Warhammer 30,000

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Warhammer 30,000

Post by Primarch » Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:34 pm

For a long time now, Badruck, Voss and myself have been talking about running a Warhammer 30k campaign using some rules we found online. However, due to our irregular gaming schedules, the fact that we play more than just warhammer and various other factors, we havent been able to start a campaign yet. So, with that in mind I have written up some rules for a campaign that anyone can take part in, set around the time of the great crusade. For anyone who has read the Horus Heresy series of books, these games can be a chance to recreate some of what you have read.

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Re: Warhammer 30,000

Post by Primarch » Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:39 pm

Warhammer 30,000 – The Great Crusade – Campaign Rules

The Great Crusade Campaign is a multi part, multi player, narrative driven campaign. Anyone is welcome to play, we only ask that you post your game results and unit information afterwards.

Army Selections – All armies must be chosen following the rules contained in the following Tempus Fugitive packs.
TGC – Imperial Edition
TGC – Eldar Edition
TGC – Ork Edition
TGC – Necron Edition
TGC – Tempestus Edition
These packs may be found elsewhere on the internet, but if you need a copy, please PM me. Armies may include Imperial Armour units where stated in the mission, or with the opponent’s consent.
Imperial armies MUST include at least 1 named character from the Imperial pack. All legion armies use Codex Space Marines.
There are NO chaos space marine, tyranid, tau, witch hunter or daemon hunter armies in The Great Crusade. (though the witch hunter, tyranid and tau rules are used for groups in the Tempestus Pack).
Due to the large number of armies available, players are NOT expected to repaint their models into legion colours, or have 1 of each legion. Proxying models is fine so long as the models are of the correct type. E.g. Any marine can be proxied by any marine.

Missions – I will be posting missions up on the forums and I welcome others to do so as well. Missions that fit the theme of The Great Crusade are important. Try to avoid using the standard missions from the core rulebook please. Everyone has played annihilation before. Missions should be try to be balanced, and offer both sides a chance to win. Whilst the TGC packs offer rules for Primarchs and Super Heavy Vehicles, they should be limited to special missions or important events in the TGC timeline. This campaign covers everything from the start of the crusade, through Ullanor, Murder, and up to the war with the Interex. Events afterwards will be part of the Horus Heresy and wont be included here.

Experience – Units which do NOT contain named characters from a pack may gain experience as the campaign develops. Units chosen from a pack already include special rules and bonuses.
After each battle, roll 1d6 for each non-vehicle unit and each walker, which survived the game. On a roll of a 6, the unit gains experience. There are 4 levels of experience in this campaign. All experienced units need a fitting name. Experience is cumulative. The same advance may be taken multiple times.

Unit of Note – Choose 1 First Level Advance
Unit of Standing – Choose 1 Second Level Advance
Unit of Renown – Choose 1 Third Level Advance or 2 First Level Advances
Unit of Legend – Choose 1 Fourth Level Advance or 2 Second Level Advances

Each level of experience will add points to the unit. Please post advanced units in the appropriate thread and make a note of their legion/army as well as unit type.

Level 1 Advances +10 points to cost of unit
Sergeant/Walker gains +1WS, +1I
Sergeant/Walker gains +1BS, +1Ld
Sergeant/Walker gains Rending
Sergeant may buy wargear as if he were a captain
Unit may replace 1 special weapon option with 1 heavy weapon
Unit may replace 1 heavy weapon option with 1 special weapon
Unit/Walker gains Move Through Cover USR.

Level 2 Advances +15 points to cost of unit
Sergeant/Walker gains Stealth USR and grants it to his unit whilst alive.
Sergeant/Walker gains Fleet USR and grants it to his unit whilst alive.
Sergeant gains Stubborn USR and grants it to his unit whilst alive.
Sergeant/Walker gains Tank Hunter USR and grants it to his unit whilst alive.
Unit gains Melta Bombs
Sergeant/Walker gains +1A and defensive grenades

Level 3 Advances +20 points to cost of unit
Unit/Walker gains special issue ammunition
Any model in the unit may buy wargear as if it were a sergeant
Unit gains +1I
Unit gains +1Ld
Sergeant gains +1W
Walker gains frag grenades
Unit/Walker may reroll shooting attacks once per game
Unit/Walker may reroll assault attacks once per game

Level 4 Advances +25 points to cost of unit
Unit gains Battle Forged Heroes (see Codex Space Marines p.85)
Sergeant gains Iron Halo
Sergeant gains Eternal Warrior
Sergeant gains Liturgies of Battle (see Codex Space Marines p. 58)
Unit does not scatter when it deepstrikes
Unit may choose any 1 USR from the core rulebook.
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Re: Warhammer 30,000

Post by Colonel Voss » Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:10 am

Bringing this up again. Just to confirm, I will be playing Word Bearers with Imperial Guard support. Mainly I have to balance my purchases between a few armies of late so the Word Bearer forces will be slow in the making.
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