Path to Glory: The Edifying Generosity of Nurgle

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Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Path to Glory: The Edifying Generosity of Nurgle

Post by Jye Nicolson » Thu Jul 08, 2021 4:58 am

The Edifying Generosity of Nurgle

Faction: Maggotkin of Nurgle - Munificent Wanderers

Realm: Chamon, the Realm of Metal

Starting Size: Legion


- The Corpse-Mountain, Infected Leviathan (Old Keep)
- The Broken Hearth of Forgelord Crassus (Old Keep)
- The Infested Ruins of Bitterstream Ironworks (Small Settlement)

Stronghold: The Wreck of the Inimitable Generosity

Current Quest:: Defend Your Ream - 1

Glory: 21

Order of Battle


Warlord: Sevenfold Munificence Great Unclean One - 350
Spell: Favoured Poxes
Renown: 15
Command Trait: Pestilent Breath

Horticulous Slimux 225

Epidemius 180

The Actuary of Mirth and Misery Spoilpox Scrivener - 125

The Conductor of Compulsory Cavorting Sloppity Bilepiper - 130
Aretfact: The Withering Staff, Command Trait: Grandfather's Blessing


Jovial Plaguebearers Plaguebearers - 220
Reinforced, Icon, Piper
Renown Points: 3

Plaguebearer Gourmands Plaguebearers - 220
Reinforced, Icon, Piper

Philanthropistic Plaguebearers Plaguebearers - 110
Icon, Piper

Sybaritic Plaguebearers Plaguebearers - 110
Icon, Piper

The Condescending Regents Putrid Blightkings - 165
Icon, Sonorous Tocsin

Auspicious Nurglings Nurglings - 90


Triumphs: Inspired

Battalions: Vanguard
Last edited by Jye Nicolson on Mon Jul 26, 2021 1:25 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Re: Path to Glory: The Edifying Generosity of Nurgle

Post by Jye Nicolson » Thu Jul 08, 2021 5:00 am

I *think* this is how a Path to Glory goes together, it *should* be OK as long as it's kosher to give enhancements to someone other than the Warlord. I don't want to take the GUO in smaller games but I don't want to put the Sloppity Bilepiper in charge of the whole thing :lol:

Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Re: Path to Glory: The Edifying Generosity of Nurgle

Post by Jye Nicolson » Mon Jul 26, 2021 1:07 pm

OK, I played a game vs @Irongutsman using the rules for fighting an opponent not on the Path to Glory. I think the aftergame bookkeeping works like this:

1. Earn Glory Points - I get 10 for playing a 1500pt game. I don't qualify for the rest of the conditions, having been ever so slightly tabled :lol:

2. Resolve Injuries and Casualties - this step is skipped if the opponent is not playing Path to Glory

3. Gain Renown Points - this step *does* apply, but my troops do not meet the requirement for surviving the battle, and naturally do not meet the default bonus condition of being in enemy territory at the end of the battle. Technically I had a couple of little units alive at the end but having conceded I'm pretty sure they count as destroyed. I do however get to choose Favoured Warriors (ala Marked for Greatness from Crusade), and I choose the Jovial Plaguebearers, and roll a 3 for their bonus renown.

4. Complete Quests - I do not qualify for the condition for the Defend Your Realm quest (have units in my territory at the end of the battle) but I can spend 1 Glory for 1 point of progress, so I do.

5. Manage Stronghold - I don't yet have enough Glory to upgrade to an Imposing Stronghold, but I'm pretty close. If I can complete Defend Your Realm next game I should be able to buy one while still saving some Glory to deal with casualties (I sense the Maggotkin will take many casualties).

6. Manage Territory - I could roll on the territory chart now (you roll before buying the territory, so you know what you're getting) but I want to save towards a Stronghold upgrade so I keep my powder dry here.

7. Manage Your Order of Battle - It's very likely in an ordinary Path to Glory game where the Resolve Injuries and Casualties step was completed I'd be spending Glory here to recuperate casualties. This time I'm safe though!

The one thing I am doing is cashing in my newbie card to replace my Sloppity Bilepiper's Command Trait, which I did not notice actively conflicted with the Artefact of Power I chose for him. Technically you can't do this (much as with Crusade) but I always encourage people to swap things out when they're just starting, and I am clearly pretty clearly clueless with AoS so I'll extend the courtesy to myself for once. I will be more careful with the Stormcast once their tome arrives and I start up their Path to Glory.

Edit: Also missed that your Warlord starts with enough Renown for a Command Trait, and also that the Exalted Greater Demon of Nurgle warscroll can't build the model I have, and I in fact was using normal GUO stats for the actual game *anyway*, so I've fixed up the Warlord to be a straight up GUO.

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