New Year's Resolutions - 2023 Edition

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New Year's Resolutions - 2023 Edition

Post by Primarch » Wed Jan 04, 2023 11:04 pm

I wasn't planning on starting a resolutions thread, but then M_i_J went and mentioned it in the New Year's thread, and so here we are.

As a bit of a break from the norm (although we didn't have a thread last year), rather than just being a place to set unrealistic hobby targets for ourselves, I think we can also use this thread to talk about what we are all hoping for as a community and what we are looking forward to this year.

So, in that spirit:

1. Marines. It's no secret that I am very much into the Horus Heresy revamp that GW has been drip feeding us over the past 6 months, so I'm definitely going to keep working on my 30K armies. Currently I have 6 Legions under construction, but only 2 are really playable. I'd like to get enough work done on my other forces to get them onto the table.

2. All Marines, All the Time. My second aim for this year is to get some of my Badab War forces done. I got roughly half of my Nova Marines done and I have some allies and opponents for them to do as well. Again, the aim is to get something on the table by the end of the year.

3. More marines? Kinda. Towards the back end of last year I picked up some minis for 'Nam. While this probably appeals to a very small percentage of our group, I'm going to try to have enough finished minis for a demo game this year. Not sure what rules I'll be using yet though.

4. And the rest. I have sooo many things to work on. Bolt Action, Battletech, Saga, Malifaux and more. Aside from the three priorities above, expect to see a fairly wide mix of stuff from me. This resolution is pretty vague, but I hope to keep chipping away at my various to-do piles in the ongoing war of attrition that is my hobby.

In more general terms, I am tentatively interested in 10th ed. 40K which is rumoured to be coming this year. I am hoping that it is a step away from 8th/9th and a step towards 5th/30K 2nd ed., though I'm sure everyone will have their own preferences for these things. I love the setting, so I hope GW does a good job with 10th.

And finally, my hopes for NagoyaHammer as a group. While the gaming group did meet regularly during the pandemic, I chose to avoid the additional risk and sat out most of the games days. That, plus what I recognise as a growing anti-social tendency on my part has left me largely on the fringes of the group. I'm not 100% on the names of anyone who joined after 2019, so I'm going to do my best to rectify that as soon as possible.
I'm also going to try to do more demo games this year, though that is largely dependent on whether you guys want to try something new. There is a lot more to the wargaming hobby than just GW after all.
And finally, I'd like to work on a big community project again. Be it a painting thing, a narrative thing or a campaign. I always find that my inspiration and motivation increase when I have other people around me working towards the same end goal. (I'm also very much aware that maintaining interest in such things in the long term is very difficult).

There are probably other things as well, but after a week of sleeping late, watching pointless shows on TV and generally just sitting on the couch doing nothing, that is all that immediately springs to mind.

So how about you? Any plans, dreams or aspirations for 2023? What are you hoping for from the local hobby community? What will make this a stand out year for you? If you've lapsed on the hobby, what will bring you back into the fold? Post your thoughts below, or feel free to pick apart my musings if you want. Have at it!
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Re: New Year's Resolutions - 2023 Edition

Post by Jye Nicolson » Thu Jan 05, 2023 4:10 am

I buy too much but I paint and play almost all of it so no reason to make a resolution assuming that's going to change 😅. Instead my unrealistic resolution is to get my storage situation in order, which might need the help of a real estate agent.

If we're able to get more regular attendance I think some sort of campaign or event would be great. I liked the robust mechanics of the Chardon campaigns I ran but it's not inherently as engaging as map campaigns; bit of a risk/reward situation but maybe we can afford more risk. We currently have a good variety of games being played (40k and Malifaux being the big ones but always a bunch of other tables going) which makes things hard to stitch into a campaign, but maybe we could have 40k campaigns to send off 9/see in 10th and Malifaux campaigns as well?

I'm still planning on mostly playing 40K. I love trying lots of games and I'm always interested in seeing new mechanics, but fundamentally with ~2 face to face games each month the backlog of unplayed 40k models that I love and want to see on the table exerts too much pressure :lol:

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Re: New Year's Resolutions - 2023 Edition

Post by The Other Dave » Thu Jan 05, 2023 6:59 am

Hmm! I had another pretty zen year in 2022, all told - which reminds me, I should make a year in review post for myself (Cliff's Notes version: I did a good job of keeping my hobby purchases in check, so storage is staying comfortable while I'm staying very much on top of my painting queue, all of which is good). So there's not too much I really want to change, but:

*I didn't play a whole lot of 40K or Kill Team in 2022, and since I do think 40K at least is sort of a "NagoyaHammer Relationship Mortar" :lol: I should probably try to play more. OTOH and TBQH, I think 9th has hit that rules-bloat area 40K tends to slide into at the later stages of an edition where even in casual mode I just can't keep it all in my never very organized brain, so I may wait til 10th before I really get back into it again in a big way. Maybe it's time to push KT a bit more again.

*I've been having some good luck growing our little Underworlds community up in Ichinomiya, and I kind of want to try to leverage the new season and its ease of entry to make another push to get NH people interested (it really is in the best place it's ever been to get into completely casually). I do have to strike a balance between evangelizing and being annoying (or, alternately, get over feeling like I'm being annoying when I'm just suggesting a game), though. :D

*Karantu and I were going to organize NagoyaHammer this year, but as he seems to be reprioritizing his hobby time, that just leaves me, and I was never really the one all gung-ho about it (see my feelings about "40K as a Necessarity Not-Really-Evil-but-That's-the-Expression" above), hence the window to put it together for 2023 coming and going. So some time prior to autumn-ish I may be putting out feelers to see if anyone wants to do that with me in 2024.
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Re: New Year's Resolutions - 2023 Edition

Post by me_in_japan » Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:52 pm

My 2022-hobby-year-in-review is mixed, but not entirely downbeat. I did a very small amount of painting, which is pretty par for the course these days, but I'm at the point where I'm comfortable with that. Tbh I couldnt even tell you what I did this past year, but I defo did something, and that's fine.

For 2023, my goals are:

Get up to Nagoya more (yes, but...!) I think it will actually be doable this year. Towards the end of last year I brought my kids up a few times, and so far nobody has scared them enough to make em want to stop :lol: * So my hobby goals this year are quite strongly aligned with my kids. I want to help them assemble their christmas minis (a repulsor executioner for Noah and a Necron battleforce for Sean), and get that plus their other minis painted up. They both enjoy painting, but are very easily distracted by pretty much anything, so I kinda need to lean on them a bit to do it, and help out with fiddly bits (that executioner! dayum, but that has a lotta bits...) So yeah: main goal is get up to Nagoya, bring kids, play 40k

On which note, I dearly hope they launch 10th ed this year. I'm holding off on buying codexes until they do, and I really hope they reduce the complexity by a huge factor. There's just waaaay too many things to keep track of at the moment, and coming in cold like I did was horrible. In magical Christmas land, I'd like for my kids to get familiar enough with 10th ed that I can leave them to play 40k and I can play other stuff if I feel like it.

Personally, I want to play more Malifaux. I have a handful of minis I want to get painted up (Colette, a couple Ice Dancers, Miss Tique (i caved and bought this direct) and my whole Ramos crew. That seems like a feasible number for a year, surely?

I also want to paint my dnd group's minis. That's first on my order of business.

Let's see how I get on with the year...

*this is a Joke (tm). Actually y'all have been super understanding towards my kids, and it's really very much appreciated.
current (2019) hobby interests
eh, y'know. Stuff, and things

Wow. And then Corona happened. Just....crickets, all the way through to 2023...

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Re: New Year's Resolutions - 2023 Edition

Post by Balloonacorn » Tue Jan 10, 2023 5:48 am

My New Year's Resolutions

1) Go to more Game Days. I missed a third of them last year.

2) Play more Malifaux. Currently building my 3rd crew. Get them painted and play monthly.

3) 40k - Finish painting my Dark and Blood Angels - I don't know how much I will play (40k seems a bit haphazard right now) but I want to get them painted.

4) Still looking for that, elusive, perfect fantasy game I can sink my teeth into and forget all the others. Will this year be the return of the Old World from GW?

I am willing to help any efforts to revive Nagoya Hammer.
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Re: New Year's Resolutions - 2023 Edition

Post by YellowStreak » Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:09 am

Well with my move back to Japan, I'd just like to get some games in as I really haven't gamed face-to-face with anyone since 2020. (I did spend a few days in Canada playing Zombicide last year though). This year I'd like to try out...
  • Battletech - I have a few forces painted up and would like to get some games in
  • Lunar - a small skirmish game of combat on the moon in an alternate history cold war. Not everyone's cup of tea perhaps, but i have USA and USSR teams painted to demo
  • Bolt Action/Konflikt 47 - would loiek a chance to dust off the Bolt Action figs and want to explore K47
  • Rank and Flank fantasy - I really enjoyed Oathmark when I played it last, would like to give it another go, but also interested in WHToW
  • Frostgrave/Mordheim/fantasy skirmish
  • Other assorted stuff....
So many games, so little time....
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Re: New Year's Resolutions - 2023 Edition

Post by Jye Nicolson » Fri Jan 13, 2023 11:03 pm

One thing I should mention is that if we were thinking of a more structured campaign, I can set up one on Administratum which makes the paperwork vastly easier. They've been steadily adding campaign management features on top of being the easiest way to manage your Crusade, and I'm subscribed to the Goonhammer Patreon so I'd be able to share any extra features we needed.

(this is for 9th edition 40K, obviously. I assume they'll roll with any changes for 10th)

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Re: New Year's Resolutions - 2023 Edition

Post by Konrad » Mon Jan 16, 2023 11:58 pm

YellowStreak wrote:
Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:09 am
Well with my move back to Japan, I'd just like to get some games in as I really haven't gamed face-to-face with anyone since 2020. (I did spend a few days in Canada playing Zombicide last year though). This year I'd like to try out...
  • Battletech - I have a few forces painted up and would like to get some games in
  • Lunar - a small skirmish game of combat on the moon in an alternate history cold war. Not everyone's cup of tea perhaps, but i have USA and USSR teams painted to demo
  • Bolt Action/Konflikt 47 - would loiek a chance to dust off the Bolt Action figs and want to explore K47
  • Rank and Flank fantasy - I really enjoyed Oathmark when I played it last, would like to give it another go, but also interested in WHToW
  • Frostgrave/Mordheim/fantasy skirmish
  • Other assorted stuff....
Itakura and some of the Japanese guys play Frostgrave. I love it, (and Stargrave) but have not played in a while. I looooove Mordheim! Lets go guys! Old School Mordheim campaign for 2023! :mrgreen:
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