Wouldja believe it. A BoLS article that isn't crap.

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Wouldja believe it. A BoLS article that isn't crap.

Post by me_in_japan » Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:27 am

http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2014/01/ ... s.html?m=1

Start of the mini will:

This is something I had actually given passing thought to. In the event of my kicking the bucket I hereby request that you, the gentlefolk of Naghammer, send somebody knowledgeable about the value of minis round to my house and set about selling my assembled plastic for as much as you can. If there's any items of particular interest to any of you then you can of course use your discretion and keep a wee bitsy for yourselves. The cash raised should, of course, be given to the missus.

End of the mini will.

Well, that's that sorted out :)

Ps. Yes, I'm fine. I just thought it was an interesting article, and a fair point.
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Re: Wouldja believe it. A BoLS article that isn't crap.

Post by Primarch » Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:08 am

You can all keep your grubby mitts off my toys, I'm being buried with them!
Just kidding. I kind of figured that one of you loyal NagHammerites would do something like this should I pop my clogs. I'm pretty sure my wife could get something back from my huge plastic mountain, but having someone savvy help her out would be much appreciated. On a similar note, if you haven't already, you may want to consider life insurance to help support your family should you fail a saving throw or two.

Anyway, here is hoping we all have a long life of gaming ahead of us still.
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Re: Wouldja believe it. A BoLS article that isn't crap.

Post by job » Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:49 am

Well, I'll be buying a shovel to do some tomb raiding as I just plan to live forever, you poor mortals. :D

But truthfully, while it might be nice to think we can get some monetary value back for our minis, I think we should expect there is no intrinsic value in the plastic beyond the heap of plastic they are to the rest of the world. The price we can get for them at all is very fickle to the variances of which people are buying, how much they like what they see and what codex is lately hot. Otherwise I think the only real value you can count on is the value you get from having, painting and playing with them.
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Re: Wouldja believe it. A BoLS article that isn't crap.

Post by The Other Dave » Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:15 am

[dubious noise]

I have to agree with job here. I mean, the guy has a point in that it's probably a nice thing to find good homes for all our hobby stuff rather than binning it, but framing it as "making sure you can help your family financially" is a bit overblown. Frankly, if the few tens of man (heck, even if you're lucky and it's hundreds) you'd probably get for selling off your model collection is all that stands between your family and financial trouble, you've done a pretty poor job of planning.
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Re: Wouldja believe it. A BoLS article that isn't crap.

Post by me_in_japan » Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:21 am

Fo'sho', a mini collection is not a good alternative to life insurance. I was just thinking it'd be a crying shame for that amount of stuff to lie there wasted. I reckon you could sell my minis for a fair few thousand quid (er...40-50man, maybe? I dunno, maybe I'm being over generous there) and I just wouldn't want it lying around doing nuffink. Or worse, being binned.
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Re: Wouldja believe it. A BoLS article that isn't crap.

Post by Miguelsan » Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:35 pm

I told my wife to take my body and bury it in the mountains surrounded by my miniatures so future archeologist wonder who the hell is buried there :D


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