Just moved to Nagoya

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Just moved to Nagoya

Post by Zwackus » Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:26 pm

Hi, all

I just moved to Nagoya from the Kanto region. I got into minis with Warmachine back in 2017, but with that game dead I'm sort of floating around between games at the moment. I've played a bit of Warcry and love AoS models, I can run and teach Infinity and have enough terrain for two tables if necessary, and I have a good-sized army for Conquest which I've only played once.

I also love simulation-style wargames (like from GMT), and crunchier Euros. Also interested in running some tabletop RPG, something I've not done in years and years.

I'm near Nagoya dome, and have a large dining table.

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Re: Just moved to Nagoya

Post by Primarch » Sun Apr 28, 2024 12:47 am

Hello and welcome to NagoyaHammer.

A few of us dabbled in Warmachine back in early 2nd edition(???), I had Khador back in the day, the models were great, even if the local interest wasn't there. Likewise a few people tried Infinity, but again it never really lasted.
These days 40K is the main game in town, but there is a small but dedicated group playing Malifaux every month.

We are holding our annual 'big' event this coming Friday and Saturday in Kanayama. The first day is for 40K and Malifaux, the second is for every game system (except 40K), so if you want to come along and say hi, you are more than welcome to drop in. There will be spare tables available, so if you wanted to bring along a demo game of something I'm sure we can fit you in.
You can find more info here:

In the meantime, feel free to jump into any ongoing threads or start your own if you want to.

Prim (aka Stuart).
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Re: Just moved to Nagoya

Post by Jye Nicolson » Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:31 am


If you're keen on AoS models, Underworlds is one of the other staple games in the community and is popular amongst Japanese players too. @The Other Dave runs an Underworlds event once a month in Ichinomiya where we play a lot of Rivals/Nemesis, it's easy to get into.

I'm a Warcry fan but haven't played it in ages due to Underworlds and 40k staking out all my playtime. It's such an accessible game though that there's always the threat of it breaking out again :lol: . Likewise with AoS coming into its new edition there should be interest in giving that a shot - there's a fair bit of AoS play already in Japanese, but our biggest English speaking AoS fans haven't been able to be regular attendees of the monthly events. Sufficiently neat Skaven models might give it a shot in the arm, 3rd is definitely a good game so high hopes for 4th.

Regardless of what we end up playing, looking forward to meeting you!

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Re: Just moved to Nagoya

Post by The Other Dave » Sun Apr 28, 2024 3:48 am

Welcome, welcome!

Agreeing with the folks above that probably the best thing to do is drop by one of the monthly games meetups and see what's what! As people have said, 40K is sort of the main event around here, but enough of us are on the fence about other games that we could get tipped over into a critical mass of players pretty easily. I've certainly played a bunch of WarCry in the past and enjoy it (and, yes, if you're interested, we have a very lively monthly meetup for Underworlds), and Kill Team is an easy and popular way to dip your toes into the SF side of GW gamery. I think Conquest and Infinity are mostly known by reputation locally, but folks are usually up for a demo at least.

We don't do board games too often at the Nagoya meetups, but I believe there are one or two dedicated boardgame groups with membership overlaps. Same with RPGs, although other folks would know more about that than I do.
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Re: Just moved to Nagoya

Post by Zwackus » Sun Apr 28, 2024 4:52 am

I actually own a moderate amount of aged 40K models, unbuilt and unpainted, but I've never been seriously motivated to play the game itself. Would much prefer to get cracking on the Age of Sigmar stuff I own, just because I like the look of it more. I do have several Underworlds warbands, some of them painted, so that's an easy start I suppose, as is Kill Team if I prep a few more of those models.

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Re: Just moved to Nagoya

Post by me_in_japan » Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:26 am

Hi, I'm Dave (not the other one 😏 ). I don't get up to Nagoya to play much (I'm in Mie) but wanted to just say hello and welcome. As folks have said, while 40k is popular, it's by no means the only game we play. Personally I'm focusing on 40k right now, but I've got a bunch of WMH Cryx from a while back, as well as the operation ice storm PanO I got when I dabbled in Infinity. Malifaux is my other game of choice, but aye - come along and see what's what. We meet regularly once a month, and this coming Friday/Saturday we're having our once-yearly 2-day event which is 40k (and some Mali) day 1 and everything else (and Mali) day 2. Come say howdy :D
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