Necron advice

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Necron advice

Post by Mogus » Wed Aug 05, 2020 3:05 pm

Hey ya'll! I have a few questions for any veterans out there. So I'm just curious why so many of my abilities in the Indomitus box set are listed as *Look in the codex*?
How are the gauss reapers vs the flayers? And last question, what is a good next step after Indomitus? Thanks in advance!

Jye Nicolson
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Re: Necron advice

Post by Jye Nicolson » Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:41 pm

Necrons are getting a new Codex in October. I expect it was supposed to release closer to 9th edition's launch, but the magic of coronavirus intervened. Marines are also getting a new Codex in October so both factions in Edge of Silence are in a similar position - the "see Codex" stuff will change which book it's referring to in a couple of months :lol:

The slight difference there is that Marines got a Codex last year which was *very* good, whereas Necrons have an older one. Necrons will probably pick up a lot more power in October relatively speaking, whereas Marines mostly need a cleanup for their huge range and maybe get toned down a little.

It should matter too much for the smaller Crusade games you'll probably get to play between then and now so I wouldn't sweat it too much. If you haven't laid hands on a Codex yet, you might want to wait (making do with Battlescribe or however else you can reference the rules), or see if someone is willing to let go of their 8th one cheap.

Now I'm not a Necron expert, so my answers aren't going to be much better than what you'll be able to find yourself online but for what it's worth:

- Goonhammer is your best resource IMO, because I am a cranky old man who likes quality essay format content instead of videos. There's a few caveats there - their Start Competing article for Necrons is from late 8th Edition at the height of Marine power, whereas their Faction Focus is up to date but aimed more at folks who are already familiar with the faction and need to know what's changing. Goonhammer has a competitive focus and most of their judgement on what's good is powerfuly affected on what it takes to win signficant tournaments (like serious point efficiency and denying opponents secondary scoring opportunities). A lot of that is super irrelevant to the sort of small table Crusade play we're doing the most right now, but I think understanding it is helpful for having fun with the minis you put on the table, just as long as you realise it's only completely in context if you're hopping on a train to a tournament in Tokyo or whatever.

- Reapers vs Flayers: Flayers are better from 24 to 14.1 inches away. Reapers are better at 14 to 12.1 inches. At 12 to 7.1 inches Flayers get to shoot twice so probably take the lead again. At 7 inches and below Reapers get to shoot twice and are strictly better. So the question is "how often do you expect to be that close"? and it's complex, but the relevant bit of context is we are playing mostly 25PL and 50PL games right now, which is played on 44"x30" with usually a couple of objectives in the middle subject to brutal close range fighting, as well as an objective at home someone needs to babysit. If I keep my Indomitus Necrons I will probably try to go half and half, usually keeping the Flayer warriors hanging back and sending in the Reapers to help take the centre. Reapers will definitely help a lot vs my Marines or Dave's Death Guard, but won't be noticeably better vs Matt's Imperial Guard or my Sisters of Battle. It's all pretty contextual so maybe just push fit the guns until you have a good feel for it.

- Next steps will depend on your priorities. Usual default advice is to concentrate on models you think are cool - their rules *will* change over the course of your time in the hobby, moving in and out of competitive fashion - but you'll always think they look awesome. If you're like me how good they are on the table may influence your opinion of how cool they are, but for Necrons we know that will change soon, so there's no cause to rush. You will probably want something to hit the 50PL level (I think Indomitus is high 40s) to fill out your Crusade, but playing Crusade means you add models to your army at a measured pace, so you won't need too much more than that in a real hurry. If you want a deep library of models to cover yourself for play, and aren't too worried about their consistency with the new wave of kits, buying a second hand Necron army is a good way to go (there's one for sale on this site right now). If you want the best raw value available with the new kits, getting another Indomitus half by buying or swapping (many Marine players want more Indomitus - me included - just be aware it's a seller's market for Marines and a buyer's market for Necrons!) is still going to be a superb deal even with diminishing returns from doubling up on HQs. If you want straight up cool looking models, Szeras is a sweet kit and quite new, otherwise we know there is a lot of Necron releases coming at some point soon so you could hold your fire and pick up the ones you like from those waves as they come through.

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Re: Necron advice

Post by Primarch » Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:51 pm

I'm not 100% sure as 40K hasn't been my thing for a while, but I think Indomitus isn't meant to be a beginner level set. It's more of a 'get lots of new minis for your army' kind of deal.
As such, you'll need to pick up a copy of Codex: Necrons when it is released. (The current version is for the 8th edition and has a black-grey Warhammer logo, 9th edition products have a blue-grey Warhammer logo). There are a lot of new Necron minis coming soon, so it's probably worth waiting for a while until more becomes available.
There are older models still available, though some parts of the range are being upgraded. The basic warriors, scarabs and the monolith are all being replaced as they are fairly old kits. Everything else is staying as far as I know.

Also: ... =44&t=4006

#edit# - Ninja'd by Jye.
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Jye Nicolson
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Re: Necron advice

Post by Jye Nicolson » Thu Aug 06, 2020 12:16 am

Primarch wrote:
Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:51 pm
#edit# - Ninja'd by Jye.
Yeah but you packed more useful information into 10% of the wordcount so I think yours was the more helpful contribution :lol:

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Re: Necron advice

Post by Mogus » Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:42 am

Thank you very much for your tips Jye and Primarch! :D I'm gonna take your advice and go half and half with my warriors and read some goonhammer articles.
I think I'll hold out for some of the newer stuff coming and the new codex before I go any further with models after all I should try a few games with the models I have.

Maybe somebody might want to trade for the marines in my box for their necrons half? Sounds like a good deal.

I had no idea that Indomitus wasn't meant for new players, whoops!
Also speaking of the new minis the canoptek doomstalker looks so cool.

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Re: Necron advice

Post by Primarch » Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:45 am

Mogus wrote:
Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:42 am
I had no idea that Indomitus wasn't meant for new players, whoops!
Also speaking of the new minis the canoptek doomstalker looks so cool.
It's meant for everyone really. There are starter sets coming out, but it's better in the long run to get the codex and core rules anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it.

The new Necrons do look pretty cool, I'm surprised people are more excited by the Marines to be honest.
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Re: Necron advice

Post by Mogus » Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:06 am

The new Necrons do look pretty cool, I'm surprised people are more excited by the Marines to be honest.
I will welcome all unwanted and unloved Necrons to my army.

Oh and a side question, suggestions on how to transport models?

Jye Nicolson
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Re: Necron advice

Post by Jye Nicolson » Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:13 am

Primarch wrote:
Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:45 am
The new Necrons do look pretty cool, I'm surprised people are more excited by the Marines to be honest.
I think it's mostly there's a lot of people with existing Marine armies who stand to gain a lot from the Bladeguard Veterans, sword and board HQs and the Eradicators in particular. Less people already have or want to start Necrons, so there's naturally less demand for the Necron half of the box even though both sides are sweet minis.

Marines also have a very powerful Codex now, Necrons will probably get a shot in the arm popularity wise in October if their Codex is as good as say Sisters. Especially given how cool their other new releases look.

I'm honestly pretty tempted but I don't want to start a second Crusade so I'll try to be sensible for now.

Jye Nicolson
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Re: Necron advice

Post by Jye Nicolson » Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:18 am

Mogus wrote:
Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:06 am
Oh and a side question, suggestions on how to transport models?
I mostly use the official GW cases and it's fine but not the best - foam works but you have to be careful with more spindly models, and I've definitely snapped a few things off pulling them in and out of cases. I've had good results using bubble wrap for bigger models (eg tanks, Celestine).

There are better value options than GW, I think KR Multicase is popular.

Clever people put washers under their minis and then use a magnetic sheet on the bottom of a case to safely transport without foam. The best one I've seen is @Grantholomeu 's Crystal Fortress case, it's a pricy option but just seems fantastic.

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Re: Necron advice

Post by Mogus » Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:38 am

I was thinking of the official stuff from GW. They have this new one that says it can hold up to 30 or something models. For starters anywho. For the big boy canoptek reanimator I have to do something custom I bet.

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