by cherry picking which rules you want to use.

You MUST have a hard copy of the rules you are using for your army, be it a real book, a photocopy or a print out. I guess one of those iPad thingies would be fine as well.

You MUST have a written copy of every army list that you can show to your opponent upon request. Hand written lists are acceptable, so long as they are readable and that everything is written in full. Check your points totals twice please, just so there are no small errors.

Task Forces will be:
Crusaders - Space Marines, Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Grey Knights, IA:Elysian Drop Troops IA:Siege Assault

Guardians - Imperial Guard, Tau, Eldar, Sisters of Battle, IA:Armoured Battlegroup, IA:Krieg (all 3 lists),

Xenos - Tyranids, Necrons, Orks, IA:Corsairs, IA:Necron Mynarkh, IA:Dreadmob,

Anarchists - Chaos Marines, Chaos Daemons, Dark Eldar, IA:Servants of Slaughter, IA:Servants of Decay, IA:Tyrants Legion

Update 18th April

How the Task Force System works.

Each task force will nominate an overall commander. You can do this however you please, Janken, Picking Straws, Pistol Duel, etc. (though any duels should be to first blood rather than death as we aren't insured).

At the start of each round, the task force commander will assign one player to each of their force's tables as a Defender.
Then, starting with the largest task force, one player will be assigned to any of the opposing task force's tables as an Attacker.
Once every table has one Attacker and one Defender, extra task force members can be assigned to either aid in an attack or aid in a defence. See below for the benefits.

At the end of each round, task forces will claim tables they have won and will have to defend them in the following round. A task force cannot hold more tables than it has players. In the event of a draw, the defenders will keep the table. (See STRENGTH IN NUMBERS below for an exception to this).
Should a task force lose all of it's tables, it's players will be added to the smallest of the remaining 3 task forces.
The task force which has the most tables per player at the end of the event will win.

Aiding in attack
When an extra player is assigned to aid in an attack, both players will contribute half of the points to their army. (500 each in a 1000 point game, 750 each in 1500 and 1000 each in 2000).
In addition, both players may reroll 1 reserve roll EACH OR they may EACH call in an artillery strike at the start of their movement phase on the second or third turn.
The artillery strike has the following profile S8, AP3 Large Blast, Barrage. No LoS is needed, but it will always scatter the full amount rolled on the 2d6.
(So 1 player may choose to reroll a reserve and 1 may call in a strike, or both may reroll or both may call in a strike).

Aiding in defence
When an extra player is assigned to aid in a defence, both players will contribute half of the points to their army. (500 each in a 1000 point game, 750 each in 1500 and 1000 each in 2000).
In addition, one fortification of up to 100 points total may be deployed by the defenders before the game begins.

Strength in Numbers.
Due to the presence of the extra troops, any draw where the Attacking task force has two players against one defender, the attacking team claims the table.
Game is a draw, 1 attacker Vs. 1 defender - Defender keeps table.
Game is a draw, 2 attackers Vs. 1 defender - Attackers get table.
Game is a draw, 1 attacker Vs. 2 defenders - Defenders keep table.
Game is a draw, 2 attackers Vs. 2 defenders - Defenders keep table.

Note for Task Force Commanders
If you get picked to be the commander of your force, try to mix players around and vary their roles between attack and defence. The objective of this event is to socialize and have fun as much as anything else. Thanks. :D

Re: Task Force Mini Campaign - Rules.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:25 am
by me_in_japan
Seems sound in principle. Just one question at the mo: how come IG are guardians and anarchists?

Re: Task Force Mini Campaign - Rules.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:06 am
by Primarch
me_in_japan wrote:Seems sound in principle. Just one question at the mo: how come IG are guardians and anarchists?
Because I edited my first list and didn't proof read it. Whoops.

Re: Task Force Mini Campaign - Rules.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:00 am
by Spevna
Looks bitchin mate.

@MiJ- Guess i had better get some eldar painted !!

Re: Task Force Mini Campaign - Rules.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:29 pm
by The Underdweller
What, Tau and Eldar aren't Xenos? Nevermind, I'm sure that we will prefer the company of the IG and Sisters to Orks and Tyranids!

Re: Task Force Mini Campaign - Rules.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:50 am
by Primarch
The first post has been updated with important rules. You may want to read them if you have a chance.


Re: Task Force Mini Campaign - Rules.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:59 am
by job
It looks really cool and interesting. I definitely will be looking forward to it.

Re: Task Force Mini Campaign - Rules.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 10:34 am
by me_in_japan
at first read through, they seem fine. I'll agonise over the details later...