The End Times and Beyond

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The End Times and Beyond

Post by kojibear » Tue Dec 09, 2014 5:22 am

Hi everyone.

It certainly seems GW has plans for the direction of Fantasy. Naturally, selling more models is at the top of their list :)

Take the Elves for example. All Elven races have now been united into one faction - or at least it appears that way - and many characters are either dead or missing - interestingly one of the missing ones includes the newly released Araloth. In terms of selling products, GW's move looks understandable. Elf units from all factions can be used in one army, and probably new 'End Times' heroes will emerge and emerge with new models for sale.

Anyway, just wondering what those of you who still follow Fantasy think of all this? :)
Last edited by kojibear on Tue Dec 09, 2014 7:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The End Times and Beyond

Post by Primarch » Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:26 am

From a 'what is GW doing' point of view, it looks like they are consolidating their product lines so that they don't spend so much on developing minis/rules for their less popular game. Instead of having to release 3 books and 3 sets of new kits for various types of elves, they now just make 1 book and 1 new set of kits, saving them a fair whack of cash. Of course, we won't see any of that saving. :)

From a fluff perspective, they are throwing the old status quo out the window. This opens up all sorts of doors for them to add new ideas, ret-con anything they don't like and move things along.

Game-wise, meh. New, big expensive super units don't really do it for me. The new Nurgle stuff is very nice, but 1000 point Lord choices in standard games is pushing it a bit. I'll wait to see what 9th ed brings, but WFB has long been too complex for what it should be (like one of my posts. :D). A decent sized game takes 3-4 hours usually, which makes it difficult to get a full game in and then do anything else at a Joshin event. WFB isn't really my game, so I doubt everyone will agree with me on this point.
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Re: The End Times and Beyond

Post by job » Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:32 am

I'm mixed on this release.

On one hand the models they are releasing are great.

On the other, I kind of like Fantasy as it is. It seems recently there's been a nice kind of balance.

But things change, right. Personally I'm kind of waiting for 9th ed and any shake ups with the game. In the mean time, if you want to play your Elves or Chaos together, that is fine. It would be pretty fun to be able paint and use models from various factions, I'm sure.
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Re: The End Times and Beyond

Post by kojibear » Tue Dec 09, 2014 7:14 am

All good points guys. Fantasy itself is such a popular genre and is unfortunate that as yet GW has not found the right way to approach it. I hope the next edition will be a step in the right direction.

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Re: The End Times and Beyond

Post by Lovejoy » Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:31 am

These things are circular aren't they, gaming group,interests that is. It'll resurge no doubt.
I'm hopeful for 9th, but there's a lot of disillusion for me there. Which I will talk about now in a roundabout fashion.

I re-entered the Fantasy world in 7th Ed, thoroughly enjoyed myself mainly playing Bretonnians in Kyoto, often vs Ashmie's Woodies or Orcs, or a Russian friend's VC. 25 models was the optimum in that edition for most infantry units I seem to remember. It was manageable, the prices high but a good sight cheaper.

Later I found a player locally in Fukui where I lived, and we would play huge battles in the first year or so of 8th ed, pretty much weekly. Now you needed 35-40 models for that infantry unit. Ok, I'll suck it up, I thought. You could still get semi-ok deals because wayland and maelstrom would send stuff to Japan. A jolly time was had, taking on his Skaven, Dwarves and VC with Brets and my then new Empire. Happy days...but then we had all day to play (5-6 hour epics) and no pressure.

I don't know what happened after that, but what with the new Empire book, silly big stuff like Demi Gryph Knights (insert must have unit of choice) being de rigeur, lack of time, pressure to get a full game in limited time..interest evaporated. I suppose marriage and having a child has also contributed to my image of fantasy as equalling huge hassles and stress rather than joy.

Setting up units for a horde army like Empire could be 100-200 models, ranking up those bloody halberdiers, swordsmen, greatswords etc, only to take them off by the fistful. Playing Black Powder, where all the unit or none of it is on the table, really opened my eyes. Yeah, there are models galore, but easier to handle. Why can't Fantasy do that? It really needs to move with the times and reboot, I hope they thake that opportunity with 9th, but it's unlikely they'll do anything bold and original.

So to distill all the above irrelevant and discursive nonsense (sorry), the set up and transport of the number of models needed is a burden, removal of said models is a pain, it takes far too long to play, with many rules exceptions. Couple that with the pricing expected now for the next uber unit (granted, not much meta gaming like that goes on for our group, but these things do trickle in) and there you go.

Smaller scale games are the thing for me at the moment. 40k too holds a bit more interest for me now as it's a faster play with fewer minis. I would absolutely love to be wooed by Fantasy again, though. I want to see Brets resplendent once more. The idea of amalgamating armies seems like a good move, but I hope my favourites aren't eradicated. Something has to give though re the rules, so I am all for the End Times changes, and hold out hope that 9th will try something different.
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Re: The End Times and Beyond

Post by kojibear » Tue Dec 09, 2014 11:15 am

Lovejoy wrote: The idea of amalgamating armies seems like a good move, but I hope my favourites aren't eradicated. Something has to give though re the rules, so I am all for the End Times changes, and hold out hope that 9th will try something different.
After a little checking it does seem that the Bretonians have received the wrong end of the stick :( - their Lady of the Lake has no more power, they lost all their knights in battle with Nurgle and thanks to the drowning of Ulthuan and the crowning of the new Elf Phoenix King Malekith, they now have the whole surviving Dark Elf race at their doorstep looking for a new home... :o Doh! They don't even need to cross the ocean now... Damn someone at GW dislikes Arthurian legend!

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Re: The End Times and Beyond

Post by Lovejoy » Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:09 pm

I could imagine Brets disappearing, too easy to make an army from Perry stuff nowadays. Hopefully they survive in some form.
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Re: The End Times and Beyond

Post by me_in_japan » Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:15 pm

The end times has gotten me more interested in WHF than anything else has in the last decade. I'm reading the first novelisation just now, and it's pretty ok. I tried reading the actual Nagash book, but the pdf is a scunner to make out on the kindle. Anyhoo - I actually really approve of them tearing up the established status quo and guddling about a bit. I hope they do something similar for 40k at some point. Great Old Ones return or somesuch. Maybe the rest of the tyranid hive fleet turns up, or the Primarchs all come back from the Eye or similar.
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Re: The End Times and Beyond

Post by Lovejoy » Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:53 pm

me_in_japan wrote:I hope they do something similar for 40k at some point. Great Old Ones return or somesuch. Maybe the rest of the tyranid hive fleet turns up, or the Primarchs all come back from the Eye or similar.
Well, there was this on BOLS.. ... oming.html
Could be utter wishful-thinking cobblers but your post reminded me I'd seen it.
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Re: The End Times and Beyond

Post by Primarch » Wed Dec 10, 2014 2:04 pm

Lovejoy wrote:
me_in_japan wrote:I hope they do something similar for 40k at some point. Great Old Ones return or somesuch. Maybe the rest of the tyranid hive fleet turns up, or the Primarchs all come back from the Eye or similar.
Well, there was this on BOLS.. ... oming.html
Could be utter wishful-thinking cobblers but your post reminded me I'd seen it.
Graham McNeil was pretty quick to debunk the rumour about what he was writing though.
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