Epic in 2022: Horus Heresy &c.

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Re: Epic in 2022: Horus Heresy &c.

Post by The Other Dave » Wed Aug 31, 2022 3:49 am

Like, here's an example of where I might go for 3000 points: link

You've got:
Terminators in Spartans with the supreme commander for a solid mobile core
Tacticals on foot with heavy weapons to camp on a forward objective and shoot at stuff, while being hard to shift due to strength of numbers
Teleporting Grave Wardens because you gotta (a chaplain is really useful for units that plan to get stuck in, because it helps with blast marker removal and gives a boost to assault resolution to boot)
A Rapier battery with mortars for one more garrison (which can fire indirectly, which is nice)
A unit each of Sicarans and Javelins for some speedy, long-ranged firepower where and when I need it
Fire Raptors for ground attack and, in a pinch, combat air patrol (these are also kind of a luxury, and a couple storm eagles might do the job just as well and more cheaply*)
A Fellbade superheavy because you gotta

Two units of terminators might be a bit much too, and swapping out the grave wardens for some breachers or something (Death Guard can't take assault marines as a line formation, or I'd think about that) would be an option.

*I did just notice that Storm Eagles have transport, which is nice as well.
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Re: Epic in 2022: Horus Heresy &c.

Post by The Other Dave » Wed Nov 02, 2022 1:16 am

A quick report: jus and I had a fun game of Epic 30K at the last Nagoya games day - he used my Death Guard, and I took my Knights. The marines I've collected are a bit of a fussy force for a new player (as they have garrisons and troops deploying via storm eagle and dedicated objective-holders and other stuff that kind of wants you to have a good handle on how the rules work), while the knights (like they are in 40K) need careful handling as they're all war engines that will stomp most anything they get into close range with*. BUT we had fun! Epic remains a very solid game, and the heresy army lists aren't really different enough to the tried and tested 40k lists to come anything close to changing that. Breachers were extremely good at murdering vehicles, Knights-Lancer were extremely good at murdering everything, and next time I definitely want to add a reaver to each side just for some fun titan shenanigans.

*In my defense, I did suggest he take the knights! :lol:
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Re: Epic in 2022: Horus Heresy &c.

Post by Primarch » Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:47 pm

There are rumours of a new boxed game of Epic coming this Autumn.
http://natfka.blogspot.com/2023/03/a-hu ... s.html?m=1
Now, Natfka/Faeit has a long history of posting every rumour and seeing what sticks, but he isn't the only rumour-monger suggesting Epic is on its way.

Valrak (a youtuber who tends to have a good hit:miss ratio with GW release rumours), posted this on Bolter & Chainsword.
Can I just add that my Epic at WarhammerFest is just speculation on my part, I know it’s out this year and I’m hearing at the end of Summer so Fest makes most sense
I was personally hoping for another big HH box, but I'm kinda interested in a 'little' HH box too. :D
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Re: Epic in 2022: Horus Heresy &c.

Post by The Other Dave » Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:59 pm

Some folks in the Epic podcast world were kremlinology-ing the appearance of what looked to be a molded base on a Warhound in one of the recent AT previews, too! It's slightly bad timing what with my having just 3d printed an entire space marine army, but OTOH if plastic mechanicum is indeed a thing it means I don't have to search for those STLs. On the whole if it's true it's only good news (especially the bit about being based on the Epic Armageddon rules).

Still, rumor and all that. :lol: Expectations low, hopes high.
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Re: Epic in 2022: Horus Heresy &c.

Post by The Other Dave » Sun Apr 30, 2023 11:51 pm

People seem to be thinking that these bits in the WHFest teaser video are pointing towards the Epic Heresy rumors being just possibly maybe true:


Large scale battles including both Marines and Titans? Count me on board for "maybe"!
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Re: Epic in 2022: Horus Heresy &c.

Post by The Other Dave » Mon May 01, 2023 1:06 am

Edit to add: People being people online, it looks like there's grumbling about the Horus Heresy branding, since it'd mean no xenos at least for a while. I'm copacetic, though - just like with Adeptus Titanicus 1988 and Space Marine first edition and Adeptus Titanicus 2018, if sticking to Heresy (where they only have to produce one faction's worth of models) rather than 40K (where they'd want 4 at least and even then people would still grumble) is the difference between a game getting made or not I'll cheerfully play in the HH sandbox.
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Jye Nicolson
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Re: Epic in 2022: Horus Heresy &c.

Post by Jye Nicolson » Mon May 01, 2023 1:58 am

My hot take is by making it 30k you miss out on the coolest bits of the Imperium! Making an Indomitus Crusade army would be awesome.

You'd have to paint a tiny beard on your Lion though.

Still if they do something that's easy to expand into from an AT (and maybe AI?) base that'd be awesome.

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Re: Epic in 2022: Horus Heresy &c.

Post by Primarch » Mon May 01, 2023 3:24 am

Meanwhile the HH fanbase is complaining that we may see core infantry units in epic before they are released in 28mm.
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Re: Epic in 2022: Horus Heresy &c.

Post by The Other Dave » Mon May 01, 2023 4:45 am

Jye Nicolson wrote:
Mon May 01, 2023 1:58 am
Still if they do something that's easy to expand into from an AT (and maybe AI?) base that'd be awesome.
I expect it will be - if the rules are based on Epic Armageddon as Prim's rumors earlier in the thread suggest, it's a well-known system and people have a lot of experience hacking new armies into it. Add a 3D printer and the sky's the limit.

There's still a lot of unknowns, of course (like, is it really more than rumors? :lol:) but, just like 40K (if not more so because of the scale) making something that looks like an Indomitus Crusade on the table would be pretty trivial.
Primarch wrote:
Mon May 01, 2023 3:24 am
Meanwhile the HH fanbase is complaining that we may see core infantry units in epic before they are released in 28mm.
I have to admit, the irony is delicious. :D My fingers are extremely crossed that the rumor about plastic Mechanicum are true - a Gryphonne IV force to back up my Legio Gryphonicus would be *chef's kiss*.
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Re: Epic in 2022: Horus Heresy &c.

Post by The Other Dave » Sat Jul 01, 2023 2:22 pm

Welp, it's official, so there goes my hobby budget for the next bit.

Starter box has smallish-looking forces* for Marines and Solar Auxilia plus a couple of Warhounds, and the models all look very nice indeed. I'm half thinking about picking up a box or two, but I really don't need 4 more warhounds, tempting as plastic ursus claws and volkites are, let alone 2 rulebooks. No word on rules yet, but they're promising lots of news over the next few weeks, so presumably they'd tease some of the mechanical side of things.
Feel free to call me Dave!
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