Adeptus Titanicus 2018

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Re: Adeptus Titanicus 2018

Post by The Other Dave » Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:54 am

Knights will work! (I'll probably want to try out a superheavy-heavy IG list after all.) But yeah, we can throw some lists together and see what happens.
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Re: Adeptus Titanicus 2018

Post by Karantu » Fri Feb 12, 2021 2:05 am

Sounds good, I'll try and get everything painted by then. Hopefully the stuff I ordered shows up within a month or so.

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Re: Adeptus Titanicus 2018

Post by Karantu » Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:28 am

Here's a non-titan 500PL list that I could probably field, just to give you an idea of what list building is like. I have characters in most detachments since each character commander (each detachment has to have a commander) lets you draw an additional command asset card each turn (which are kind of like stratagems but also include psychic powers and just straight up rerolls). I also split the detachments based on combat roles since detachment coherency is a thing in apoc. The detachments in Apoc are just like the ones in 40k except the HQ slots are optional (excluding supreme command) and you give orders to and activate a detachment at a time. All the damage is resolved at the end so you don't need to worry about units getting taken out by an alpha strike before they can act.

Activation works with each detachment receiving one of the following orders and all units in that detachment in that unit having to act according to that order. Thus it's usually better to lump shooting units and melee units into their own detachments.
・Advance - A move action followed by either a shoot or fight action. (each unit can choose either to shoot or fight)
・Aimed Fire - Either a shoot or fight action. Ranged weapons get +1 to hit, melee weapons get -1 to hit.
・Assault - A move action (with double movement) followed by a fight action.
※Super-heavy units can shoot and fight (instead of either one) during Advance and Aimed Fire orders.

Since I'm probably going to base all the new 6mm minis according to Epic standards, so I'd like to confirm how basing works in Epic. From what I can tell it looks like a stand with HQ models would be the same size as an infantry model stand (at least 20x5mm) and would just have multiple HQ models on it. So it should be fine if I base all the HQ choices of each detachment on a single stand right? Also from what I can tell 20x20mm and 40x12mm seem to be the most common infantry stand sizes so I'm thinking of going with either one of those for my infantry.
9 Detachments - 499PL total

#1 Battalion - CSM - 41PL
Chaos Lord (Commander)
Exalted Champion
10x CSM - 2 Heavy Weapons
5x CSM - 1 Heavy Weapon
5x CSM - 1 Heavy Weapon

#2 Battalion - CSM - 41PL
-Same as #1-

#3 Vanguard - CSM - 48PL
Chaos Lord - Terminator Armour (Commander)
Sorcerer - Terminator Armour
5x Terminators - 1 Heavy Weapon
5x Terminators - 1 Heavy Weapon
5x Terminators - 1 Heavy Weapon

#4 Vanguard - CSM - 48PL
-Same as #3-

#5 Spearhead - CSM - 45PL
Chaos Lord (Commander)
Chaos Predator
Chaos Predator
Chaos Predator
Chaos Predator

#6 Supreme Command - CSM - 30PL
Daemon Prince (Commander)
Daemon Prince
Daemon Prince

#7 Super-heavy - Chaos Knights - 106PL
Knight Castigator (Commander)
Knight Castigator
Knight Acheron
Knight Acheron

#8 Super-heavy - Chaos Knights - 108PL
Knight Despoiler (Commander)
Knight Desecrator
Knight Desecrator
Knight Desecrator
Knight Desecrator

#9 Air Wing - IG - 32PL
Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter (Commander)
Thunderbolt Heavy Fighter

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The Other Dave
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Re: Adeptus Titanicus 2018

Post by The Other Dave » Tue Feb 16, 2021 2:09 am

The various old editions of epic vacillated between having all kinds of different HQ units on a single base, or one per base with a "command squad" situation, but I don't imagine it would make much difference practically!

Also, the way I'm reading the Guard rules is that their officers give you an extra command asset over and above the one you get just for being a warlord?
Feel free to call me Dave!
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Re: Adeptus Titanicus 2018

Post by Karantu » Tue Feb 16, 2021 2:36 am

You are correct about the Officer rule, so each Warlord in your army will generate two Command Assets per turn. (A warlord is a Commander that is a Character.) There is a hand limit of 10 cards but you only need to discard them at the end of the phase so you could theoretically draw your entire deck of 30, use any cards you can in the orders phase and then keep the cards you want for the next phases.

Btw, each turn is divided into the 4 following phases:
1. Initiative Phase - roll off to decide initiative
2. Orders Phase - Place units coming in from reserve, place orders, generate Command Assets
3. Action Phase - Perform actions according to the orders placed
4. Damage Phase - Resolve damage and morale

Also, the faction rule for IG is that the units in an IG detachment get to use the Commander's leadership value instead of their own for morale tests. Units take morale tests every turn if they have any blast markers allocated to them (blast markers are placed after successfully wounding a unit) regardless of whether they took any damage so having high leadership is pretty handy. Failing a morale test causes that unit to take additional damage so it effects even single model units.

Jye Nicolson
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Re: Adeptus Titanicus 2018

Post by Jye Nicolson » Thu Feb 18, 2021 4:15 am

I got a delivery from Australia.


I think I'm going to need a demo game at some point.

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Re: Adeptus Titanicus 2018

Post by The Other Dave » Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:09 am

Noice! Solaria's a tricky scheme to pull off (and again I'll recommend Titandeath for some Solaria-themed titan fiction goodness).

I mean, I could bring my AT stuff this weekend if you like. :lol: Failing that, March certainly works!
Feel free to call me Dave!
Miniatures painted in 2023: 252
Miniatures painted in 2024:
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Jye Nicolson
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Re: Adeptus Titanicus 2018

Post by Jye Nicolson » Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:43 am

I think March will be best, I'm going to have my hands full with Nurgle this weekend!

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Re: Adeptus Titanicus 2018

Post by me_in_japan » Thu Feb 18, 2021 3:37 pm

I’m not much of a one for big stompy robots, but the pics I keep seeing of these titans do give me pause for thought. If they ever get round to doing Eldar for this game, I could find myself in trouble...
current (2019) hobby interests
eh, y'know. Stuff, and things

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Re: Adeptus Titanicus 2018

Post by Karantu » Sun Feb 21, 2021 3:07 pm

They've said that is unlikely they'll add any xeno factions since it's set during the Horus Heresy. Personally I think that time period still leaves Orks and Eldar on the table though so it might be a possibility if the game does well enough.

Also I got my epic minis today so here are some pics.
I made some stands today so hopefully I'll be able to start painting them next weekend. I should also start counting how many minis I've painted this year.

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