Charadon Aflame: The Charadon Campaign Part 2

Information for campaigns players wish to run for any game system can be found here.
Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Charadon Aflame: The Charadon Campaign Part 2

Post by Jye Nicolson » Thu Jan 20, 2022 12:25 pm

What's different this time?

- There will be story stakes in each phase for who wins and loses, rather than just whatever's in the book
- More mechanical impact for winning a phase
- Imperium definitely can't win again, right? Come on, heretics and aliens!

Time and time again, Typhus has sacrificed legions of his allies to the guns and blades of the Imperium, buying time for his rituals and schemes, allowing his fetid claws to close around Metalica. Is that what Abbadon wishes? Will he pay any price to rid the Imperium of a Forge World?

Abbadon is far away, and Typhus in slipping within the ring of Imperium steel around the core of the sector has cut himself off. The countless warbands left in his wake, no doubt already wroth with his treachery, have now truly slipped the leash.

The destruction of Metalica may be what the enemy needs, but the darkness that has emerged from the Warp-rifts torn open by Typhus' sorcery cares only for what Chaos wants. For all his cunning, Be'lakor, First of the Daemon Princes, serves no strategy. He is a puppet of urges that lead only to madness, and his might will unleash that madness on a terrifying scale.

And who benefits when the Imperium and the Enemy tear themselves apart?

As ever, the alien.

TLDR: I want to get involved in the campaign, what do I do?

I just want to affect the outcome

- Play games in the 40K universe of any kind (40K is best but Kill Team, Titanicus, Aeronautica Imperialis, Battlefleet Gothic, one of those random board games, whatever)
- Tell me how the games turned out

I want to get Crusade or Spec Ops rewards!

- Pay attention to this thread, you will get rewards at the end of the phase that you may assign to either a Crusade or a Spec Op, and there may be mechanics that let you earn more during a phase
- You don't need to formally nominate participation, but let me know if you want your force to be in a different Alliance to the defaults (Defenders === Imperium, Raiders === Xenos, Invaders === Chaos)

I want to really get into it!

- Try to get Heroic Achievements
- Use the War Zone Assets rules when playing games of 40K
- Play the special mission for the phase
- Play Crusade missions from the Amidst the Ashes pack (I will bring this to all game days)
- Buy Crusade requisitions, traits etc from War Zone Charadon Act 2: The Book of Fire (I will bring this to all game days)
- Post in-character gloating/oaths of vengeance etc after games

I want to restart my Crusade

Lots of folks have or want to hit the reset button on their Crusades, giving them a fresh start with a roster of new units, but discarding the many upgrades they would have earned since we started playing at the launch of 9th edition.

If you played with a Crusade in the first part of the Campaign and have rebooted it (ie it's still IMPERIUM, NECRONS, CHAOS etc), you may take a bonus of 2 RP, and 6 XP for two different units, to represent the narrative link between your old force and the new one.

Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Re: Charadon Aflame: The Charadon Campaign Part 2

Post by Jye Nicolson » Thu Jan 20, 2022 12:26 pm

How does this work?

(nb: largely unchanged)
  • The campaign is a three phase battle between three Alliances - the Defenders (by default Imperium), Invaders (by default Chaos) and Raiders (by default Xenos).
  • The campaign is run by a Campaign Master (me), who has broad powers to award bonuses etc to make up for the fact that it's a campaign between casual players with random schedules and not expected to be a tightly scheduled league.
  • Each phase will last three months, ending at the end of the third month's game day. During a phase, playing games earns War Zone points for your Alliance, with more points for drawing or winning. We may optionally move to a faster schedule if Corona lets up, but it's been a long time since anyone won betting against Nurgle; I assume attendance at game days will remain very random for the rest of 2022.
  • While we expect most of those games to be Crusade games of 9th Edition 40K played at Nagoya Miniatures Club games days, any 40K universe game at any time is fine - just tell me about who played and the result! Those playing 9th Edition 40K will have special Theatre of War rules and a special mission available for the phase.
  • When two sides from the same Alliance play each other, one player will instead play for an Alliance that is not currently winning (eg if Defenders are winning and two Raiders play against each other, one player will be playing for Invaders instead for this game). If neither player has a preference roll off to determine who will temporarily switch sides. Please contact the CM if this creates weird incentives in practice.
  • At the end of the phase the alliance with the most War Zone points will win, earning Strategic Value points (1 for the first phase, 2 for the second phase, 3 for the third phase). At the very end of the campaign these SV points can be traded in for various bonuses.
  • At the end of each phase, various Crusade bonuses will be distributed to all participating Crusades, based on Alliance and personal performance (including some nice stuff if it hasn't been going well, in order to get you back into the fight)
  • At the end of the third phase the Alliance with the most Strategic Value points wins the overall campaign and eternal glory.
  • The Campaign Master may award any of the different points, Crusade bonuses, whatever at any time to try to keep things fun and vaguely fair for everyone. For example if a stalwart Raider player has to head back over the other side of the world for the third phase and can't make up their games on TTS or whatever, I can give the Raiders some bonus War Zone points to make up the absence, or find a Defender player to change Alliances or whatever.
  • I will be playing for all three Alliances, with one Crusade in each. However I will not be eligible for personal rewards (just those going to the Alliance), and I plan to count my games towards whoever is currently losing, even if I didn't have the right faction with me on the day.

Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Re: Charadon Aflame: The Charadon Campaign Part 2

Post by Jye Nicolson » Thu Jan 20, 2022 12:26 pm

Phase One - Be'lakor's Prize

The ring of steel enclosing Metalica has been broken, but by no design of Typhus. A shadow has emerged from the Warp, and darkness has fallen upon Kolossi, homeworld of the Knights of House Raven - the shadow of Be'lakor, oldest and most terrible of the Daemon Princes. Imperial forces, slow to defend the callous Fabricator General of Metalica, rush eagerly to repay debts of honour and gratitude to the noble Knights. Xenos raiders note with glee that a world almost as rich in the Omnissiah's blessings as a Forge World is suddenly ripe for plunder...

Be'lakor has brought a literal shadow to Kolossi, plunging it into an eternal night. The fate of an entire House of Knights rests on this phase of the war - we will assume all battles take place somewhere near the Kolossi system or otherwise influence that theatre of the war.

Story Stakes:

Invaders Win: Contrary to Be'lakor's plan, the entire planet will be drawn into the Warp, opening a path to reinforcing the Death Guard at Metalica.

Defenders Win: Be'lakor will be banished, his forces slaughtered and House Raven restored to glory; the noose around Typhus' neck will remain tight.

Raiders Win: In the slaughter and madness, the hangers and vaults of Kolossi will be cracked open and everyone gets a cut. Drukhari, Orks, Tau, everyone carries off the wargear and riches of the Knights. This bonanza fuels yet more raiding and looting, severely disrupting the forces of the Imperium and Chaos both.


Until the end of the March game day

War Zone Points earned per game:

Play any game: 1

Draw/Win Combat Patrol or Kill Team: 1/2

Draw/Win Incursion: 2/3

Draw/Win Strike Force: 3/4

Draw/Win Onslaught: 4/5

A maximum of 20 points can be earned per player per team during the phase.


After repeated successes repulsing their foes during the first phase of the war, the Imperium's defenders begin to think themselves invincible...

As winners of the last campaign, the Defenders have access to the Hubris mechanic; if it works out in play it will pass to the winners of this phase in the subsequent phase.

At the start of the game, if you are playing an army of the Defender faction, and your opponent agrees, you may select any number of the following bonuses to receive at the end of the game:

- 1 RP
- Choose an additional unit to be Marked for Greatness
- Forge World Warzone: Gain a free Weapon Enhancement or Crusade Relic (40K) or 2 equipment points (Kill Team)
- Legacy of the Ashwalkers: Ignore the first failed Out of Action test after this battle

For each bonus you choose, your opponent may roll one die. At any time during the game, they may substitute the rolled value of that die for any die that is about to be rolled (ie that hasn't already been set to a value by Miracle Dice or other rules) and is not being rerolled.

War Zone Assets

You may use the following rules if all players in a battle agree, and if you do so each player will earn a bonus War Zone point for the battle.

War Zone Assets represent the advantages gained by the opposing factions in their battles so far; the rules suggest teams should choose them from a list (with previous winners getting to pick first), but since we don't really have stable teams in the Age of Nurgle I will be picking them narratively for now.

Each Alliance has two War Zone Assets to choose from. After determining Attack and Defender, you may choose one of the two to use for that battle. In a Strike Force or larger game, you may spend 3 CP to use both.

  • Inquisitorial Precognition (Witch Sight): Once per battle round, use the Command Reroll Strategem for 0CP
  • Fortified Positions: All units in your army (except Aircraft) gain the benefit of Light Cover. A unit loses this benefit if it makes a Normal Move, Advances, Falls Back or makes a charge move.
  • Ritual Sites: If your roll for determining first turn is a 1, 2 or 3, you may force all players to reroll.
  • Shrouding Artifice: Once per battle in your Command Phase you may declare the battlefield shrouded. Units more than 24" from an attacking unit are not valid targets for ranged attacks. This continues until your following Command Phase, at which you roll a die. On a 1-3 it ends. On a 4+ it continues until your following Command Phase and then ends.

  • Aerial Reconnaissance Pass: After all players have finished deploying units, you may redeploy D3 units (or one Titanic unit) anywhere in your deployment zone.
  • Deep Void Battle Station: Gain D3 Command Points

Special Mission: Darkness Descends on Kolossi (pg 54, Book of Fire)

Through cunning, manipulation and supernatural terror tactics, Be'lakor the Dark Master has mired the populace of Kolossi in fear and panic. The defenders have drawn in about the comforting light of the Keep Inviolate and fortified themselves against attack. They do not realise that they have, in truth, stepped willingly into the Daemon Prince's trap. As the moment to strike arrives, Be'lakor and his traitorous servants seek to turn the stronghold of House Raven into its tomb.

You gain a bonus War Zone point the first time you play this mission in this phase.

This is an objective control mission involving limited range (can't shoot more than 24"), interferes with aura and priest abilities, and units failing morale tests may find one of their models turns traitor.

The victor bonus is *significantly* higher than usual for a Crusade mission.

Strategic Value Points

The winning Alliance for the phase gains 1 Strategic Value point

Crusade Rewards

Note: XP rewards can be distributed as you please between units on your Order of Battle

Winning Alliance: 5 XP, Hubris next phase

Second Place Alliance: 2RP

Losing Alliance: 2 RP


If we die we die fighting so it don't count: 1 RP or 5 XP (your choice) if you lose every game for the phase

Vengeance for Nagoya: If you beat an opponent who defeated you earlier in the phase, you may choose an extra unit to be Marked for Greatness for that game

Vengeance for Okharium, Fathom, Honestly a Lot of Places: If you beat an Imperium force, you may choose an extra unit to be Marked for Greatness for that Game

Master of the 10th Company: 1 RP or 5 XP (your choice) for teaching someone to play 9th Edition 40K

Khorne Welcomes You: 1 RP and 5 XP for playing your first Crusade game of 9th Edition

Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Re: Charadon Aflame: The Charadon Campaign Part 2

Post by Jye Nicolson » Thu Jan 20, 2022 12:27 pm

Heroic Achievements

At the end of a battle, you may select one of the following achievements whose conditions you have fulfilled.

If this is the first time in a phase you have selected that achievement, you gain the listed reward.

On each subsequent time, you gain 2 bonus War Zone points for your Alliance (the CM is not eligible for this bonus).

A character unit that has been part of an army that achieved a Heroic Achievement four or more times may be eligible for a special reward at the end of the campaign (see Legendary Titles in the Book of Fire pg 118).

Condition: One unit destroys four or more units during the battle
Reward: That unit gains 4XP

Psychic Domination
Condition: One unit destroys two or more units using psychic powers during the battle
Reward: That unit gains a Psychic Fortitude

Fortune Favours the Brave
Condition: An enemy unit is destroyed by an attack with a strength of half or less the enemy's toughness
Reward: The attacking unit gains 5XP

Tactical Masterclass
Condition: You score 90 VP from objectives
Reward: You may select three units for Marked For Greatness instead of one

Condition: Every surviving friendly unit (must be at least four units) ends the game in your opponent's deployment zone
Reward: Each of those units gains 1XP, you gain 1RP

Secure at All Costs
Condition: There are at least four objective markers on the battlefield and you control every objective marker at the end of the game
Reward: For each objective marker you control, select one unit within range of an objective marker to receive 1XP. You gain 1RP.

Bloodied but Unbroken
Condition: One character unit that destroyed one or more enemy units has 1 wound remaining at the end of the game
Reward: That unit gains 4XP. You may use the Warlord Trait requisition on them for free, even if they have not gained a rank

Mighty Duel
Condition: Your Warlord destroys an enemy Warlord with a melee attack
Reward: Your Warlord gains one battle trait

Condition: Your Warlord destroys an enemy Warlord by any means other than a melee attack
Reward: Your Warlord gains 4XP

Death Before Defeat
Condition: All of your units are destroyed but you win the game
Reward: Pick 1D3 units to automatically pass their Out of Action tests. Each unit gains 2XP for participating in the battle rather than 1

All But One
Condition: A unit that started with 10 or more models has only one model left at the end of the battle, and is in the opponent's deployment zone, in range of an objective marker that is not in your deployment zone, or in engagement range of any enemy units
Reward: That unit gains a Battle Honour

Bitter Struggle
Condition: At the end of the game, neither side has been completely destroyed, but both sides have 10% or less of their starting Power Level/Points on the table, and the VP difference is 10 or less.
Reward: You may select 3 units to be Marked for Greatness rather than 1. Gain 1 RP.

Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Re: Charadon Aflame: The Charadon Campaign Part 2

Post by Jye Nicolson » Wed Mar 23, 2022 12:09 pm

Standings before the March Game Day

Invaders: 15
Raiders: 13
Defenders: 10

Adding up the Jan and Feb results and it's very close - for once though, Chaos is ahead, will they carry the day in March, drawing Kolossi into the warp?

Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Re: Charadon Aflame: The Charadon Campaign Part 2

Post by Jye Nicolson » Sun Apr 03, 2022 2:53 pm

Phase 1 Final Standings - after the March Game Day

Raiders: 19
Invaders: 15
Defenders: 15

The Invaders once again struggled to capitalise on their earlier momentum due the fickle fortunes of game day attendance (仕方ないね)while the recent popularity of Xenos armies served the Raiders well.

That gives them the early initiative with 1 Strategic Value point, and with Ork, Genestealer Cult and Aeldari armies emerging, as well as a new Tyranid codex very soon, they have every chance of gathering more.

Everyone can collect the following phase bonuses:

Raiders (Xenos): 5 XP to distribute amongst your units
Defenders (Imperial) & Invaders (Chaos): 2 RP

Raiders can furthermore try the Hubris mechanic next phase (as I probably will with Clowns; I really *should* have used it with Custodes), and I'll rejigger the Strategic Assets based on the story result: while Chaos the Imperium were busy fighting each other, the Xenos raiders cracked open the armouries of Kolossi and made off with everything not nailed down. A devastating blow to House Raven, and certainly foiling the plans of Chaos, just with plenty of small-c chaos in the aftermath.

War Diary of Master Inquisitor Tara

We have been such fools.

It is cold comfort to know the Archenemy was equally deceived; we fought each other with such fury, such hatred, that we could see naught else. And the alien made sport of our endless war, as she has ever been want to do.

House Raven, that depended upon us in their hour of need, lies in ruins. The curse upon their planet is lifted, the Dark Master gone to seek more rewarding prey, but their fortresses are shattered and their vaults empty. They may take some grim consolation in the heretic corpses that litter their once-fair world, but that is naught but evidence of a stalemate sustained through bloody sacrifice.

Volcano Lances and Plasma Decimators now bedeck the ramshackle warmachines of the Orks. The sacred fuel of knightly reactors now serves as the unholy heart of the Genestealer Cults' bombs. Worst of all the Throne Mechanicums - and all their secrets - have been hauled back to Commorragh; I am reliably informed that already Knights are made to fight in the Dark City for the depraved amusement of its gladiator Queens.

Typhon gained nothing here, but without the hammer of House Raven to strike against the anvil of Metalica I fear the campaign to break his seige of the Forge World will be long and hard. We need a victory, and we need to trust in our supply lines. I have accordingly asked my allies to launch an assault to retake Fathom, the ocean planet we so recently purged the forces of Nurgle from only to lose to the Black Legion once our backs were turned. The Imperium needs the fruits of Fathom's aquaculture, and we require the allies of Typhon to be dead.

Yet will the alien again make mockery of our battle? When I meditate, I hear naught but laughter over the growls of some endlessly hungry beast...  

Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Re: Charadon Aflame: The Charadon Campaign Part 2

Post by Jye Nicolson » Wed Apr 20, 2022 3:07 am

Phase Two - Return to Fathom

Nobly defended from the devouring forces of plague so recently, the Feiros system and with it the ocean world of Fathom has fallen to the Black Legion while all eyes were upon Typhus and Be'lakor. In response, High Lord Morvenn Vahl has declared a local Crusade to retake the precious world and its vast aquacultural engines, for more than the bones of any saint or the site of any martyrdom, the food that fills the bellies of the voidsmen and the Guard represents the Emperor's mercy and benevolence.

Lord Discordant Zeid and his allies - Black Legion and Night Lords alike - welcome the return of the Imperium to their newly established hunting grounds, sending horrific provocations back into Imperial space to stoke the fires of the Crusade yet further ahead of the coming slaughter. But have they underestimated the might the High Lord brings with her, or the machinations of the Inquisitors smoothing her way?

And have both sides of this titanic battle underestimated the extent to which they are at the mercy of the alien, following the looting of House Raven's armouries?

Story Stakes:

Invaders Win: With their supply chains fatally broken by the loss of Fathom's aquaculture, the Imperium forces moving on Typhus in the final stage will be forced to fight on corpse starch rations, drastically reducing the combat effectiveness of the countless men and women crewing the fleets.

Defenders Win: The majority of the Black Legion forces in Charadon will be destroyed or driven off, depriving Typhus of these unreliable but undeniably powerful allies during the final battle.

Raiders Win: Through careful manipulation or indiscriminate belligerence, the Xenos will force the battle for Fathom into a protracted, bloody stalemate, depriving both the Imperium and Chaos of forces at the climactic battle of Metalica, and opening great opportunities for everyone else.


Until the end of the June game day

War Zone Points earned per game:

Play any game: 1

Draw/Win Combat Patrol or Kill Team: 1/2

Draw/Win Incursion: 2/3

Draw/Win Strike Force: 3/4

Draw/Win Onslaught: 4/5

A maximum of 20 points can be earned per player per team during the phase.


With the riches of House Raven filling their holds, the Xenos feel the wind at their backs, and do not fear to tread anywhere in Charadon...

As winners of the last phase, the Raiders (Xenos armies) have access to the Hubris mechanic.

At the start of the game, if you are playing an army of the Raider faction, and your opponent agrees, you may select any number of the following bonuses to receive at the end of the game:

- 1 RP
- Choose an additional unit to be Marked for Greatness
- Forge World Warzone: Gain a free Weapon Enhancement or Crusade Relic (40K) or 2 equipment points (Kill Team)
- If we win, we win, if we die, we die fighting so it don't count: Any friendly unit that is destroyed but passes its Out of Action test gains 2XP.

For each bonus you choose, your opponent may roll one die. At any time during the game, they may substitute the rolled value of that die for any die that is about to be rolled (ie that hasn't already been set to a value by Miracle Dice or other rules) and is not being rerolled.

War Zone Assets

You may use the following rules if all players in a battle agree, and if you do so each player will earn a bonus War Zone point for the battle.

War Zone Assets represent the advantages gained by the opposing factions in their battles so far; the rules suggest teams should choose them from a list (with previous winners getting to pick first), but since we don't really have stable teams in the Age of Nurgle I will be picking them narratively for now.

Each Alliance has two War Zone Assets to choose from. After determining Attack and Defender, you may choose one of the two to use for that battle. In a Strike Force or larger game, you may spend 3 CP to use both.

  • Inquisitorial Precognition (Witch Sight): Once per battle round, use the Command Reroll Strategem for 0CP
  • Faithful Resurgence: Add 1 to Combat Attrition tests taken for units in your army. When a model in your army makes a melee attack, if they made a charge move this turn, reroll a hit roll of 1.
  • Ritual Sites: If your roll for determining first turn is a 1, 2 or 3, you may force all players to reroll.
  • Fortified Positions: All units in your army (except Aircraft) gain the benefit of Light Cover. A unit loses this benefit if it makes a Normal Move, Advances, Falls Back or makes a charge move.

  • The Spoils of House Raven: Grant one unit a Weapon Enhancement for the duration of this battle (this does not raise its Crusade Points). Once per battle round, you may use a Wargear strategem for 0CP.
  • Deep Void Battle Station: Gain D3 Command Points

Special Mission: Return to Fathom (pg 56, Book of Fire)

This time the Imperium are well aware that they are entering a trap, that the Black Legion and Night Lords desire their coming, that the floating platforms of Fathom are laden with such firepower that to make landing is to fly through Hell itself.

They do not care.

They have arrived in such force, and with such faith and will, that they know that whatever price is to be paid, the Lord Discordant's head will be taken and the breadbasket of the Charadon sector once again returned to the Emperor's Light.

You gain a bonus War Zone point the first time you play this mission in this phase.

This is an objective control mission where the Defender (ideally Chaos) has the advantage in controlling objectives, the Attacker (ideally the Imperium, wouldn't mind having a crack with my Sisters) has first turn and morale advantages. Both sides have bonuses to melee or charging.

The victor bonus is extra XP for all units that destroy any enemy units.

(note we didn't play the special battle from last phase and I'd really like to so that might be fun on the May game day)

Strategic Value Points

The winning Alliance for the phase gains 2 Strategic Value points

Crusade Rewards

Note: XP rewards can be distributed as you please between units on your Order of Battle

Winning Alliance: 5 XP, Hubris next phase

Second Place Alliance: 2RP

Losing Alliance: 2 RP


All according to plan: 1 RP or 5 XP (your choice) if you lose every game for the phase

Vengeance for Nagoya: If you beat an opponent who defeated you earlier in the phase, you may choose an extra unit to be Marked for Greatness for that game

Vengeance for Kollosi: If you beat a Xenos force, you may choose an extra unit to be Marked for Greatness for that Game

Master of the 10th Company: 1 RP or 5 XP (your choice) for teaching someone to play 9th Edition 40K

Khorne Welcomes You: 1 RP and 5 XP for playing your first Crusade game of 9th Edition

Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Re: Charadon Aflame: The Charadon Campaign Part 2

Post by Jye Nicolson » Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:29 am

Standings after the April Game Day

Defenders: 10
Invaders: 10
Raiders: 5

Yet another games day where Matt's experience with his Imperial Guard force - and the influence of big tanks on little boards - brought home much glory for the Imperium.

Tallgeese and Job fought valiantly for the schemes of Tzeentch and blood and skulls respectively, but were done no favours by firing lanes or the deep, deep well of elven shenanigans. And the Harlequins themselves proved better allies to the Imperial cause than their own by both losing to and allying with them in the same day.

However, I chose to award points for one of my wins to the Invader/Chaos side - my Emperor's Scythes/Imperial Fists have been closely associated with the untrustworthy Dark Angels and frequently manage to warp Inquisitor Tara's plans even when she's *right there*, so I figure it's reasonable they played right into the schemes of the forces of ruin. Since I expect plenty of Orks and Aeldari at next month's games day, and based on their win last phase, I don't think the Raiders need any further help!

Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Re: Charadon Aflame: The Charadon Campaign Part 2

Post by Jye Nicolson » Fri Jun 03, 2022 11:42 am

Standings after the May Game Day

Defenders: 22
Raiders: 18
Invaders: 11

While the Aeldari and Tyranids showed all their power on the day, the dogged resistance of the Black Templars, Dark Angels and Imperial Guard racked up a lot of points for the Defenders, keeping the Raiders from catching up.

Tallgeese's World Eaters bravely flew the flag for Chaos but with their old codex vs the sheer resilience of the Deathwing it was an uphill battle.

I will almost certainly put my points towards the Invaders next month (though I plan on running Sisters...), but the outcome of the phase may very well come down to the determination of the Adeptus Astartes versus the Hunger of the Swarm...

Jye Nicolson
Posts: 1902
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:04 pm

Re: Charadon Aflame: The Charadon Campaign Part 2

Post by Jye Nicolson » Tue Jun 28, 2022 1:59 pm

Phase 2 Final Standings - after the June Game Day

Defenders: 28
Raiders: 23
Invaders: 22

Despite bold efforts by the Thousand sons and (if 10,000 years disjointed in time) Traitor Legions both Astartes and Titan, the Invaders were unable to secure the run of victories they'd need to overtake the Defenders. And through dogged persistence, the Tarsonian Ashwalkers secured victories through the time-honoured Imperium practice of having bodies left to stand on objectives when everyone else had run out :lol: Kudos to Matt for once again delivering results in defiance of the Guard's theoretical competitive position.

While the Raiders were in a stronger position to catch up, the only Xenos present on the day were @Tyranii-chan's splendid Tyranids, who were tragically betrayed by the cards of Tempest of War (which actually looks fun as hell) and suffered a defeat in spite of their terrifying strength.

Everyone can collect the following phase bonuses:

Defenders (Imperium): 5 XP to distribute amongst your units
Raiders (Xenos) & Invaders (Chaos): 2 RP

The Defenders gain 2 Strategic Value points, representing the recapture of the vital aquaculture world of Fathom, the dispersal of Typhon's Black Legion allies, and the simple ability to eat real food as they turn to the final phase of the war - the battle for Forge World Metalica itself.

War Diary of Master Inquisitor Tara

The final charge on Fathom was a thing of glory, the Abbess Sanctorum at the very spear tip of a giant host of the loyal and the valorous - Sisters, Astartes, Custodians, Wolves, Skittarii, and the countless regiments of the Charadon sector braving fire and blade and hell itself in the defence of home. The hammer fell upon the strongest point of the Traitors' line, into the very heart of their carefully prepared ambush, and broke it asunder. The legends of that day shall not die so long as the Imperium stands.

And yet it was not won there. Our preparation was meticulous. The Black Templars, the Sable Lions, the Tarsonian Ashwalkers - their bloody and noble struggles across a hundred worlds cut the hamstrings of that mighty host of the Ruinous Powers, a thousand skirmishes that drained, blunted and isolated the enemy. Only at great cost were the Thousand Sons and their ruinous weapons kept far from Fathom. Only through sacrifice were the Tyranids lured away from such an impossibly rich feast. Only through commerce of which I do not dare record even here were the deeds of the Aeldari made...compatible...with our aims.

As ever, unsung heroes laboured to build the legend of my design. As ever, I will not forget them.

And yet my reward for them is yet more bloody work, though this time I intend to see the tale brought to a triumphant end in which we may all have our share of glory. Long have we ignored the imperious command of the Forgemaster General to attend him in his hour of need; long has he endured Typhus' siege, to the point of breaking. At last we are ready, and at last we come.

We do not come at the Forgemaster's call; we come to break Typhus and all his works, to burn a sickness out of our home. The forces of hell rally to stop us; the infinite hunger of the alien circles at our heels, ready to strike at the first scent of blood. But our footing is firm, our legend growing, and it is time at last for our fury to be unleashed.

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