Obolis Invasion: The Charadon Campaign

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Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
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Obolis Invasion: The Charadon Campaign

Post by Jye Nicolson » Fri Apr 09, 2021 1:32 pm

The galaxy burns.

With ever passing day the conflagration I have set spreads further, rages higher. Fully half the Corpse-Emperor's realm lies beneath the pall. Choked, smothered, its worlds wither. Amidst the embers its armies curl and die like parchment cast to the flames.

It is not enough.

Sill the corpse-worshippers defy me. Still the Dark Gods whisper their false promises. Still there are those who believe me weak, a fool, a biddable failure like my gene-sire before me. Let them all prate. Their cries of derision will turn to screams as the flames consume them.

There is work yet to be done.

You will find the Host of the Destroyer Hive and command him in my name. You and he will gather a force fit to darken the stars and with it you will plunge the Charadon Sector into anarchy.

The galaxy burns. Now let us stoke the pyre.

- Abbadon the Despoiler

The Charadon sector, dominated by the Forge World Metalica, suffered even before the great heretic war host arrived.

Drukhari made sport of the worlds of saints, Lelith Hesparax dancing through fountains of holy blood. Insidious plagues twisted loyal Imperial subjects into foetid beasts and decimated whole hives. And in his dispassionate binaric wisdom, Fabricator General Khleng unleashed his eradication hulks to scour the compromised planets clean.

But with the eye of the Despoiler upon it, the Charadon sector would not escape with mere suffering. Typhus, the most wicked of Nurgle's champions, leads a vast invasion fleet in concert with his uneasy ally, Akhorath Zeid of the Black Legion. With them come all the forces of hell, countless warbands of every allegiance and none, here for glory, for riches, and for vengeance.

Against such dread foes the Imperium can still muster great strength - Astartes, Sororitas, Astra Militarum, and the mighty forces of the Omnissiah. Typhus will find no lack of defenders defying his will.

Yet such a maelstrom always draws yet more predators, and many find opportunities in the slaughter. The Drukhari see a diversion elevated to a great and bloody spectacle. Necrons stir to answer the intolerable presumption of these children. The Orks find the prospect of being left out of such a scrap likewise intolerable. And the Tyranids see naught but a feat arrayed before their hungry maws.

The hammer falls first at Okharium, the crimson skied, irradiated industrial world of the Chromyd system, gateway to the Obolis subsector. But all of Charadon will burn.

Jye Nicolson
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Re: Obolis Invasion: The Charadon Campaign

Post by Jye Nicolson » Fri Apr 09, 2021 1:43 pm

TLDR: I want to get involved in the campaign, what do I do?

I just want to affect the outcome

- Play games in the 40K universe of any kind (40K is best but Kill Team, Titanicus, Aeronautica Imperialis, Battlefleet Gothic, one of those random board games, whatever)
- Tell me how the games turned out

I want to get Crusade rewards!

- Nominate a Crusade, whether it's an existing one or a new one is fine
- I will assign it to a team - usually Defenders for Imperium, Invaders for Chaos or Raiders for Xenos. But we may need to balance out teams so let me know if that suits your story.

I want to really get into it!

- Ask me for your Secret Mission for the phase
- Use the Theatre of War rules for the phase when playing games of 40K
- Play the special mission for the phase
- Play Crusade missions from the Plague Purge pack (I will bring this to all game days)
- Buy Crusade requisitions, traits etc from War Zone Charadon Act 1: The Book of Rust (I will bring this to all game days)
- Post in-character gloating/oaths of vengeance etc after games

Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
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Re: Obolis Invasion: The Charadon Campaign

Post by Jye Nicolson » Fri Apr 09, 2021 1:46 pm


82nd Tarsonian Ashwalkers, Imperium, Mattb
The Black Cherubs, Imperium, Balloonacorn
The Taran Heresy, Imperium (CM's Crusade, not eligible for individual rewards)
The Hit Squad, Imperium, Dekana


The Dusk Raiders, Chaos, The Other Dave
The Juvenal Conspiracy, Chaos (CM's Crusade, not eligible for individual rewards)


Da Blitzin' Gitsmashaz, Orks, Mattb
The Fool of Commorragh, Aeldari (CM's Crusade, not eligible for individual rewards)
Last edited by Jye Nicolson on Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:01 am, edited 5 times in total.

Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Re: Obolis Invasion: The Charadon Campaign

Post by Jye Nicolson » Fri Apr 09, 2021 2:06 pm

How does this work?

  • The campaign is a three phase battle between three Alliances - the Defenders (by default Imperium), Invaders (by default Chaos) and Raiders (by default Xenos).
  • The campaign is run by a Campaign Master (me), who has broad powers to award bonuses etc to make up for the fact that it's a campaign between casual players with random schedules and not expected to be a tightly scheduled league.
  • Each phase will last two months, ending at the end of the second month's game day. During a phase, playing games earns War Zone points for your Alliance, with more points for drawing or winning, and yet more for achieving your Secret Mission. Each player can contribute a maximum of 20 War Zone points to an Alliance per phase, plus 2 more for the Secret Mission.
  • While we expect most of those games to be Crusade games of 9th Edition 40K played at Nagoya Miniatures Club games days, any 40K universe game at any time is fine - just tell me about who played and the result! Those playing 9th Edition 40K will have special Theatre of War rules and a special mission available for the phase.
  • When two sides from the same Alliance play each other, one player will instead play for an Alliance that is not currently winning (eg if Defenders are winning and two Raiders play against each other, one player will be playing for Invaders instead for this game). If neither player has a preference roll off to determine who will temporarily switch sides. Please contact the CM if this creates weird incentives in practice.
  • At the end of the phase the alliance with the most War Zone points will win, earning Strategic Value points (1 for the first phase, 2 for the second phase, 3 for the third phase)
  • At the end of each phase, various Crusade bonuses will be distributed to all participating Crusades, based on Alliance and personal performance (including some nice stuff if it hasn't been going well, in order to get you back into the fight)
  • At the end of the third phase the Alliance with the most Strategic Value points wins the overall campaign and eternal glory.
  • The Campaign Master may award any of the different points, Crusade bonuses, whatever at any time to try to keep things fun and vaguely fair for everyone. For example if a stalwart Raider player has to head back over the other side of the world for the third phase and can't make up their games on TTS or whatever, I can give the Raiders some bonus War Zone points to make up the absence, or find a Defender player to change Alliances or whatever.
  • I will be playing for all three Alliances, with one Crusade in each. However I will not be eligible for personal rewards (just those going to the Alliance), and I plan to count my games towards whoever is currently losing, even if I didn't have the right faction with me on the day.
Last edited by Jye Nicolson on Sun Apr 11, 2021 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Re: Obolis Invasion: The Charadon Campaign

Post by Jye Nicolson » Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:02 pm

Phase One - The Razing of Chromyd

The Chromyd system guards the warp route of Barlech's Channel; here the Drukhari bled the Imperium for their amusement, and following the scent of that blood Typhus unleashed an overwhelming armarda to cut through the Channel and to Metalica. The Imperium cannot hold here, but every second they buy is one more to prepare the defences of the Forge World.


Until the end of the May game day

War Zone Points earned per game:

Play any game: 1

Draw/Win Combat Patrol: 1/2

Draw/Win Incursion: 2/3

Draw/Win Strike Force: 3/4

Draw/Win Onslaught: 4/5

A maximum of 20 points can be earned per player during the phase, plus 2 for achieving their Secret Mission.

Theatre of War: Irradiated Wasteland

Both players get a bonus War Zone point if they agree to use the following Theatre of War rules during their game to represent playing on Okharium:

Ash Winds

At the start of each battle round, the player who took the first turn rolls 1d6, adding 1 for each consecutively proceeding battle round that there was no Ash Winds. On a 4+, Ash Winds blow until the end of the current battle round. Randomly determine one battle edge that the winds are gusting *towards*.

While the Ash Winds blow, models cannot target units more than 24" away with ranged attacks, and each time a unit makes an Advance or Charge move, add 2" to the distance they can move for that Advance or Charge move, so long as every model finishes closer to the battlefield edge that the winds are blowing towards.

Mysterious Objective Markers

The ransack of this industrial world and the countless battles over its surface have scattered a vast array of tactically useful material over its radioactive sands.

If the battle includes any objective markers, at the start of the first battle round each player selects a different objective marker to be a Mysterious Objective Marker, starting with the player taking the first turn. If possible players must choose an objective marker not in either player's deployment zone.

An Infantry unit can attempt the Investigate Objective action if they are in range of a Mysterious Objective Marker that has not been investigated and no enemy unit is in range. The action can be started at the end of the movement phase and completes at the end of the turn. When it completes roll 1d3 for the marker's effect:

1. Shield System: Until the end of the battle, each time a ranged attack is allocated to a model in range of this objective, add 1 to their armour save against that attack.

2. Abandoned supplies: Gain d3 Command Points.

3. Lost Tech: select one unit within range of the objective marker, and select one weapon profile models in that unit are equipped with. Until the end of the battle, each time a model in that unit makes an attack with that weapon profile, add 1 to that attack's wound roll.

Special Mission: Rout on Okharium

Okharium cannot be held, and already facing heinous losses, the Imperium's defenders must fall back to their extraction points to escape the slaughter if they are to have any hope of regrouping to hold the next world in Typhus' path.

You gain a bonus War Zone point the first time you play this mission in this phase.

This is a narrative mission recreating the desperate escape of Imperial forces from the massacre on Okharium; as a result it's most appropriate for the Defender to be, well, from the Defender Alliance, and the Attacker to be either Invaders or Raiders. However it's fine to have whoever in each role, there was plenty of slaughter to go around on Okharium.

Rather than try to reproduce the mission whole here, please grab me at a game day for access to the Book of Rust if you don't have it already to play the mission. Briefly though the game starts with all forces close together in one half of the board, with the Defender needing to retreat back to the far edge. It is suggested the Defender avoid units with a move of 12" or more.

Strategic Value Points

The winning Alliance for the phase gains 1 Strategic Value point

Crusade Rewards

Note: XP rewards can be distributed as you please between units on your Order of Battle

Winning Alliance: 5 XP

Second Place Alliance: 1RP

Losing Alliance: 2 RP


If we die we die fighting so it don't count: 1 RP or 5 XP (your choice) if you lose every game for the phase

Vengeance for Nagoya: If you beat an opponent who defeated you earlier in the phase, you may choose an extra unit to be Marked for Greatness for that game

Master of the 10th Company: 1 RP or 5 XP (your choice) for teaching someone to play 9th Edition 40K

Khorne Welcomes You: 1 RP and 5 XP for playing your first Crusade game of 9th Edition

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The Other Dave
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Re: Obolis Invasion: The Charadon Campaign

Post by The Other Dave » Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:31 pm

I'm all in with the Dusk Raiders!
Feel free to call me Dave!
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Re: Obolis Invasion: The Charadon Campaign

Post by Mattb » Sat Apr 10, 2021 1:39 pm

Looks good. I'll be up for it with the 82nd Tarsonian Ashwalkers (Defenders) and Da Blitzin' Gitsmashaz (Raiders).

Also the special mission looks really interesting. Maybe we could try to organise a big battle using it for May's games day? It might be a good way to wrap up the first phase.

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Re: Obolis Invasion: The Charadon Campaign

Post by Balloonacorn » Tue Apr 13, 2021 1:38 am

The Black Cherubs are inbound.
"true love is the greatest thing in the world - except for a nice MLT - mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomatoes are ripe."

Jye Nicolson
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Re: Obolis Invasion: The Charadon Campaign

Post by Jye Nicolson » Tue Apr 13, 2021 3:33 am

I think that's all the current ongoing Crusade forces slotted in, but hopefully we'll inspire a few folks to start new ones :) There's definitely a lot of Chaos players lurking about that should be answering Abbadon's call!

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The Other Dave
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Re: Obolis Invasion: The Charadon Campaign

Post by The Other Dave » Tue Apr 13, 2021 10:41 pm

Jye Nicolson wrote:
Tue Apr 13, 2021 3:33 am
I think that's all the current ongoing Crusade forces slotted in, but hopefully we'll inspire a few folks to start new ones :) There's definitely a lot of Chaos players lurking about that should be answering Abbadon's call!
Abbadon, pfah! The Dusk Raiders answer only to themselves!
Feel free to call me Dave!
Miniatures painted in 2023: 252
Miniatures painted in 2024:
Epic scale: 9 vehicles, 56 stands of infantry, a whole buncha terrain
32mm-ish: 17 infantry

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