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Re: WarCry

Post by me_in_japan » Tue Oct 01, 2019 3:44 am

I totally get where you're coming from, and certainly I very much enjoy longer games like 40k or even AoS. There's an aesthetic pleasure in seeing a big army all laid out on the table. I think though the idea of a 30 min lunch hour game is somewhat misleading. Given the imbalance in the scenarios, that would actually make WarCry (or Magic, for that matter) very swingy. I think the idea is that players should play multiple "rounds" to get the final result of the day's play.

also, fwiw, Bo3 in Magic is a very different animal, but quite liberating, actually. All those games you've had where you were like "dammit! where's (insert-card-name-here) when you need it!?!?" become "aha, you may have me now, but come round two there shall be a reckoning, oh yes...." :twisted:

Then, of course, they sideboard out the stuff you came loaded to kill, and have a deck full of counterspells or summat :roll: :lol:

Jesse, btw, swears by Bo3, and from reading online I think a lot of people consider Bo1 to be "not real Magic". Certainly , correct building and sideboarding is a high level skill, to be sure. I most always play Bo1 myself, but I'd say it's worth having a gander at Bo3. Doesn't cost anything, so why not give 'er a whirl?
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Re: WarCry

Post by Jye Nicolson » Tue Oct 01, 2019 2:28 pm

One of the things I like about the skirmish games is they fit whatever hobby time I have. If it's one game at lunch, great. If it's a slightly lazier game or two on Friday afternoon, cool. If it's a solid games day, I'll play 4-8 games and rotate factions continuously.

I'm not against crunchier rules (I've had plenty of RPG characters with more complexity than your average army, thanks Exalted), but through Kill Team and Warcry I've come to really value variety of play and rapid iteration, particularly in trying to figure out why I enjoy them more than what I'd consider better designed games in a pure system sense (like Xwing).

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Re: WarCry

Post by The Other Dave » Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:42 am

https://www.warhammer-community.com/202 ... dle-earth/

Hmm! The Ogroid Myrmidon and Spire Tyrants are coming out, along with card packs for beastmen, two flavors of tzeentch, sky dorfs, ogres, skaven, bonereapers, slaves to darkness and hammertime stormcast. Cool!

Also new warband boxes for goblins, nighthaunt, and stormcast (with many many more models than you'd need for 1000 points) which gives new players a nice entry point BUT it looks like the goblins and nighthaunt have unit cards (snufflers and banshees respectively) that are only available in said box. Boo I say! - I own some banshees, and with them plus the thorns of the briar queen (and maybe some easy-build halberd ghost guys) could do a nighthaunt warband, but no way am I buying a whole warband box for one card. (Yes, yes, color printers exist - it's the principle of the thing.)

The terrain set looks cool and thematic, though, although like the graveyard it gives the Corvus Cabal nothing to jump off of. :lol:
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Re: WarCry

Post by The Other Dave » Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:48 am

On the other hand, the only thing I do have in that box is the banshees... Curse you, GW! *shakes fist*
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Re: WarCry

Post by me_in_japan » Mon Jan 20, 2020 2:39 am

Beast man cards are kinda interesting to me, although they make me a bit sad that my own custom ones only ever saw one outing. I quite like the trees in the terrain pack, too. Not enough trees on tables these days, I say :) The big win for me though is is the corpse grinder cult dudes. Man, those guys are awesome! Proppa scary spices, the lot of em. :twisted:
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