The Event With No Name RULES

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Re: The Event With No Name RULES

Post by Admiral-Badruck » Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:56 pm

Ok that makes sense I guess...
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Re: The Event With No Name RULES

Post by Primarch » Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:02 pm

As has been posted elsewhere:

Printed armylists!!!! Handwritten armylists will cost you 1 point from your final score. If you dont have a printer, write them up as a text file and email it to me and I will print it.

Sportmanship will be scored as follows. Answer each of the 4 questions. If you answer yes to each question then they get 1 point. If you honestly answer no to every question then you should give them a 0. If you give them a mix of yes and no's, speak to the judge (ie Me).
Was your opponent friendly?
Did they let you know what they were doing when they were rolling dice?
Did they play by the rules?
Would you be happy to play them again?

I know nearly everyone attending the event pretty well. Anyone giving out a zero for sportsmanship should have a reason why. Anyone handing out 3 zeros had better have a VERY good reason. (And yes, there is a reason why this being said). "I want to win the tournament," is not a valid reason, neither is "I lost the game."
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Re: The Event With No Name RULES

Post by me_in_japan » Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:33 pm

how about "...but he was using ORKS!"

I reckon thats a valid one...
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Re: The Event With No Name RULES

Post by Primarch » Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:57 pm

me_in_japan wrote:how about "...but he was using ORKS!"

I reckon thats a valid one...
But he would use the counter-argument - "But you're an Eldar player, so of course you would say that."
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Re: The Event With No Name RULES

Post by Admiral-Badruck » Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:59 pm

for anyone that tables all of his opponents and takes at least 4 paint points... sportsmanship comp should not matter at all...

I am going to miss the first game and maybe the second game that is good news for anyone that is in it to win it... but if I was not missing a game or 2... I would build strait cheeze and table every last one of my opponents... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: The Event With No Name RULES

Post by me_in_japan » Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:16 am

sportsmanship comp should not matter at all.......but if I was not missing a game or 2... I would build strait cheeze and table every last one of my opponents...
that sounds like itd be a fun game to play. Im really looking forward to playing against rob now. yay. :?
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Re: The Event With No Name RULES

Post by Admiral-Badruck » Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:58 am

I would not expect anything different from anyone at the event...
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Re: The Event With No Name RULES

Post by me_in_japan » Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:18 am

While I'm pretty sure that we dont actually need sportsmanship points to assure fair play in this tourny (based off current list of attendees) I do generally think rating sportsmanship is a good idea.

However, being sporting and not-playing-to-win are two different things. You can write the winniest list you like, but if you play with a smile, and give clear explanations of what youre doing, and generally dont act like a poopyhead then you can expect to score full points on sportsmanship.

btw - stu: how does suspecting the opponent of dodgy measuring stand with regards to sportsmanship? I find this is the one area where certain attendees tend to bend the rules. Not for personal gain, I might add - one or two folks are just a bit free and easy when it comes to measuring. For some armies its not important. For others, its very, very important. Some players can gauge distances by eye quite well and could, in theory, carefully place their minis 12 1/2 " from the opposition (hoping to avoid the charge, yet lure them in for a counter charge). In this kind of situation a couple of 1/4" fudges makes a big difference.

How would it stand if player A thought player B was being a bit fudgy, and mentioned it, and there was found to be a discrepancy of a wee tiny bit. Most players would say "its not important" but this kind of difference can lose you the game very easily if youre playing with a fragile army (eldar, tau, some IG, etc). Those who are not so fussy about precise movement tend to get annoyed with people who point out their mistakes. (cos to them, its not worth pointing out, and is just being fussy.)

What worries me is that I often see folks measuring distance in a fairly tekitoni kinda way, and if I point it out I dont want to be shot down for being a moany whinger. If thats gonna happen, fine and okeydokey, but let me know in advance and I'll go away and re-think my strategy to not involve carefully distanced minis.
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Re: The Event With No Name RULES

Post by Admiral-Badruck » Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:14 pm

As an Ork Player I find that Fuzzy moves are the worst kind or sin against the game one if I make fuzzy moves I am a complete dillhole but the Tau Player running a way from me is every bit a dillhole if he make his move a bit too far. as is the Eldar Player who moves a tank in a fuzzy way... nothing makes me madder this is one reason I use rulers instead of a tape. I would remind my opponent by giving them advice about how the move could be made more accurately and then I would share one of my rulers with them... if the insist on using a tape and the move still looks fuzzy ... look out I am going to ding them on it...

Here is why... there are a few things in the game that do not require and element of chance on of these is movement and if you are not doing your very best to measure accurately you are cheating. Plane and simple if you are called out on it the you should say my bad.. and then take any advice from you opponent for making a correct measurement. If he can't or wont help you get a judge.

The other one I really get upset about is LOS... there is nothing more clear and there is nothing more abused... I have had a guy tell me that a Laser Pointer in the hands of a judge was not accurate... what more could one ask for... getting down to eye level is not always possible but a Laser pointer and a third party should be able to give a fairly accurate ruling... "LOS you can see me" next turn nothing has changed " I cast Lash of Summation on that unit"... pull that on me and you are getting dinged...

Soul Grinders and Defilers the legs do not count as anything until Assaults... I shoot your walker sorry you do not have range the legs do not count as the hull... yet "I will assault you"... and make contact with just the leg "now they count" Putt them of a base it tells you to do that in the rule book... if an Ork Biker has to be put on a base then so does a Soul Grinder. neither comes with a base both should...

I may want to ding some one with is stalling... moving each one of your guys slowly just to eat up the time and make the game end on an early turn... say 4 rather than five a possible or six that just makes my blood boil.... no pun intended

one more that I will just throw out there is base size... I will let it slide for the most part unless it gets out of hand..... but terminators on small bases come on guys get the big bases and play fair... Mike the Pike has all his old school stuff Terminators on big bases... I know ash re-based one of his both guys are on my not getting dinged list...
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Re: The Event With No Name RULES

Post by Primarch » Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:06 pm

I'm bringing Deathwing, and ALL my models are on the small bases they originally came with. Nothing has been, and nothing will be rebased. My new style terminators that I use for my Space Wolves and Raven Guard are on new big bases.
I've had the models for almost 10 years now and I'm not ripping the bases off for anyone. Sorry if that causes offence. Likewise, my bikes are all on the small rectangular bases they came with, not the new pill bases they get shipped with now.
If anyone would care to buy me new bases, clip the tags off the metal models and carefully and securely pin the models to the new bases, you are more than welcome to do so. Otherwise, I will play with every model being on their original bases thank you.
And how is this not playing fair?

As for the fudging your move and other issues. If your opponent does something you disagree with, point it out ASAP. Be polite and ask them nicely to check the distance properly. If they do it again, point it out again. If it looks deliberate, ding them the sportsmanship score. Dont let it slide and then do it later. One thing you can do is when you measure range to shoot, point out that the models are over 12" away and show your opponent the measure. Eyeballing it could be an error on your part, but if it is stated clearly beforehand, there is no room for argument.
Be nice, be polite and play fair. If your opponent thinks you are fudging your measurements, please listen to them and be more careful.

If there are any serious problems, call me over to watch. No-one should lose sportsmanship points for asking to play by the rules.
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