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Prim's Demo Game

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:34 pm
by Primarch
Well, if I had any money, I should probably put it where my mouth is, so I am stepping up to the plate with a Demo Game.

Game Name: Prim's Game. - Honestly, this is something new that none of you will have seen or heard of.
Synopsis: A fantasy skirmish game. Think Mordheim without Warhammer. Players lead bands of warriors against each other to secure territory, find loot and make a name for themselves.
Why you should play: It's a low model count, high fantasy game with a lot of interaction between players. If that sounds like your thing, then this is the game for you.

Max players: 2 per time slot.
Time slots: Morning and Evening. (10:00-13:00 and 5:00-8:00

Anyone wanting to give this game a shot, please feel free to post below.

Re: Prim's Demo Game

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 1:01 pm
by Lovejoy
I'm this your own homebrew system?

Re: Prim's Demo Game

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:14 pm
by Primarch
Lovejoy wrote:I'm this your own homebrew system?
Yeah, pretty much. I took some inspiration from games I liked and tried to build a solid framework that would pretty much allow for the use of any fantasy models people happen to have lying around. I don't know how successful I have been, but in my head it all seems to fit together nicely. :D

Re: Prim's Demo Game

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:43 am
by kojibear
I would be keen too :)

Re: Prim's Demo Game

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:08 am
by ashmie
Sounds good. I'll be up for some mystery fantasy skirmish game. :)

Re: Prim's Demo Game

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:06 am
by job
I'm interested, but between this and Infinity in the morning was a hard choice. Still I'm interested in the final product.

Re: Prim's Demo Game

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:17 pm
by me_in_japan
job wrote:I'm interested, but between this and Infinity in the morning was a hard choice. Still I'm interested in the final product.
well, at least that means if my game falls through (due to unforeseen reasons, i.e. I dont get stuff painted in time. Not like that's likely to be an issue with me, of course :lol: :? ) you can hopefully keep yourself busy with Prim's game.

Re: Prim's Demo Game

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:54 pm
by Primarch
A little background, for flavour.
Once, the world was at peace. Farmers grew their crops, merchants plied their trades and civilization thrived. As cities and centres of learning grew, magic became more widespread. Those gifted with arcane power pushed back the boundaries of knowledge and even the mundane folk could make use of the energies harnessed by those with power.

No-one really knows how it started, whether it was the jealousy of rival wizards, or a mind set on conquest, but soon the world was engulfed in war. At first countries fought countries, but soon the leaders of cities were declaring independence and then it seemed that it was every man for himself. The wizards and magi who could do so quickly seized power. Draining the magics that had once been used to help the world, they channelled the power into destructive blasts or used it to raise mighty armies. Even the most limited of the gifted were recruited, drafted or compelled to fight, as entire armies died in gouts of eldritch fire and the ground shook beneath them.

Mighty leaders rose and fell as the conflicts raged on. Ulthrasar the Undying, Noble Arka'nan and Mabeden, King of the Dragons became names to be feared as their armies annihilated each other in a never-ending series of battles. Giants descended from their mountain strongholds and grappled with wyverns and hydras. Chimeric beasts slaughtered the common folks and tales were even told of demonic beings rising from the flaming Pit and devouring the souls of those unfortunate enough to cross their path.

And then, suddenly, it was over. Some say that the forces of good triumphed and returned the world to peace. Others say that the last of the great magi destroyed each other in a final blast of overwhelming power. Some say that the victor of the long wars looked out over the smoking ruins and devastated world that he had won and simply left this world to find another, still wholesome and unscarred by years of war.

One by one, the survivors dragged themselves from the rubble and set about rebuilding. However, once verdant farmland was now desert and forests of oak now blasted wastes. Resources of all kinds were scarce and nowhere had escaped the touch of the war. Those few gifted who remained skirted the fringes of the new settlements being built. Their talents barely tolerated for their usefulness, all the while being watched by people fearful of the damage done by men and women with the same power. Warlords and chieftains sprang up to protect or control the new shoots of civilization that were starting the grow. Borders and ancient allegiances were long gone, erased by the armies that had driven across the world. Areas blasted by magic spells became death-traps to the unwary as rogue elements of sorcery reacted wildly. Those creatures created during the war that had survived slunk off into the unpopulated wastelands, returning from time to time to raid, pillage and plunder. Those with the tenacity and the skills to survive set about hunting for food, supplies and relics that could offer some aid to those able to employ them.

The long Mage's-war is over. Now, the fight for survival begins.

Re: Prim's Demo Game

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:12 pm
by Spevna
Post Apocalyptic fantasy!
That does sound pretty cool.

Re: Prim's Demo Game

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:54 pm
by me_in_japan
Interesting. I'm trying to recall if I've encountered a similar seeing before, but while I can certainly recognise bits of it, I can't say as I've seen a setting similar enough that it could sue for IP :P

Nice work - if time permits, I'd love to give it a shot :)