NagoyaHammer 2015 - Preliminary ideas.

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So, NagoyaHammer 2015 then?

Post by Primarch » Sat May 10, 2014 1:04 pm

I've been running NagoyaHammer for the past 5 years and I've had a blast every time. However, as much as I would like to keep things going just as they are, it just isn't possible to do so.

First and foremost, I am planning to move in the near future. I will still be in the Nagoya area, but I won't be so close to the venue. For the past 5 years, Mike the Pike has very, very kindly helped to transport a lot of terrain back and forth between my place and the event hall, as he usually stays at a hotel just up the road.

Secondly, the games people want to play have changed over the past few years and will probably continue to do so. This year we had 13 people playing 40K on the second day, but we also had (at various points in the day) 10 people playing Bolt Action on the first day.

Finally, attendance dropped considerably this year, for a variety of reasons, but considering we had 29 players in 2013 and 16 total this year, that's quite a large difference.

I want to continue running the event, but as I said, it needs to change. I can no longer bring all the terrain along, though I have tried to make sure that a fair amount of my terrain went into the hands of local gamers so that it may still be used in the future.

So, with that said, I'm looking for everyone to give their input into what they would like to see at the event next year. I don't care if you are a regular attendee or if you have never been before, I just want to get some ideas and some opinions. What would appeal to you? What games, styles, formats, systems do you enjoy or would like to try? What do you think would appeal to others? What aspects of previous events did you enjoy? And finally, what would you be willing to do (if anything) to help out?

Please keep things civil, this thread is just for throwing out ideas. Nothing is being decided yet, so don't feel the need to shoot down other ideas straight away. I have a few thoughts of my own, but I'd like to get an idea of what others want as well.
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Re: So, NagoyaHammer 2015 then?

Post by me_in_japan » Sat May 10, 2014 1:26 pm

in the spirit of just throwing out ideas, here's a few:

1) First and foremost, I very much want Nagoyahammer to continue in one form or another. It is definitely the highlight of my gaming year, and a great chance to meet a lot of folk I really like.
2) I think 40k is a good game to bring in the numbers. However, I am less sure that a tourney, or even a relaxed team setting like this year is the best way to do it. I'm leaning towards...
3) Scenario based 40k? Perhaps something like pre-set lists (available before the event) in pre-set scenarios, potentially orchestrated over multiple tables/games. Perhaps similar to FWs games at the back of their IA books. We can decide who supplies minis/terrain beforehand.* (this idea runs the risk of turning off players who want to use their own minis on the day, which is understandable)

Or, something simple like:

3 leman russ vs 3 traitor marine predators in a dense city table (or equivalent in points. whatever).
1 baneblade vs infantry horde. How many turns does it take you to bring down the beast? (or get wiped from existence...)
monkey hunt on a space hulk board (like in Turok. I can go into more detail if people want, but basically it's a variant on capture the flag, but with more killin')

Yknow, funny little set pieces that would never come up in regular 40k.

4) I am also more than happy to play Warmahordes and Malifaux, but if we start going down that road then everybody will be wanting to play their own pet game. Perhaps keep the 1 day 40k 1 day other stuff format?

5) regarding terrain: I want to thank Prim (and Mike) for carting around the huge amount of terrain needed for this event for 5 years in a row. I think we can probably all manage to bring half a table's worth of terrain in future years, especially if we plan it out plenty in advance so we all know what to build and can plan ahead to make it as transportable as possible.

that's all for now. Probly I'll have more ideas later...

*I would tentatively make myself available for planning such a campaign/scenario, altho god only knows how busy I might be come the end of the year. I think at the very least a well planned set of games of this nature would necessitate knowing what armies people want to use, at the very least, and could well involve a lot of individual PMs regarding what minis people have in their collection. I'm not ruling it out, but it'd be well fiddly to pull off.
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Re: So, NagoyaHammer 2015 then?

Post by kojibear » Sat May 10, 2014 2:46 pm

Firstly, thank you again to Primarch, and to Mike for asissting with the transport. Arigatou!!! :)

I have enjoyed three NagoyaHammers, 2 tournaments and 1 Event - this year's more narrative theme.

On the type of event,would it be fair to say that:

- It seems more competitive tournaments attract a lot more players, particularly those wishing to test their mettle against the best of the best? These tournaments provide a fun, exciting but overall more tense/nail-biting environment?

- It seems more narrative tournaments attract a lesser crowd, especially those who enjoy the competition but like the objective to have more of a story? These events provide a fun, adventurous but overall more laid-back environment?

One example of this year's event more laidback atmosphere was when I was allowed to place a mishapped squad anywhere on the table but chose to put the Seraphim squad with St Celestine a little off course, but close enough to still get back into the action for some fun. Would I have done this in a competitive environment? No, I guess. For me personally, as a someone who loves the story, the adventure and the tale - having this mindset of 'What is going to make the game fun and epic?' together with 'What is going to get me the win?' was a really cool combination. Even still, there were times when I focused more on one or the other. ;) Nevertheless, I felt the atmosphere of Nagoyahammer this year to be different from the previous two. Which would be more popular? If numbers are to be believed, then I would guess more people would flock to a competitive style where a few individuals clearly stand out as the victors of the day.

MiJ made an interesting suggestion, and one which Jus has been developing throughout this year, of prepared lists with a scenario. I think this is a cool idea, too, but I have the same concern as MiJ, that many would be turned off by not being able to use their own minis. Perhaps it would be possible, but quite a feat of management and preparation, to make prepared lists based on what people have available to bring to the even/tournament. Of course, that could open more cans of ripperswarms if the organisers ask someone to bring the minis that they are not interested in at the present moment. Afterall, they may have to spend time painting the minis up etc. This kind of play would be easier to run with a smaller group.


On the games to play:

Luckily I play quite a few game systems and am happy to try new things. The anticipation, the exciting lead up, and the joy of preparing for the event would be the same for me regardless of the game system I think. This year I had a blast getting ready for both Bolt Action and 40k (albeit I was exhausted lol)


On the organisation:

If I am able I would love to bring and supply a table of terrain, as well as helping with the preparation. Perhaps the preparation and implementation of Nagoyahammer 2015 can be more collaborative.

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Re: So, NagoyaHammer 2015 then?

Post by The Underdweller » Sun May 11, 2014 12:59 am

I wonder if the smaller numbers this year were because of how it was set up, or just because 40K is becoming less popular? Maybe we don't need as much terrain as before, especially if we play team games. And there is nothing wrong with having participants help out with terrain, as well.

I have enjoyed all of the Nagoyahammers I have been to, but I think I liked the way Nhammer 2014 was set up the best. I liked the less competitive atmosphere, since I am a bit rusty on the 40K rules, and probably will continue to be, especially given a new edition is coming out soon. Of course, I will still come and try to win if there is a tournament!

I think the idea of trying out some scenarios with preset lists sounds interesting, but I wonder if it might be better to try out on a smaller scale, and keep Nagoyahammer to regular 40K? Since Nagoyahammer is the big event for 40K around here, I guess people would like to bring their own armies. Also relying on certain people to bring certain miniatures sounds like it could get complicated. Flexibility is really helpful for making things work, I guess!

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Re: So, NagoyaHammer 2015 then?

Post by job » Sun May 11, 2014 1:18 am

Well, personally, I hope that we have a NagHam 2015 and so on. 5 years invested in this tournament by Primarch, is a long time and something that can't be rebuilt again easily. How many other gaming events bring people from as far as Osaka, Kobe, Tsu, Toyohashi and Tokyo? It might be added that beyond Primarch's efforts organizing it, it has become something most people on this tournament invest time, money and energy into preparing for and participating in. Once a year, a large portion of this forum gather and actually play games together. If NagHam disappeared, what else would cement this community?

As for the logistics:
1) I think an event atmosphere is enough, but tournaments are fine, too. I enjoyed the team campaign-event this year. Do as you like and imagine here.

2) Tables: I think if you ask, several people can provide one or two tables. I know I have enough scenery now for a full table. There are others, Koji above. You could request certain amounts, style or standards depending on what people have.

3) Games: 40k is still the game of choice. It may not be the favorite of some of us, but it is the one game played universally, or at least almost in common. Bolt Action is great, but it doesn't encompass everyone. Warhammer, Warmahordes, Black Powder and others are all great games, but are only played by portions of the community. In my opinion, nothing but 40k is going to attract such a spectrum of players. Despite GWs mucking around with the rules and the more competitive drives in every one of us, hopefully we can keep encouraging the beer and pretzels/chips side of the hobby.

On a note about competition, I think nobody was above it. I think everyone brought a list to do battle and hopefully win. On the other hand, at this event, there wasn't a single "tourney list" either. Everyone seemed to play with what they wanted to play and with an eye on competitive-fun. I saw a lot of themed lists that were pretty eye candy.
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Re: So, NagoyaHammer 2015 then?

Post by Primarch » Sun May 11, 2014 2:59 am

job wrote:On a note about competition, I think nobody was above it. I think everyone brought a list to do battle and hopefully win.
Ha! :lol: My Tyrant's Legion list (aside from the flyer which rarely shows up) is dreadful. I love the list, because when it does do something, it feels like an achievement. :D

A point that has been brought up a couple of times is that using other people's models may put people off playing. Is that an issue for people? I know that at one stage, 3 of the 8 Bolt Action armies on the tables were mine and I wasn't even playing. :D

It seems that 40K rather than being the most popular is simply the lowest common denominator in our group.
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Re: So, NagoyaHammer 2015 then?

Post by Spevna » Sun May 11, 2014 9:19 am

I like the idea that Jus had about fixed lists, but I would like to play using known minis. How about just setting FOC restrictions, or giving multiple choices within a list?
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Re: So, NagoyaHammer 2015 then?

Post by Admiral-Badruck » Sun May 11, 2014 4:58 pm

Sorry for missing this year... :( :cry:
I am not a big fan of 40k these days. Too much new stuff too much I don't understand. :?

Venue I am not sure it has to be in the same place. :geek:

I could be wrong but other non 40k games distract from the event .. :oops:
As much as I like Bolt action I am no where near havering an army ready to play it. And if I wanted to play it I would make a bigger effort. ;)

If the focus was the 40k universe it would help out a lot. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I am keen to see an event that would allow for folks to play... Spacehulk, Gorkamorka, kill zone 40k, BFG, necromunda, epic 40k, Apoc 40k, character death match 40k, If they could be linked in on a campaign that could be really fun.

I also think that one man organising it is just too much work. We could all pitch in... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I know when I had responsibilities I was more committed to promoting the event. :mrgreen: 8-)

Last but certainly not least. :o Paint contest it is the only thing I really cared about in the past. :twisted: :shock: I am not sure there even was one this year. :cry:
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Re: So, NagoyaHammer 2015 then?

Post by Lovejoy » Mon May 12, 2014 12:20 am

I've only attended half of one Nagoyahammer (1 day this year for Bolt Action), so feel free to disregard - but my thoughts are:

- 40k should still be a big element, but it needn't be more than 50% of the event. It wasn't this year. A day out of 2 seems reasonable, given other games competing for interest nowadays. It's no longer the only game in town so to speak, or even the game of choice necessarily, but it is a game most people play.

-Attendance is said to be down on previously, I think the idea that the event was not as competitive as before was mentioned as a reason.
I'm not sure that I think that's why- merely that 40k has lost a lot of goodwill from everyone, has become even more pricey to keep up with, and hasn't got a monopoly as much as before (maybe all the competitive minded types are playing warmachine?). In view of that, introducing new blood in the form of BA seems like a good idea as it's clearly the next in popularity.

-If there had been 2 days of 40k tournament, would more have attended? Make it more worth their while?
Nah..My feeling is that it wouldn't have increased numbers since freeplay 40k was on offer Day 1 anyway.
Personally, and I reckon most agree, the non competitive beer and pretzels feel is just what we are after.

-I don't see why it should only be restricted to 40k themed games, just for the sake of it.

-Perhaps on Day 1 more demo games could be offered from us all, of various types. One attendee runs Gangs of Nu Ork, another has Dredd, Zulu Black Powder, Antares (it'll be out then) or Malifaux on offer, etc. Agree to play 1 demo game of your choice before hand. This could also feed into the reciprocal gaming idea. But Let's KEEP BOLT ACTION IN! :D It was a great success.

-We should *definitely* all pitch in more, either with the demoing, or bringing own terrain.

-Venue? Depends where everyone lives. Maybe we could all sound off on that and throw out some alternative location ideas.

*Edited a few times for additional thoughts
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Re: So, NagoyaHammer 2015 then?

Post by Konrad » Mon May 12, 2014 5:54 am

I think the reason there was not as big a turn out this year was simply because it was on a Friday/Saturday. For a lot of folks in this country, taking a day off means you are in the hospital or someone has died. And if I'm coming from out of town, I'm going to want a solid 2 days of dice geekery for the cost of a shinkansen ticket and hotel. I don't think the tournament set up had anything to do with it or 40K's decreasing popularity. The usual format of a day of anything goes freeplay and a day of 40K team tournament of some sort has always been good fun for me and this year was no exception.
As for terrain, you can put me down for a table's worth next year. That's one down, who's got the other 11?
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