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Re: NH2016 - WH40K - Mission 1: Break Through

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:39 am
by kojibear
This scenario is quite cool I think.

2 opposing recon teams meet each other and while some must try to move forward to complete the mission, some must try to harry the enemy's scouts and defend their own.

The more interesting we can make the games, the better, is me humble opinion. I would prefer this kind of narrative to a pick up game where we will most likely just revert to old habits. This is one day we can try something different.

Although, I appreciate that this event may be the only time in which some players play 40k throughout the year, and that these players may want to just play a normal game of 40k.

Re: NH2016 - WH40K - Mission 1: Break Through

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:27 am
by The Underdweller
I would rather try this. I don't know if it's balanced, but it sounds interesting.

Re: NH2016 - WH40K - Mission 1: Break Through

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 11:25 am
by Spevna
I like it.

Is it balanced? Maybe not, but I don't think anyone is going to make a cakewalk of it unless they intentionally put together an army to do so.

I pretty much play 40K once a year and I have no interest in playing 3 repetitive, bog standard games.

I hope the next three missions are as different from a standard game as this is.

Re: NH2016 - WH40K - Mission 1: Break Through

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 11:35 am
by me_in_japan
Apologies prim - despite my best efforts obvs my post came across negatively. Twasn't my intent. I'm very much in favour of scenario based games, and if that means some missions are tilted towards some armies then so be it. This is an inherent design aspect (fault?) of 40k, and there's bugger all that anyone, even the All-Knowing Ever-Lovin' Prim can do about it. I shall be there with my pointy ears (of some kind) come hell or high water.*

*unless mrs MiJ has an immovable work responsibility on that day. I realised yesterday that I'll be beholden to her work schedule next year, and that she probly doesnt prioritize Naghammer as highly as I do. She does have a good 6 months notice, but even so, asking her to potentially inconvenience co-workers (sweet baby Jesus say it ain't so!) on behalf of a gaming event may be asking too much. We shall see...

Re: NH2016 - WH40K - Mission 1: Break Through

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:25 pm
by Konrad
An Ork player can take a bunch of Warbikes and charge into either the IG or Eldar and smash their units before blitzing through and off the table.

I'm sold! Lets do it!

Re: NH2016 - WH40K - Mission 1: Break Through

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 12:37 pm
by Auxryn
You could betray your partner by agreeing with the person across from you to just walk past each other across the board and score. Somehow I doubt that will actually happen though. The temptation to get out of the trukks and smash heads is likely to be too strong.

There is no real reason to shoot or assault anyone at all, since any fighting just means fewer of your models will make it into reserve. Not sure if that is a bug or a feature.

Does a dedicated transport score a VP too? Presumably so.

Re: NH2016 - WH40K - Mission 1: Break Through

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:20 pm
by Primarch
Auxryn wrote:You could betray your partner by agreeing with the person across from you to just walk past each other across the board and score. Somehow I doubt that will actually happen though. The temptation to get out of the trukks and smash heads is likely to be too strong.

There is no real reason to shoot or assault anyone at all, since any fighting just means fewer of your models will make it into reserve. Not sure if that is a bug or a feature.

Does a dedicated transport score a VP too? Presumably so.
Yes, transports will score.
You could choose not to fight, shoot etc. but what would be the fun in that. Plus, you have no guarantee that your opponent won't assault you as you walk past. Best to get your retaliation in first. :D

Re: NH2016 - WH40K - Mission 1: Break Through

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 12:47 pm
by me_in_japan
do dedicated transports count towards the 200pt unit maximum? e.g. 10 Dire Avengers = 130pts, Wave Serpent = 110pts. Is that two legal units or one illegal unit? I appreciate that DAs can come in units of 5, thereby alleviating this issue, but I'm using em for illustrative purposes.
*edit* never mind - moot point. I can take waveysnakes as FA units in their own right. Problem solved. Might be worth considering for other armies, mind you.

Re: NH2016 - WH40K - Mission 1: Break Through

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:38 pm
by Primarch
No, dedicated transports are puchased for a unit, but they are always treated as a separate unit on the tabletop, so they will be here as well. Note that transports are also limited to 200 points, which mainly effects Land Raiders.

Re: NH2016 - WH40K - Mission 1: Break Through

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 2:24 pm
by me_in_japan
cool. Ta much :)