Nova Open Previews

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Nova Open Previews

Post by Primarch » Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:56 am











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Re: Nova Open Previews

Post by The Other Dave » Thu Aug 29, 2019 12:23 pm

The death dudes are growing on me - especially the necromancer. Once you stop expecting them to look like actual skeletons and realize they’re Nagash’s answer to stormcast (“Using souls of dead heroes, eh? How about putting a dozen heroes’ souls in a cool suit of necroforged armor, hmm?”) they get a bit more interesting. Maybe leaning a bit heavily on the Necron design cues though.

The plastic banshee is hopefully a sign of more on that front, and I know a lot of sisters players will be happy just to get a penitent engine that goes together well.

There’s also a big multi-front campaign setting in the works, like Vigilus writ large, with new rules and such for all factions. I really liked Vigilus, so with any luck this will be cool too.
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Re: Nova Open Previews

Post by me_in_japan » Thu Aug 29, 2019 4:02 pm

*plans big post detailing opinions about each mini as he scrolls down*....

SWEET BABY JESUS! PLASTIC BANSHEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
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Re: Nova Open Previews

Post by me_in_japan » Thu Aug 29, 2019 4:15 pm

ok, right. More detail, then. Here we go:

Plastic sisters: lovely. I don't really see any negatives here at all. Pretty much exactly what I would like sisters to look like. Especially that canoness or whatever she is. Very respectable, experienced lady warrior. And while the armour is still very much in the vein of AdSor armour of the past, it is in no way boob plate. Job is a good un.

Skelly-droids - hmmn. Possibly with a more grimdark paintjob? I'm just not sure about the grinning faces. They seem way too cheerful. I mean, ok yes it's a rictus grin, but it could be...I dunno...more rictus and less grin? Like Immortan Joe or something. Also, the skelly with 4 arms and 2 double handed swords should have each sword held crosswise, not one each side. If he holds it the way he's sculpted his arms will get in the way when he swings.

Space Marine Raven dude - fine, except, damn that hair has to go. Headswap and he'll be fine, but that is an emo as hell hairdo. Bad sculptor! Bad! No cookie for you!

Big Skellydude - concept is fine, but it totally lacks any kind of energy. No swoosh, no grrrr, just...bored? Pensive? Not inspiring, anyway. Also, that codpiece is a stronger focal point of the whole model than it's face, and that cannot be good. 6/10

Banshee - it's a banshee, innit. Notable for it's material rather than the sculpt, which was always going to be precariously balanced on one leg, sword waving all over the place with big hair blowing in the wind, wasnt it?
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Re: Nova Open Previews

Post by Primarch » Thu Aug 29, 2019 10:05 pm

I'm pretty much in agreement with M_i_J.

I like how Shrike's lightning claws are mounted on his forearms, leaving him with full mobility of his wrists. A small flex of his right hand should be enough to slice right through the ammo magazine on his bolter, detonating the shells inside and putting an end to his tortured Emo existence. :lol:

I think the Undead general guy is supposed to be posed like a greek hoplite standing at rest.
However, the helmet and the glaive seem more oriental as does the bodyguard which has a strong samurai vibe. The crotch is way too central though.

As excited as I am for plastic sisters (not very much tbh, but a little), I'm far more excited to see if/when they are getting their teased classic style Rhinos and if there is a version without all the sisters iconography splattered all over it. I could use quite a few of those and I'm not paying FW prices for the resin version.
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Re: Nova Open Previews

Post by Primarch » Thu Aug 29, 2019 10:17 pm

With so much awesome stuff on the way for Warhammer 40,000, you might be wondering what’s happening to some of the treasured older models that previously had rules in our Index books. While these might not have a place in our codexes any more, we know that they definitely have a place in your hearts, which is why you’ll be delighted to hear that we’ll be supporting them FOREVER with Warhammer Legends.

Your Imperial Space Marine? Rules, FOREVER. Your Chaplain on Bike? You can use him until actual Space Marine Chaplains on actual Space Marine bikes are invented in the year 30,000.** And, to top it all off, they’ll be getting points, meaning if that’s how you like to balance your games, we’ve got you covered.

Every year, we review all of the points values (for all of the units) in Warhammer 40,000. We won’t be doing this for the Warhammer Legends, though. Once we’ve assigned them their final points, they won’t be part of that ongoing balance review – and we won’t be recommending Legends units for competitive tournaments. This means that event organisers and attendees alike can guarantee everything they’re gaming with is easily available and has been subject to the same rigorous balance and playtesting process. Of course, organisers are also free to run Legends events, allowing the use of the full classic range in their games.
That seems to me like a nicer way to say "We are 'squatting' any minis that aren't already in a codex."
I wonder if their emphasis on FOREVER will include any new editions they may release further down the road. I would guess... no.
Still, at least you can still use the minis with official rules.
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Re: Nova Open Previews

Post by me_in_japan » Fri Aug 30, 2019 5:20 am

They already squatted my Corsairs. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
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Re: Nova Open Previews

Post by The Other Dave » Sat Aug 31, 2019 5:30 am

me_in_japan wrote:
Thu Aug 29, 2019 4:15 pm
Big Skellydude - concept is fine, but it totally lacks any kind of energy. No swoosh, no grrrr, just...bored? Pensive? Not inspiring, anyway. Also, that codpiece is a stronger focal point of the whole model than it's face, and that cannot be good. 6/10
I think he looks well general-ly myself.

I agree, the four-armed dudes are pretty poorly posed (although there are some good photoshops going around of one of those with lightsabers up against the Obi-Wan Kenobi-looking Stormcast wizard).

I'm really kind of hoping these guys will be a Death warband in the new Underworlds season, 'cause it would be fun to try some different color schemes with 'em. Just give me a box of three or four skellybone samurai and I'll be good.
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