Age of Sigmar?

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Re: Age of Sigmar?

Post by jus » Sun Jul 08, 2018 2:13 am

And so.... it begins.
Bird-horse is pretty rad tho. I think if I were to ever start AoS I would do sigmarines minus their helmets, putting my vast collection of bare space marine heads to use.

that said however.

Don't ...tempt me Frodo!

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Re: Age of Sigmar?

Post by The Other Dave » Sun Jul 08, 2018 4:21 am

jus wrote:Don't ...tempt me Frodo!
Lookit this guy!


His bird-horse has two tails, which is how you know he's the general.

And, due to popular demand, the newer Stormcast kits are including lots of bare heads:

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Re: Age of Sigmar?

Post by The Other Dave » Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:33 am

One more quick thing for those of us poking around in this game: the AoS app is (surprisingly) really, really nice. You have to subscribe for full list-building abilities, but since it gives you access to all the unit stats and their points values for free (and list-building is so simple anyway) you don't really need it - I'm much too cheap to do so and haven't felt its absence. Also you can buy all the books through the app for much less than even the epub versions from the main store, if you're so inclined.

Again, as it's basically a one-stop compilation of the stuff they give you for free on the website, you don't get army-wide rules or spell lores (although they *do* give you the very basic army-wide rules for each of the 4 big allegiances - so I can't see the Stormcast Eternals traits and artifacts, but can see them for Order), but it's a really nice tool for poking around, looking at stats, and figuring out points values for armies - and, and I'm sure this is working exactly as intended, planning out future purchases. Frankly, it makes it feel sort of criminal that they don't have this much free support for 40K.
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Re: Age of Sigmar?

Post by The Other Dave » Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:07 am

So if anyone is on the fence and/or wants an excuse to buy a box of sky dorfs and see how they play on the table but doesn't want to collect a full 1000-2000-point army, the January White Dwarf has revamped Skirmish rules and I've ordered a copy.

Fundamentally, though, you just pick 250 points of models from the Grand Alliance of your choice - you can get points values from the warscroll builder and stats either from the unit's store page (if it's for sale) or the warscroll compendium of your choice (if it's a legacy model), or all that information from the rather-nice app. Divide the cost of the unit by the number of models in it to get cost per model, add 5 points for champions and special weapons, and boom.

In general "Dave and Age of Sigmar" news, I finished painting my 1000 points of Stormcast, and Night / Forest Goblins (er, Gloomspite Gitz) just got a shiny new army book, so I'm raring to get some models on the table, not just for Skirmish but for full-on AoS as well.
Feel free to call me Dave!
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Re: Age of Sigmar?

Post by me_in_japan » Sun Jan 20, 2019 3:27 pm

I'd be interested. Technically, I even have a proper AoS army (the stinky half of that box set) and believe it or not I'm actually keen to use them. Just give me time to paint em all (which, being nurgle, is actually an achievable proposition. It's the one thing I can reliably paint fast.)
current (2019) hobby interests
eh, y'know. Stuff, and things

Wow. And then Corona happened. Just....crickets, all the way through to 2023...

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Re: Age of Sigmar?

Post by The Other Dave » Sat Aug 31, 2019 5:25 am

Since I'm not allowed to spend any hobby money on models until I paint some (and we'll see how long that resolution lasts) I finally picked up the 2019 General's Handbook today, and that plus the AoS chat in ash's WarCry thread has me looking at my Stormcast again. The neat thing the GHB has is a "meeting engagement" play mode for 1000-point games, with staggered deployment and missions crafted to avoid the "big scrum in the middle" that can apparently happen at smaller points levels. Seems a good way to get a handle on the rules, and by gum if I don't actually have two armies I can field at that points level.

I'm going to continue to focus on Titanicus, WarCry and Kill Team for a bit, but I'm all ready to re-extend my invitation to give AoS a try to anyone who wants to break their old WHFB models out of the cases.
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Re: Age of Sigmar?

Post by Karantu » Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:07 am

I have a bunch of half painted (like everything else I own) Lizardmen that would be happy to get into a scrap or two.
Also, I have tried the meeting engagement play mode and it is pretty interesting since it changes deployment significantly.

P.S. @The Other Dave, if you want more Stormcast I have at least 1000pts or more worth of Stormcast more or less brand new.

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Re: Age of Sigmar?

Post by The Other Dave » Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:38 am

Karantu wrote:
Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:07 am
I have a bunch of half painted (like everything else I own) Lizardmen that would be happy to get into a scrap or two.
Also, I have tried the meeting engagement play mode and it is pretty interesting since it changes deployment significantly.

P.S. @The Other Dave, if you want more Stormcast I have at least 1000pts or more worth of Stormcast more or less brand new.
Maaaaybe after I paint up all these WarCry and Underworlds dudes I suddenly have kicking around, heh. I'll let you know!
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Re: Age of Sigmar?

Post by jus » Mon May 10, 2021 7:09 am

So with all the recent 3rd edition AoS hype and sexier stormcast. I went and gave the core rules a cursory read. If I understand it aright, Age of Sigmar is almost identitcal to 40k 9th edition, but with 3" engagement range and someone possibly going twice in a row, and no invuln save.

I imagine more nuanced differences come into play with battletomes and army rules but... initial impressions are that its just a little disappointly familiar. LIke it's just 40k with a palette swap. I need some more convincing before I decide to buy a lumineth army or something...

Is that it? Or is there a whole level of cool stuff I'm missing?

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Re: Age of Sigmar?

Post by jus » Mon May 10, 2021 7:14 am

Oh, and please tell me what else I need to read..because there's got to more then that right?

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