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Re: Dropzone Commander

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:59 am
by me_in_japan
I'd need AGP to comment further, but the one game of DZC I saw being played in Glasgow while I was there had buildings up the wazoo (it was a city fight, basically.) so the building fighting rules seemed pretty important.

Re: Dropzone Commander

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:06 am
by The Other Dave
me_in_japan wrote:I'd need AGP to comment further, but the one game of DZC I saw being played in Glasgow while I was there had buildings up the wazoo (it was a city fight, basically.) so the building fighting rules seemed pretty important.
Yeah, they do say that, and the scenarios do call for lots of buildings with objectives in - that's definitely something I'd want to see in play. On the other hand, a typical army might only have 4 to 6 bases of infantry in it (compared to a dozen tanks and dropships and so on) so I dunno. It may well be that the stuff they have going on in the game makes up for the things it seems to be lacking, once the models actually hit the table.

Re: Dropzone Commander

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:16 am
by job
Hey, guys is there any interest in this game?

I know ToD you've gone so far as to buy the rulebook. Did you pursue any models?

Anyone also follow suit? I'm really interested in this game. At least the models and deals are so tempting that I would love to try this game at "Stater Army" level.

Re: Dropzone Commander

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:55 am
by The Other Dave
job wrote:Hey, guys is there any interest in this game?

I know ToD you've gone so far as to buy the rulebook. Did you pursue any models?

Anyone also follow suit? I'm really interested in this game. At least the models and deals are so tempting that I would love to try this game at "Stater Army" level.
I have not bought any models, in large part because the rules left me cold. They're all right, I guess, but they're glaringly lacking in the areas I look for in my massed battle games - command and control, morale, "battlefield friction," and so on. I might have been satisfied with something at the Flames of War level, but DZC has a less-robust morale system than 40K, for pity's sake.

(I mean, I don't want to sound like I'm saying it's a bad game - everything I've heard suggests it's well-balanced and playable and all that, and it does have some neat-looking systems and ideas, it just doesn't look like it scratches my particular itch.)

Plus the range I like best, the Post-Human Republic, has some models that are cast in such a way that assembly will probably require some putty, which is annoying.

So I'm sticking with Epic for the time being. Spartan's Firestorm Invasion looks promising, but it looks like it'll be a while coming.

Re: Dropzone Commander

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 12:23 pm
by Primarch
For me, the models look expensive for what you actually get. They are nice though.

Re: Dropzone Commander

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:03 pm
by me_in_japan
I think it looks mighty purdy, but I just don't have the inclination to start a new game at the mo. if enough people took it up, I'd probably hitch a ride on the bandwagon at some point in the future, but I ain't about to trailblaze.

Re: Dropzone Commander

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:38 pm
by job
It's a shame I guess this game won't be picked up anytime soon, but I think it is wise for everyone who didn't buy into it. As many have said about their collections at some point, we are probably already occupied with enough stuff. I guess if I have to pass on this fancy, so be it, I'll just look into painting and buying something for the other half-dozen plus games I play. :)

Re: Dropzone Commander

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:43 am
by Danguinius
This is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy late, but better late than never. This game has also caught my eye (mind you, I just discovered it) and the $40 for complete board and terrain thing kind of sealed the deal. It may become like Bloodbowl where we only take it out from time to time to play, but who knows - it may totally rock. I`m making a small force (UCM or Shaltari, or possibly both and selling the one I like the least after playing them a few times) and I`ve almost got Gannon convinced to give it a try. TheOtherDave is right, the rules are really smooth (activation by battlegroup should be fun), maybe too smooth (no "fog of war", but most wargames don`t have this) but Hawk Games has already started FAQing and ammending rules and even adding new rules via free download. They are also trying different types of experimentl rules and they seem open to fan-made experimental rules (T.O.D. - you could write some experimental battlefield friction/anti-micro-management rules for them!). I like the missons in the rulebook a lot and finally a game where you can shoot missiles at a buiding, level it and kill everyone inside! Yeah!!!! So, if anyone wants to make a small force, you`ll be able to get a game in with me (from about September/October - I like to "play it painted" as you know). Let`s try DzC! For some reason the Starship Troopers soundtrack starts playing in my head whenever I think about playing this game.


Re: Dropzone Commander

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:19 am
by The Other Dave
Now you're getting me all tempted again. Unfortunately, I'm not sure when I'll have 10,000 yen unspoken for to pick up a starter army.

(Personally, I find myself more and more tempted by the Shaltari, if only because they're the only army my OCD nature wouldn't require me to magnetize dropships and vehicles for - he went to all the trouble of making sure the vehicles fit in the dropships, after all!)

(Hmm, or Scourge, since they just slot in, and as skimmers the tanks'll just need flight bases instead of full-on decorated bases. Plus the Scourge infantry look really cool.)


Re: Dropzone Commander

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 11:02 pm
by Danguinius

Hahahaha, I guss we think alike; my first thought was UCM, but I was like "Ugh...I don`t want to magnetize all of those drop ships! Hey, look at these teleporting Shaltari!" Then, I very recently noticed that the Scourge tanks seem to just slide into their drop ships and wouldn`t require magnets either. Plus, the Razorworms are cute! The Shaltari definitely look like the most challenging to paint - I think this is their only downside. Their new Firedrake model looks very nice, BTW. Shaltari and Scourge look less forgiving for new players due to their low armor; the Scourge compensate with speed and getting in close quickly...the Shaltari compensate with a 5+ invulnerable save so to speak (but a 5+ is a 5+ and you gotta roll well). In the end I`ll probably end up choosing the faction no one wants to play.


P.S. You may not have an extra 10,000 yen lying around to buy a faction, but you will have an extra 5,000 ye!