Hi! Noob here.

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Hi! Noob here.

Post by Scubi » Mon Apr 12, 2021 12:39 am

Hello all,

Just found this forum which is awesome because I am thinking about getting into the War Hammer 40k game.
Glad I found this place as it seems to have info. on where/when you can play.

A bit about me: I'm a university professor at Aichi University. Just moved here a year ago and with the pandemic was going stir crazy. So, I tried a lot of different things to pass the time. I recently bought a Blood Angel paint kit and a Necrons Warriors paint kit and really enjoyed putting them together and painting them (well... as best I could). I've been watching matches online on YT channels like Play Tabletop, Dice Check, and a few other. It looks like a heck of a lot of fun and could be a fun time/moneysink. (ha) (I mean... I also like golf which is insanely expensive in Japan).

I usually play games like Cyberpunk 2077, Among Us (with family in the States), Elite Dangerous, and Star Citizen (another "hobby" I've spent probably too much money on...) so this is something of a departure for me when it comes to gaming.

Anyway, if you have any advice on where to get minis in Nagoya (Is Yodobashi camera the only place?) and places/events that would welcome a person who has no idea how to play (hard to find information online I think.... Tried a few times to learn how to put an army together but I guess without information in the Codex/Rule book (which have not bought yet) it is a little difficult.), I'd be grateful.

Any advice on armies would be welcome as well. I'm currently leaning toward Necrons because I like their DOOM/Tech look or maybe the Grey Knights as I think their combination of firepower and Psych abilites are neat. Distant 3rd is the Custodes because who doesn't like huge killer poets/artists?

Oh, I live on the Seto line near Sango. I work near Nagoya station (AiDai Nagoya campus) so I'm pretty flexible on where to play. I speak Japanese (Maybe just under N2 level as I have the N3 but juuuuust failed the N2 in 2019.. but my language ability was good enough to get me my job... ha) but don't read it much (thank Google translate for making me lazy).

Nice to meet all of you and I hope I can learn and improve with your help!
Miniatures painted in 2021:
Brother Drago (Blood Angels): 1, Warriors (Necrons): 3

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Re: Hi! Noob here.

Post by The Other Dave » Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:24 am


The group is pretty active in 40K at the moment, and playing with some folks who are new to the game, generally at game sizes that are easy to collect to. If you look at the "Monthy Gaming Days and Meetings" subforum you can see every month's scheduled meetup - this month will be on the 25th. Feel free to drop on by, even if you don't have an army together yet! In addition to 40K there are a few other games popular locally, that people will surely be excited to talk to you about. :lol:

As for minis, Yodobashi does have good stock, as does Joshin Kids Land in Osu. There's a Yellow Submarine in Osu too, but their stock is generally pretty thin. There are a couple semi-local shops that don't usually carry much stock but can order stuff in for you as well - Meruhen in Midori-ku and Plamojuku in Ichinomiya (which also has a regularly-meeting game group that me and another member regularly go to).

Feel free to poke around the forums, join in conversations and ask questions!
Feel free to call me Dave!
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Re: Hi! Noob here.

Post by me_in_japan » Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:49 am

Hi and welcome! I’m just here to say howdy, really, as I’m not based in Nagoya (I’m in Mie, and don’t get to travel up there much these days. Thank you Covid :roll: ). As Dave says, there’s a pretty active 40k community in Nagoya, and they’re all good folks, so please do feel very welcome to join in any chat, ask questions (silly or otherwise) and generally get involved. Speaking personally, I don’t play 40k much anymore (although I sure as heck used to, and would be more than willing to bust out my eldar again, should the opportunity present itself), but I’d be more than happy to offer painting advice, or (if you’d care to travel down this dark and foggy path with me... :twisted: ) introduce you to other miniature wargames like Warhammer Underworlds, Warcry, Frostgrave or even (gasp!) abandon miniatures completely and embrace the dark side of...Magic the Gathering* :D

Regardless, welcome, and make yourself at home :)

*no, seriously, don’t. Your wallet will thank you...
current (2019) hobby interests
eh, y'know. Stuff, and things

Wow. And then Corona happened. Just....crickets, all the way through to 2023...

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Re: Hi! Noob here.

Post by Scubi » Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:52 am

Hey there!

Thanks for the reply and the info! I will try to make it on the 25th (I have a research paper deadline that day but it is only minor revisions so I hope to submit it before the deadline) and check things out.

I've read that Kill Team is a good was to "get into" the WH40K world. I have ordered some Necrons Immortals and a Lokhust Heavy Destroyer (Again, love the look of the Necrons) so I could probably (with the Necrons paint set) have something to make a kill team with.

Looking forward to it!
I'll look around the forums and see what I can learn. Thanks again!
Miniatures painted in 2021:
Brother Drago (Blood Angels): 1, Warriors (Necrons): 3

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Re: Hi! Noob here.

Post by Scubi » Mon Apr 12, 2021 2:08 am

Hey Me_in_Japan!

Thanks for the info and I will deff. be interesting in learning more about painting! I'm actually watching a painting tutorial as I write this. (ha)

I used to play Magic the Gathering (cards) and still have a few cards, but I quickly realized that the random nature of getting cards was making it an expensive hobby. At least with WH40K it seems that you can collect what you want and not buy what you don't. So, that appeals to me.

I'm sure WH40K will be expensive as well, but mostly at the beginning.... right???? RIGHT?????? (haha)

Thanks again for the info. I might actually be using boardgame stuff for some linguistics research (if it is approved) so, different boardgame options past WH40K would be useful.

Take care!
Miniatures painted in 2021:
Brother Drago (Blood Angels): 1, Warriors (Necrons): 3

Jye Nicolson
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Re: Hi! Noob here.

Post by Jye Nicolson » Mon Apr 12, 2021 2:42 am

Scubi wrote:
Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:52 am
I've read that Kill Team is a good was to "get into" the WH40K world. I have ordered some Necrons Immortals and a Lokhust Heavy Destroyer (Again, love the look of the Necrons) so I could probably (with the Necrons paint set) have something to make a kill team with.
Kill Team is good fun* but recently 40K itself has got *much* better at accommodating smaller games, so we've been playing a lot of Combat Patrol level 40k. That's about twice the size of Kill Team but has a similar play length and neat campaign rules. If you can make it to a game day we should be able to sort you out with a demo game using one of our Combat Patrols so you can try it out before you commit to an army.

If you are shopping though, Ring Tail is a great mail order option to supplement the stores mentioned above. I do nearly all of my shopping through Plamojuku since it's a great little shop with a cool little gaming community, but they don't carry a lot of stock so ordering from Ring Tail with next day delivery is my backup when I decide I need something in a hurry :)

If you are keen on Necrons they're in all of the starter sets now, so it's relatively easy to get a lot of the models for a good price (either by buying the starter yourself, ebaying from people who parted it out, or buying/trading from Space Marine players who got the starters - I have an unused Necron half of Indomitus and I'm sure I'm not alone. There's a classic Necron army for sale in the trading forum here too if I recall correctly).

Welcome to the board and hope to see you at a game day soon!

* I was a big Kill Team player when I first arrived in Nagoya but then I fell right down the 40k rabbit hole :lol:

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Re: Hi! Noob here.

Post by Scubi » Mon Apr 12, 2021 3:16 am

Oh! Combat Patrol sounds fun too. I've got a LOT to learn.
Thanks for the link to the RingTail. I will give them a look.

As for army collecting, your advice is welcome. I hope I can make it to the April 25th meet-up.
Miniatures painted in 2021:
Brother Drago (Blood Angels): 1, Warriors (Necrons): 3

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Re: Hi! Noob here.

Post by Primarch » Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:41 am

Welcome to the forums!

It seems that everyone else has answered your questions, all good advice. Necrons are a cool army to collect and play. They are relatively easy to paint, but you have the option to really go to town on them if you want.

Personally I don't play 40K anymore, (I haven't attended an event to play games for a year anyway), or at least I don't play the current edition of 40K. Most people like it, but I prefer previous editions and messing around with house rules. I'd guess I'm probably the person to speak to if you want to try out non-Games Workshop games as I play a lot of different systems, (Or I would if I weren't being extra cautious about Corona).

Feel free to jump into any ongoing discussions or start some of your own. The "What Did You Do Today" thread is the main social part of the forum, but have a browse around and see what's happening when you have time.

Painted Minis in 2014: 510, in 2015: 300, in 2016 :369, in 2019: 417, in 2020: 450

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Re: Hi! Noob here.

Post by jus » Mon Apr 12, 2021 11:22 am

Hi Scubi,

Welcome to the forum, It's always nice to have new folks join our group. If you are interested in Necrons I have a sizable army, half painted and half brand new. Something like 40 necron warriors and such plus characters and other units. You'd me helping me clear out space, so I'd let it go for cheaper than retail. I'll post pictures up if you are interested!

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Re: Hi! Noob here.

Post by Tarkin » Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:39 am


I see someone has already recommended Meruhen, they are pretty great, but they are a bit out of the way.
Any advice on armies would be welcome as well.
I THINK YOU SHOULD PLAY TYRANIDS!! And that's not just because I have some Tyranids I'm trying to sell . . . But you should probably just play whatever you like staring at the most, you're likely to spend way more time painting them than playing them on the table.

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