Wanna Start My Own Crew

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Wanna Start My Own Crew

Post by Grantholomeu » Mon Aug 19, 2019 6:46 am

@Primarch @The Underdweller

You got me hooked and I wanna start up my own crew. I did a little reading in the Malifaux section and realized that almost this exact conversation was had a few years ago, but I wanna run PIGS! I'm 200% ready to RP bigoted backwater American gremlin farmers. I loooove that there's a unit of hicks called the "Good ol' boys."

If I've got my checklist all squared away, I need...
- Rulebook
- Stat Cards
- Fate Deck
- Miniatures

Does that look good?

We talked briefly about how Malifaux is rotating into 3rd edition soon, but also how everyone here has 2nd edition. I'm leaning towards getting the 3rd edition stuff just because it's only a matter of time before that's the norm, but what do you all think?

Also, do the box sets with the miniatures include the cards and/or bases?

P.S. I feel like I should stop being a scrub and make some terrain to bring. Does anyone know some good budget options for terrain, specifically macabre old-timey terrain?
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Re: Wanna Start My Own Crew

Post by Primarch » Mon Aug 19, 2019 8:54 am

Glad to have you aboard.

Gremlins aren't a faction I have seen much of. One of the Japanese players has the Ullix, Hog Wild crew and that's it I think.
From what I have read about them, Gremlins are usually very random and rely on luck and having enough bodies in the table to soak the damage they take. Gremlins main faction gimmick is to take damage or penalties and in exchange, dish out extra damage to their opponents. Different Masters will have different effects on their crews.

Your shopping list seems spot on.

Minis come with bases as standard and the game expects them to be on the correct size for the model.
As for stat cards...
1st edition (all metal) minis have 1st edition cards. They aren't available in great numbers, but some stores may still stock them.
3rd edition (all plastic) minis have 3rd edition cards. There aren't a lot of 3rd ed minis out yet, but they will be the standard from now on.
2nd edition (again, all plastic) and the bulk of what you'll see for sale are a mixed bag. When 3rd ed came out, stores had the option to send the maker, Wyrd, a list of their stock. Wyrd would then send 3rd ed cards to replace all the 2nd ed cards for free, along with a sticker to mark the boxes 3rd ed compatible. Obviously this would be somewhat time consuming for a small store to do, so there is no guarantee which set of cards you'll receive without looking at the box or checking with the store. If you order direct from Wyrd, they'll definitely have updated cards, but shipping from the US is expensive.
In order to guarantee getting 3rd ed cards and having every card available to compare and preview your next purchases, the faction deck might be a good choice.

The starter crews are enough for a game. Each crew box comes with a Master, a Henchman, a Totem and a few generic Minions.
The Master is the most powerful model in the crew and usually what you build around. The Henchman usually provides support for the Master's weak point. (So in the faction you used the other day, the Master is a physically weak spellcaster, so the Henchman is a monstrously powerful melee fighter). The Totem boosts the Master's special abilities and the Minions act as shields or scheme-runners.

When/if you are looking to expand, minions are available outside the crew boxes, but you generally don't need duplicates of ones you already have. So, if you buy Crew A and want more options, look at Minions B or C. Not everything synergizes perfectly, but so long as you are recruiting from the same faction, you're ok.
In addition to the above, there are also additional faction Henchman that work with any Master, Enforcers (more powerful and specialized Minions) and Peons who are expendable meat shields.

The 2nd/3rd edition is a question we haven't really addressed locally. There are 5 players locally, but we don't play a lot due to schedules and other systems. Personally I love the game and want to play more, but getting to events is tough for me this year due to other commitments. As a result, there isn't any real urgency locally to update, though I guess we will do it eventually. If need be, the 2nd Ed. cards are bound to be online somewhere.

On the terrain front, The Other Dave has some bayou shacks that he is giving away, so if you want them, let him know. Gremlin territory is mainly swamp/bayou country, so you can get away with quite a lot of ruins and woods.

If you have any questions, let me know and I'll do my best to answer them.
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Re: Wanna Start My Own Crew

Post by Grantholomeu » Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:46 am

Thanks for the in detail response,

I guess the only thing I'm still unsure about is how exactly the keywords work and how to make a crew. I assume everything in one box set can be played together, but how do you know the keywords other models have before purchasing them?

Also, it will technically be a gremlin army I think, but I want to run as many pigs as possible.
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Re: Wanna Start My Own Crew

Post by Grantholomeu » Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:51 am

Is there any place you would recommend purchasing from or is it pretty much eBay/Amazon or bust?
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Re: Wanna Start My Own Crew

Post by Primarch » Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:26 am

I usually buy (in Japan) from:
You can pay cash on delivery if you want and you can request a delivery date/time in the notes section of the order form if the items are in stock. The site owner speaks English too if that is an issue.
From overseas, I use:
The British pound is very cheap right now if you don't mind waiting a little longer for your minis.

As for keywords, everything in a crew box should have the same crew related words where necessary. There is no requirement to have all of the same keywords on every model, though it may mean that they cannot be buffed by certain effects. Often having one or two minis from outside your crew helps fill in a gap or two that the crew would be unable to manage on their own, so there is a balance to think about. The new 3rd edition boxes give the crew's keyword on the front of the box.
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Re: Wanna Start My Own Crew

Post by Grantholomeu » Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:00 am

Can you direct message people on here?
I'd like to get a hold of The Other Dave.
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Re: Wanna Start My Own Crew

Post by Primarch » Mon Aug 19, 2019 11:10 am

Yes, you can.
Find a post he has made (http://www.nagoyahammer.com/forum/viewt ... 790#p59594), click on his user name and there should be an option to send a PM towards the bottom of the page.
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Re: Wanna Start My Own Crew

Post by The Underdweller » Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:56 pm


It looks like Primarch has answered your questions already, so I'll just say it'll be great to have another Malifaux player around!

Gremlins and Pigs both sound like living creatures, so they will drop Corpse tokens when they die, which is all a ressurectionist player can ask for in an opponent ;)

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Re: Wanna Start My Own Crew

Post by Grantholomeu » Fri Aug 30, 2019 8:13 am

Weird conundrum here, but I got my core box today, put everything together, and Penelope the dog doesn't fit on the size 1 base that she's supposed to. Anyone had something like this happen before? She's just barely too big so one paw sits on the lip of the base :(
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Re: Wanna Start My Own Crew

Post by Primarch » Fri Aug 30, 2019 8:24 am

I think that's just the way it's sculpted. The model doesn't totally fit within the space of it's base.

It shouldn't matter too much if the model overhangs a bit, so long as it is on the correct sized base, it's fine.
Painted Minis in 2014: 510, in 2015: 300, in 2016 :369, in 2019: 417, in 2020: 450

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