New Year's Resolutions - Ongoing Thread

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Re: New Year's Resolutions - 2019 edition.

Post by Primarch » Tue Dec 31, 2019 12:19 pm

Primarch wrote:
Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:19 am
Well, we are over the halfway mark for the year, let's see how we're doing?
Primarch wrote:
Tue Jan 01, 2019 12:40 pm
So my goals are as follows:
1. Paint an average of 30 models a month.

2. Paint my American Airborne army.

3. Paint a force for the American Revolution.

4. Continue working on my British in Burma project.

5. Figure out the best way forward for this site.

6. Be less curmudgeonly.
1. I have painted 317 models so far this year out of my target of 360. However, 250 of those were painted in Jan-Mar, 51 in April, 17 in May and 0 from June onwards. (Coincidentally the same time I started playing Magic: Arena, I wonder if there is any connection?).

2. I have most of the figures for this army assembled, but no paint on any of them yet, not even an undercoat.

3. I think this isn't happening for the time being and can be safely ignored.

4. There has been a squad of Gurkhas sat on my painting desk since June. I have also assembled some Indian National Army and I'm building some 5th Indian Division troops as and when I feel like it.

5. Things seem to be rolling slowly on as they are. We're never going to be a big community and Facebook etc. provides an all in one place for hobbies, family and friends, which NH doesn't and can't compete with. Job did suggest making the monthly game threads more prominent, but there is no easy way to do that automatically. (I'm too lazy to change it manually every month).

6. That's not really for me to judge if I am successful or not. :D

So in summary, 1. is well within reach, 2. and 4. are at least moving slowly forward, 3. and 5. are on indefinite hiatus and 6. is still up in the air. Roll on Dec 31st!
Well, it's Dec 31st and I doubt I'll be doing much painting before midnight, so time to see how things went.

1. I managed a grand total of 417 minis of various sizes and shapes this year Vs. my target of 360. Aces!

2. Nope. Haven't touched my Airborne at all.

3. This project is finally underway. I have most of my minis assembled, a couple of test pieces done and I have started on the first unit.

4. My Gurkhas are all done and I have quite a few more models built and ready for painting.

5. So far so good. We have had a few new people join this year which has added a bit more life to some areas. I shuffled some parts of the forum around to make them a bit easier to find.

6. I thought I didn't do too badly, though again that isn't for me to judge. :lol:

So I beat target 1. Targets 3 and 4 are creeping forward. Number 5 is ok so far, but number 2 just hasn't happened.
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Re: New Year's Resolutions - 2019 edition.

Post by Balloonacorn » Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:41 am

New Year's Resolutions

A) Play 2 good games a month (and possible several bad ones)

B) Have a legal, based and fully painted Kill Team which I am comfortable playing with - not sure if it will end up being my current GK...

C) Have a legal, based and fully painted $0k Army - which I am comfortable playing with: Death Guard for sure.

D) Have a legal, based and fully painted Warcry Warband which I am comfortable playing with - I don't know which one but I think I enjoyed that game the most.

E) Get to know some of you better - this seems like a very good group.
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Re: New Year's Resolutions - Ongoing Thread

Post by The Other Dave » Fri Jan 03, 2020 12:40 am

I had a pretty vague set of resolutions, which made it very difficult for me to not meet them, fortunately! :lol: The only thing I really want to improve on in 2020 is the negativity thing - I'd give myself a solid B- on that front - but that's wider than just a hobby problem I reckon. :oops:

My big actual-100%-gaming-related concrete goals for 2020 are:

1. To make the Underworlds tournament at NagoyaHammer as successful as possible
1a. Just generally continue to try to grow the game locally (I could have been a bit more proactive here in 2019)
2. Get my painting backlog back to a reasonable amount

Everything else I'll just continue to wing it. :lol:
Feel free to call me Dave!
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Re: New Year's Resolutions - Ongoing Thread

Post by Primarch » Sun Jan 05, 2020 2:32 am

Well, I've been giving things some thought over the past few days and I have a few resolutions this year.

1. To better balance my time.
Last year I started playing Magic the Gathering: Arena on my PC and that took up a LOT of my time. I want to keep playing it, but I should cut back on it a bit and spend more time doing proper (i.e. not online) hobby stuff.

2. To finish stuff off.
I have dozens of half built armies, warbands and misc. projects filling up my hobby room. I need to get stuff finished to reduce clutter. A half done project has a box for sprues, a box for unpainted minis and an army case. A finished project just has the army case, which leaves more space for new purchases. :lol:

3. To do more demo games.
The monthly group seems to have a strong tendency towards GW games. Now, I figure that at least a small part of that is down to people not wanting to take a chance on a new system without the brand name recognition that comes with GW. If I hope to get people playing other systems, it's on me to introduce the games to the group.

So no concrete promises, but some things to work towards.
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Re: New Year's Resolutions - Ongoing Thread

Post by Karantu » Thu Jan 09, 2020 12:10 am

A bit late to the party but as I've mentioned in a post or two elsewhere I'm planning to invest more time into my Tau army and have it all fully painted and based by the end of the year. I even made a Trello project for it inspired by Dave. Anyway in general I also want to be more productive this year and so I'm going to start keeping track of my projects properly instead of just randomly working on whatever I feel like.

In order to achieve that I'm going to try cutting back on video games since I have a tendency to invest tons of time into time sinks such as Factorio (700 hours on Steam...), Stellaris, and other games of that sort.

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Re: New Year's Resolutions - Ongoing Thread

Post by Primarch » Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:13 pm

So here we are at the half way mark for the year. Time to check in on the New Year's Resolutions and see if we are staying true to our words.
Primarch wrote:
Sun Jan 05, 2020 2:32 am
1. To better balance my time.
Last year I started playing Magic the Gathering: Arena on my PC and that took up a LOT of my time. I want to keep playing it, but I should cut back on it a bit and spend more time doing proper (i.e. not online) hobby stuff.

2. To finish stuff off.
I have dozens of half built armies, warbands and misc. projects filling up my hobby room. I need to get stuff finished to reduce clutter. A half done project has a box for sprues, a box for unpainted minis and an army case. A finished project just has the army case, which leaves more space for new purchases. :lol:

3. To do more demo games.
The monthly group seems to have a strong tendency towards GW games. Now, I figure that at least a small part of that is down to people not wanting to take a chance on a new system without the brand name recognition that comes with GW. If I hope to get people playing other systems, it's on me to introduce the games to the group.
1. I have managed to do a lot of painting over the past 6 months, though that was more to do with having 2 months of furlough than anything else. Prior to the pandemic, I was doing slightly better at getting real world hobby stuff done, but I have since suffered something of a relapse with PC gaming coming back to the fore. MtG:Arena has a busy summer schedule, so I'll need to be extra diligent about getting back to my brushes.

2. Well, er, yes. Ahem. Despite painting a lot of stuff so far, very little has actually been wrapped up and finished off. My initial force of Americans for Rebels & Patriots is done, but I have a mountain of sprues still to go. My US Airborne and Japanese forces for Bolt Action have both seen a lot of progress, but still have a dozen or so figures each left to build and paint. Most of my other projects seem to be treading water. Either I'm not painting fast enough or I have too many minis. Since the latter makes no sense, it must be the former. :lol: I have done fairly well this year at not buying new stuff though, which is a good thing?

3. In January I demo-ed Bolt Action, but since the game days were closed down from March onwards, I didn't get much opportunity to do more. Assuming things with Covid remain stable, I'd like to get back to doing some more demo games in the future.

4. Hidden goal - Live through a viral apocalypse.
So far, so good on this one. 2020 has been a rough year and given the situation in other parts of Japan and overseas, I'm not sure the next 6 months are going to be much better. Seeing the big crowd at the June games day was great after such a long time, but also a little worrying. Fingers crossed, Japan can keep a lid on the virus, but I'm still somewhat hesitant to go back to normal too soon.
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Re: New Year's Resolutions - Ongoing Thread

Post by The Other Dave » Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:38 pm

Happy "mid-point of heck year" everyone!

"Winging it" has worked pretty well for me so far this year, I have to say. During those months when we have had gaming, I've been getting in a good variety of games with a good variety of people. Obviously, the Underworlds tournament didn't work out, but I'm tentatively eyeing the idea of renting some space near the end of the year and trying again, pandemic permitting. Probably I'd make a decision about that fall-ish. My only other solid resolution was to work through my backlog, and that I did, painting up a total of 117 models so far, to what I dare say is my highest standard yet. The backlog expanded a bit this last weekend (thanks again, Prim!), but all I've really got in the backlog now is my Dusk Raiders expansion, some very low-priority AT stuff for a second legion, and some likewise low-priority stuff for AoS and WarCry, units that I have because they came in sets rather than because I really wanted to paint or play with them.

For the second half of the year, I want to:

-Start a Crusade campaign with my Dusk Raiders for 40K, meaning also painting up the last few models I need for 25PL combat patrol games. Corollary to that, finish painting up the last of the MDF terrain I got at the beginning of the year. As I've said elsewhere, I think it's not unlikely that, if combat patrol and the Crusade system turns out to be fun, this game mode may more or less replace Kill Team for me personally, as I find the latter game rather fiddly, game-design-wise.
-Play more WarCry, and get our local group started on moving warbands through campaigns (my goblins too!).
-Keep growing Underworlds locally, and, as stated, look at relaunching a tournament.
-Play some Titanicus and Age of Sigmar if I'm able.

-Buy and paint new stuff, preferably painting more or less at the rate I buy. Getting through the bits and bobs in my paint queue would be nice, but it'll take a backseat to the things I really want to paint, which at the moment, besides Dusk Raiders, means the Zoat for BSF, and the two new warbands for Underworlds as soon as they come out.
-The owner of the Ichinomiya shop expressed tentative interest in having me run a Contrast painting lesson there sometime, and that would be cool!
Feel free to call me Dave!
Miniatures painted in 2023: 252
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Re: New Year's Resolutions - Ongoing Thread

Post by Primarch » Fri Jan 01, 2021 12:33 pm

Well 2020 is finished, time to crack on with 2021 then.

My resolutions for last year were:
Primarch wrote:
Sun Jan 05, 2020 2:32 am
1. To better balance my time.
Last year I started playing Magic the Gathering: Arena on my PC and that took up a LOT of my time. I want to keep playing it, but I should cut back on it a bit and spend more time doing proper (i.e. not online) hobby stuff.

2. To finish stuff off.
I have dozens of half built armies, warbands and misc. projects filling up my hobby room. I need to get stuff finished to reduce clutter. A half done project has a box for sprues, a box for unpainted minis and an army case. A finished project just has the army case, which leaves more space for new purchases. :lol:

3. To do more demo games.
The monthly group seems to have a strong tendency towards GW games. Now, I figure that at least a small part of that is down to people not wanting to take a chance on a new system without the brand name recognition that comes with GW. If I hope to get people playing other systems, it's on me to introduce the games to the group.
And the results:
1. Well, I still managed to play a LOT of MtG:Arena and even a few games with real cards, but I also managed to paint 450 minis in 2020, which I am pretty happy with.

2. It turns out that despite painting 450 minis, I still haven't finished many projects. I have got some stuff a bit more organized, but I still have a lot of work to do.

3. Hah!

So, that brings me to 2021's resolutions.
1. To try and match last year's painting volume. 450 minis a year should see me clear my hobby room by 3021 I guess. :D
2. To try (again) to get some projects done and the WIP boxes emptied.
3. To play 40K and 30K (using modified 5th ed. rules) as much as I can.

Should be doable I think.
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Re: New Year's Resolutions - Ongoing Thread

Post by Balloonacorn » Fri Jan 01, 2021 1:16 pm

2021 Goals

I am now more comfortable with painting and playing so time to set some realistic goals:

a) Painting - two 40k armies - Death Guard and Flavour of the Month space marines
- one AOS Army - Blades of Khorne / Khorne-Marked Slaves to Darkness
- one Warcry warband
- two plus Blood Bowl teams

b) I want to try - Malifaux
- Frost Grave
- Infinity
- that perfect, yet still undiscovered fantasy game.

c) Read the 40k rules so I can stop asking so many questions.
"true love is the greatest thing in the world - except for a nice MLT - mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomatoes are ripe."

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Re: New Year's Resolutions - Ongoing Thread

Post by The Other Dave » Fri Jan 01, 2021 3:58 pm

The Other Dave wrote:
Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:38 pm
For the second half of the year, I want to:

-Start a Crusade campaign with my Dusk Raiders for 40K, meaning also painting up the last few models I need for 25PL combat patrol games. Corollary to that, finish painting up the last of the MDF terrain I got at the beginning of the year. As I've said elsewhere, I think it's not unlikely that, if combat patrol and the Crusade system turns out to be fun, this game mode may more or less replace Kill Team for me personally, as I find the latter game rather fiddly, game-design-wise.
-Play more WarCry, and get our local group started on moving warbands through campaigns (my goblins too!).
-Keep growing Underworlds locally, and, as stated, look at relaunching a tournament.
-Play some Titanicus and Age of Sigmar if I'm able.
Well, that worked, aside from the Underworlds tourney (*shakes fist at, y'know, the world*). Knocking on wood for '21! I'm a bit worried that the release schedule for WarCry has left me in the dust, but OTOH it's mostly just been more unit options rather than new rules per se, so not owning all the books isn't really leaving me behind or anything.
The Other Dave wrote:
Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:38 pm
-Buy and paint new stuff, preferably painting more or less at the rate I buy. Getting through the bits and bobs in my paint queue would be nice, but it'll take a backseat to the things I really want to paint, which at the moment, besides Dusk Raiders, means the Zoat for BSF, and the two new warbands for Underworlds as soon as they come out.
This worked too - my unpainted queue is pretty much exactly where it was in January - although I FOMO'd the Zoat and will now have to fish for it on eBay I suppose. Overall, though, the past couple years have been good to me on the hobby front, thanks (I think) to finding a few games I really enjoy and focusing on them, and finding my groove with painting (in particular, knowing my limits vis a vis painting lots of models that are very similar). There's not much I want to change!

So, for 2021 - the first half anyway - my big resolutions are probably:

-Keep focusing on Underworlds, and, COVID permitting, run that tournament.
-With the new Death Guard codex, rejigger my force for them for 40K and get a clean Crusade running.
-Now that we have 4 local people who own Titanicus models, I can hope to play more of that. AoS too!
-Find time to play other games, in particular Blitz Bowl but also board / card games and the like. This is a tricky one, as the balance going too hard into "spending all my energy on games nobody else is really interested in playing" is what got me to focus hard back on 40K with 8th edition in the first place. But 30-45-minute "lunchtime games" might be something to look at.

-Just keep chugging along! My only real worry here is that my painting efficiency is generally outstripping my ability to buy (or store!) new models. But we'll see - I have a whole lot of books in the bookshelf that I haven't even thought about reading in more than 10 years, so some pruning for shelf space is probably very doable.
Feel free to call me Dave!
Miniatures painted in 2023: 252
Miniatures painted in 2024:
Epic scale: 9 vehicles, 56 stands of infantry, a whole buncha terrain
32mm-ish: 17 infantry

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